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Everything posted by Clarkyyy

  1. mon the whe ho - top of the league and we're hopeful of another win against benburb 2day in what should be a good game
  2. Was an even better decision to swap them back tho at the start of this season tho m8 eh
  3. Do you not read what i write? I said he did well when we were playing 4-4-2 early on and scored 2 goals, he even set up one, and after that went quiet up front alone. What is wrong with that, thats a fair assumption i'd say. you are a brainless little hero worshipping idiot. he was pathetic as usual. what did lafferty or naismith do up front that boydy never ? answer = nothing what did boydy do that lafferty & naismith not do? set up a goal Give McBoyd a break ffs hes only giving his opinion
  4. i know alot of folk r slagging him for his big hoof up the park .. but although i agree sometimes he should feed in his full backs and play from the back, this year i feel his kicking has greatly improved .. hes kicking it further and getting more accurate .. just another wee tweak of his game that has made him a better keeper!
  5. his record with penalties is frightening lol
  6. great stop early doors, came for everything and never fumbled , and what about his assist for the second goal .. well done again good sir Btw is it not amazing how confident you are he'l save a penalty ( even tho he never today i bet almost half of us thought he would!! )
  7. imo if we'd kept playing 4-4-2 wed have scalped them for 4 or 5 .. they wer rocking and we were rolling .. but yet again auld wattie goes 4-5-1 and tries to sit a game out .. 2-0 is never a lead to sit back on against them as wen they score 1 they will always look likely to score a 2nd .. but hey lets not moan lets celebrate
  8. after that display, they had to say ... ?
  9. So i took them up to the ibrox park
  10. i met a bunch of strangersssss
  11. indeed .. leave the indicipline to the bead rattlers
  12. can u smell that? .. fuck off ya t****** fuck thers totties on yer own board now
  13. Go out there and do us all proud wee man .. We Are The People
  14. Has any1 else heard andy grays big bit about rangers and how we are HIS club .. he also talks about having to go to training with a collar and tie on etc lol
  15. just when we thought it was a straight choice between miller and lafferty for the lone striker role when fit - step forward stevie naismith .. hes been awesome tonight. winning headers and holding up when he can.. will b interestting to see how long he lasts. COME ON RANGERS P.S another 2 great saves from McGregor - he really is a big time Keeper who'll have a lot to do with our successes this season again
  16. Having met this milf and been in her home a dare say i wouldnt visit either .. dirty micky fucks 8-)
  17. all the boys know her do ye all now .. fair play shes turned into a bitt a beaver :O
  18. i'd imagine it will be released along with the 3rd strip m8
  19. well if you see her tell her she would get lol - i saw her the other day walkin down the rd wae a pair a preddies on lol - she must b playin fitbaw now .. shes only abt 17 anaw .. if a see her a'll have more pressing issues than TELLING her she'd get it .. if u get my drift haha
  20. im not saying dont applaud him .. all i'm saying is it's all good havin a forward whole run about hard n close down defenders .. but you also want them to b able to score when an oppertunity knocks .. for that reason alone i'd hav novo up front until laffertys back 8-)
  21. he's called Jig in the changing room lol - not Jake
  22. Craig ur avatars a burd fae my bit lolol as a side note :O
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