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McBoyd's Technical Support and Guides Thread


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After re-reading someones thread about potentially losing important data on their computer due to a system malfunction, i thought it would be a great idea to put up a link to Windows Live SkyDrive.

All i have to say is that people should backup as often as possible (tu)

5GB of free online storage allows you to back up plenty of important documents, photos, music or videos. (any data you want)

Access it anywhere and everywhere, and help not lose those all important documents.

Give it a try..


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  • 4 weeks later...


Have a problem with You Tube? Heres a short FAQ to help you with it :) Hope it works.



I can't see the video on youtube, its just a black screen, whats going on?

The main reason for this is flash, you either don't have flash installed on your computer, or you don't have the latest version.

What is flash and where do i get it?

Flash can manipulate vector and raster graphics and supports bi-directional streaming of audio and video.

You can get it here: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/do...=shockwaveFlash

Make sure to totally UNINSTALL the original FLASH you have on your computer before resintalling it again.

I still can't see videos on youtube? And i am getting the message "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player."...?

If you get this error message, it means that you either have JavaScript turned off in your browser, or you need the latest version of the Flash player.

How to enable java script:

Internet Explorer 7

  • Select Tools > Internet Options.
  • Click on the Security tab.
  • Click the Custom Level button.
  • Scroll down to the Scripting section.
  • Select Enable for Active Scripting and Scripting of Java Applets.
  • Click OK.
  • Select YES if a box appears to confirm.
  • Click OK. Close window.
  • Reload page.
  • Open Firefox.
  • On the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click Content in the Options list.
  • Under the Content section, check the box next to Enable JavaScript.
  • Click the Advanced button to open the Advanced JavaScript Options box.
  • Check the boxes under Allow scripts to section that you want to allow.
  • Click OK.
  • Click OK.
I am on youtube and it will only play about two seconds of the video and then freeze, whats going on?

Sometimes it can be a problem with cookies (not very often) so first of all give those a clear and retry. If not.. keep reading.

Mainly this is a problem with the flash version you have, in most cases reinstalling said flash will fix the problem, uninstall it from your Control Panel and under Remove Programs, and reinstall the latest version here.

I tried that and it still doesn't work?

Sometimes it can be a problem with cookies (not very often) so first of all give those a clear and retry.

I tried that, and it still doesn't work, and i am using Mozilla Firefox!


Some people using Mozilla Firefox have the problem, and this is due to the file "WPSWF32.dll" (The Flash .DLL file) not being in the C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins folder and so Firefox does not recognize that you have it, even if its installed.

To fix this look for a folder called Macromedia/Flash normally found in C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash and copy the above .dll file into C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins and that should fix that problem.

I am not getting any sound on youtube!?

There are a few ways people have found out how to fix this:

FLASH: Once again as with all problems on youtube, first of all try reinstall flash (or get the latest version here http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/do...shockwaveFlash)

DIRECT X: Other people have found that reinstalling Direct X will work, so give that a quick go too.

REGISTRY MISSING: Adobe.com states that to fix this you must do the following:

- Open the registry editor (Start>Run>Type "regedit") click on regedit.exe

- Go through the left pane, search through it until you have a 'tree' that looks like this.. (Windows NT will be replaced with whatever Windows you have)

My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32

- In the right pane, right click and create NEW STRING VALUE, enter 'wavemapper' (without the quotes), right click > Modify> Enter 'mscam32.drv' in VALUE DATA.

- Close the editor. No need to restart. Video on Google and YouTube et al would work fine now.

SOUND CARD DRIVERS: Another reason that has been found as to why you can't hear sound on youtube is your sound card. Give that a check and make sure all the drivers are up to date and working correctly on that.

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How to speed up Windows Vista's Shutdown.


Now watch out with this, if you don't feel comfortable editing your registry, don't. And don't go playing with random parts of it either :craphead: your computer won't work anymore.

Also back up the registry if in doubt.

To boost the speed at which Vista shuts down your computer we need to use "regedit"

Anyway, at the minute Vista waits 20,000 milliseconds (20 seconds) to tell a program it is shutting down. We just need to edit that to a lower number to make it shut down quicker.

To get to 'regedit' click START and then in the search box just above the Vista logo (Start button) type 'regedit', without quotes, and click on the program it brings up.

You should get this:


Next click on the branches on the left pane, browsing through until you have made your way to this:



Now on the right hand pane you'll see some different keys, at the bottom is one called "WaitToKillServiceTimeout", right click on this and click MODIFY.

Now, enter 5000 where it previously said 20000, and exit the program. Why not lower than 5000? Well the programs need some time to close down properly, 5000 is so im told, the lowest you can make it with enough time to do so.

Windows Vista will now wait 5000 milliseconds before closing down, which is alot better.


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I'd argue the presence of Vista stops your PC working in the first place m8.


Mine works great with Vista.

Depends if you have a decent PC or not :craphead:

Intel disagree.

They've abandoned the notion of upgrading their workstations to it because they believe it's bloaty, bugged, and not cost effective.

Vista is a poor quality OS - I have a more than decent PC - the only thing Vista has is DX10 and it's a disgrace that DX10 cannot be used with XP.

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I'd argue the presence of Vista stops your PC working in the first place m8.


Mine works great with Vista.

Depends if you have a decent PC or not :craphead:

Intel disagree.

They've abandoned the notion of upgrading their workstations to it because they believe it's bloaty, bugged, and not cost effective.

Vista is a poor quality OS - I have a more than decent PC - the only thing Vista has is DX10 and it's a disgrace that DX10 cannot be used with XP.

:lol: Like i said i can see where people are coming from if its faulty.

But it must be something with INTEL, because HP have made a fine laptop that works great with Vista.

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I'd argue the presence of Vista stops your PC working in the first place m8.


Mine works great with Vista.

Depends if you have a decent PC or not :craphead:

Intel disagree.

They've abandoned the notion of upgrading their workstations to it because they believe it's bloaty, bugged, and not cost effective.

Vista is a poor quality OS - I have a more than decent PC - the only thing Vista has is DX10 and it's a disgrace that DX10 cannot be used with XP.

:lol: Like i said i can see where people are coming from if its faulty.

But it must be something with INTEL, because HP have made a fine laptop that works great with Vista.

My lappie has Vista too. Doesn't mean anything.

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I'd argue the presence of Vista stops your PC working in the first place m8.


Mine works great with Vista.

Depends if you have a decent PC or not :craphead:

Intel disagree.

They've abandoned the notion of upgrading their workstations to it because they believe it's bloaty, bugged, and not cost effective.

Vista is a poor quality OS - I have a more than decent PC - the only thing Vista has is DX10 and it's a disgrace that DX10 cannot be used with XP.

:lol: Like i said i can see where people are coming from if its faulty.

But it must be something with INTEL, because HP have made a fine laptop that works great with Vista.

My lappie has Vista too. Doesn't mean anything.

:lol: If it works fine it does, the user is happy and thats all that matters :craphead:

I don't want to sound like im defending it, as its really not that great an OS, im just getting at it works fine for me, and it'll do (tu)

Linux (ubuntu) suprised me yesterday, that was great, tempted by that now.

OR one day i may write my own :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Before cleaned up my computer and started afresh, the youtube video scroll bar was mordern and cool and could scroll precisely from 9:00 to 8:26 for example, whereas now the scrolling is analog and is not as good. Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.

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  • 3 months later...

Vista is so 'good' Micropoop are rushing out windows 7 which they claim is super new. Uh uh, not according to experts. It's totally based on vista and has all the annoying faults vista has while bringing nothing new to the table for corporate clients.

Microshaft have been touting this OS to consumers with BS advertising but those in the know, know.


"So far, Windows 7 looks and behaves almost exactly like Windows Vista. It performs almost exactly like Vista. And it breaks all sorts of things that used to work just fine under Vista. In other words, Microsoft's follow-up to its most unpopular OS release since Windows Me threatens to deliver zero measurable performance benefits while introducing new and potentially crippling compatibility issues."

"IT organizations rejected Windows Vista en masse, and Windows 7 is Microsoft's response. Simply put, it's not enough. Slapping an upgraded UI onto an already discredited OS platform fools nobody and serves only to further alienate the very enterprise customers whom Microsoft claims to be wooing. What the company needs to do is listen to its corporate customers and implement the features that IT shops have been requesting: lower resource requirements, better backward compatibility, and a clear migration strategy from Windows XP. The window for lowering resource requirements in Windows 7 has undoubtedly closed. But it's not too late to fix Vista's spotty support for legacy Windows applications."

"Application virtualisation technology is an ideal way to isolate troublesome applications. If Microsoft were to include its App-V bits in Windows 7 - as part of a legacy-compatibility subsystem that could take over when a problem application is detected - I'd take its claims of targeting the enterprise more seriously. As it stands, there's little in Windows 7 that IT shops will find compelling. Most of the new features are targeted squarely at consumers, which is the same formula that got Microsoft into trouble with Vista.

The larger question is what all those Vista refuseniks will do when their hopes for Windows 7 are crushed. Some will undoubtedly give in. After all, you can prop up Windows XP only for so long. However, for many shops, this may be the perfect opportunity to seriously explore the alternatives outside Microsoft. Ubuntu Linux gets more polished each quarter, while Apple hardware and Mac OS X continue to impress technical and nontechnical users alike.

One thing's for sure: Microsoft's once unassailable dominance of the enterprise desktop is wobbling on a precipice. Windows Vista has permanently eroded the company's reputation among IT decision makers, and from what we've seen of Windows 7 so far, Microsoft still does not "get IT".



Now playing: Pink Floyd - Pigs (Three Different Ones)

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 3 months later...

Question about YouTube:

When I try to play a playlist in full screen it always says video 2 is unavailable but if I leave it on the normal windowed player everything is fine. Any ideas what can be causing this?

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  • 3 months later...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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