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Unofficial Final Fantasy Thread


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I think we should make a thread for everything Final Fantasy related seeing as I know a few members love it like myself and why not have a thread so we can talk about it's excellence and I will post Tour de Japon doing FF7's main theme.


any of you's still playing any FF's?

I'm playing FF7 on the psp and just completed Dirge of Cerberus which was very under-rated. Hopefully should start playing 12 properly soon.

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I loved 7 and remember playing it all the way through i rare thing for me.

Hated 8 and 9 and then got 10 on the PS2 but by that time i was onto PC gaming and i never really got into it.

I was actually thinking of playing 7 again recently, i also have 2 and 3 on my laptop for the SNES which i use SNES9X to play although i also have chrono trigger as well as the other snes classics such as breath of fire, front mission etc.

Actually i recommend front mission and vandal hearts 1 and 2 on the ps1 if you have never played them, vandal hearts being more like FF tactics.

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I played 8 and hated the turned based battle style but I played the FFVII Dirge of Cerberus which was set after the events in the movie Advent Children and found that game awesome. The 3rd person freestyle fighting system is far better in my books. Be interesting what they do with the amazing capacity of the blu-ray.

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Excellent, a Final Fantasy thread, not sure what number we're up to with them as they seem to vary depending on console <cr> thought the last rendition on the PS2 was a bit disappointing seemed to be an awful lot of quantity but not much quality got bored with it in the end.

Still looking forward to the PS3 release though, shame it's so long into the future and you can be gauranteed that release will be delayed!

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FF7 is still my favourite game, I started playing it when it come out in 1997, i was 10 years old. the game changed my life, opened my eyes up to newlevels of creativity, story telling and issues with human relatinoships and conflicts. It's the best story I've ever encountered in an RPG, or any, game.

I still play it.

FF8, was ok, FFV was great as was FFVI

Felt that FFIX and FFX sucked.

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FF7 is still my favourite game, I started playing it when it come out in 1997, i was 10 years old. the game changed my life, opened my eyes up to newlevels of creativity, story telling and issues with human relatinoships and conflicts. It's the best story I've ever encountered in an RPG, or any, game.

I still play it.

FF8, was ok, FFV was great as was FFVI

Felt that FFIX and FFX sucked.


mind you it is the only one i've played, heard a lot of people rave about 7 and 8 though!

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mind you it is the only one i've played, heard a lot of people rave about 7 and 8 though!

If you do play FFVII or VIII, you've got to understand the graphics are very out dated, outstanding for 1997 standards, but date now.

The story line, and the emotional attachments to the characters were superbly written :drool:

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Loved 7 and 8, not played 9 yet, got half way through 10 but not finished. got 10-2 but not started it until i finish 10.

I thought dirge of cerberus was awful, not an FF game in my eyes.

Just bought revenant wings for DS, gonna take me a while to get used to the system.

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I think we should make a thread for everything Final Fantasy related seeing as I know a few members love it like myself and why not have a thread so we can talk about it's excellence and I will post Tour de Japon doing FF7's main theme.


any of you's still playing any FF's?

I'm playing FF7 on the psp and just completed Dirge of Cerberus which was very under-rated. Hopefully should start playing 12 properly soon.

you playing FF7 through CFW?

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They better be releasing FFVII: Crisis Core for the PS2. Such a waste to release it on the PSP.

GTA and Silent hill have made the leap from handheld so Square should start porting it as soon as the PSP version hits the shelves.

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Loved Final Fantasy 7, the story, characters, scenery, everything was perfect. I'll never forget taking Cloud and the crew from the Midgar slums, across the entire world right up to the Northern Crater to face the great man himself - Sephiroth, still the best and most bad ass villain there ever was!!

My first FF was FF8, loved that one too. It got kind of weird toward the end tho, ie crazy storyline.

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Final Fantasy VI for me - but it all depends on when you started with the series. I started on SNES with FFIV so had my best moments with those versions. Still love the rest of them and looking forward to FFXIII but FFVI remains the best in the series for me. Went to a talk with the boy in charge of their company wide development tools last week (who was also in charge of Vagrant Story if anyone picked up that shit awesome game) and they showed some more FFXIII - looks pretty swish - not out in EU land for a while yet though.

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Hahaha aye, everyone who played FF7 loved Sephiroth! Cloud got him in the end though!

Such a poignant scene :D

I started on SNES with FFIV so had my best moments with those versions.

I've never had the chance to play IV, is it worth my time?

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I've never had the chance to play IV, is it worth my time?

Definitely - you obviously have to overlook the graphics which even on the SNES were pretty poor but the the game stands easily alongside the later versions - great story (with good twists), great music and good characters stacked up with the usual FF fare. There's a remake in 3D coming out for the DS (already out in Japan) which might be worth a look as well.

I assume you've played FFIV which is definitely easier on the eye so I'd recommend anyone wanting a pop at the SNES versions to try that first - the villain, Kefka, is just as good as Sephiroth (bit more crazy days though).

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I think we should make a thread for everything Final Fantasy related seeing as I know a few members love it like myself and why not have a thread so we can talk about it's excellence and I will post Tour de Japon doing FF7's main theme.


any of you's still playing any FF's?

I'm playing FF7 on the psp and just completed Dirge of Cerberus which was very under-rated. Hopefully should start playing 12 properly soon.

you playing FF7 through CFW?

Yup along with both of the Suikoden's :D

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I've never had the chance to play IV, is it worth my time?

Definitely - you obviously have to overlook the graphics which even on the SNES were pretty poor but the the game stands easily alongside the later versions - great story (with good twists), great music and good characters stacked up with the usual FF fare. There's a remake in 3D coming out for the DS (already out in Japan) which might be worth a look as well.

I assume you've played FFIV which is definitely easier on the eye so I'd recommend anyone wanting a pop at the SNES versions to try that first - the villain, Kefka, is just as good as Sephiroth (bit more crazy days though).

Nice one, cheers for that :D

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I like this thread brings back good game memories.

get yourself snes9x and check out the FF on the snes and while you are at it get secret of mana, breath of fire and chrono trigger great games i just got my hands on 500 snes roms and snes9x, bought a pc controller from Amazon for about £5 (which looks like a ps2 controller) and have been playing them on my laptop some of these games have aged well and are still playable shadowrun is another good one.

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I have ZSnes emulator on my PC, Started playing Chrono Trigger but got stuck, then lost the save game, couldn'be arsed starting again.

Whats the consensus on Final Fantasy 8? First FF game I played, reckon its up there as one of the best, yet some people seem to hate it?

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I started on FF 7, loved it best FF ever in my opinion. Then got 8, loved it too. Then got 9, not so great. But FFX was superb, can't believe that anyone wouldn't like it. If you spend the time it's superb fun, I'm still plying it on my PS2 occasionally and have racked up about 250 hours trying to beat all the hard bastards in the monster arena. I've now done that and am looking to fight all the hard demony bastards (can't mind their names right now) that you bump into occasionally, got 2 to go till I can fight the mental boy at the end of them.

Not played any of the newer ones.

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I have ZSnes emulator on my PC, Started playing Chrono Trigger but got stuck, then lost the save game, couldn'be arsed starting again.

Whats the consensus on Final Fantasy 8? First FF game I played, reckon its up there as one of the best, yet some people seem to hate it?

I loved FF8, maybe some people don't like it because it changed too much from FF7, I know some of my mates Can't stand anything after FF10 as the Level system changed so much.

I've Just started on ff9 yesterday and its looking good, I think its gonna take me some time to get properly into it though.

If anyones looking for a really good RPG other than FF, then try Illusion of Time on the SNES, my first RPG and probably still my favorite.

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