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Everything posted by schwantz

  1. Just back from George Square.. Poster above has it spot on - heres what happened: March past of armed forces & veterans, who assembled in the middle of Geo Sq. There was an amazing reception for them all, so well done to the people who made the effort to support this. As the final notes of the last post sounded, a small number of IRA sympathisers (Sinn Fein), came along the top part of George Sq. Heard lots of shouting, calling them scum - the old veterans beside me just shook their head in disgust. The crowd surged to the top half of George Sq, and I think some of them caught up with one or two of the scum. Certainly one at least caught a few slaps. The rest bolted up to Cathedral Street, and I think they got lifted - probably more for their own safety. There were a few songs sung at them - TFIO, and no surrender to the IRA - nothing sectarian at all. However, there were, as you would expect, some neds just looking for an excuse to box, that was the only thing that disappointed. I have to say that reading the STV account of this makes me boil - I mean wheres the parity in reporting ? Are reporters blind? Why shouldn't the crowd vent its fury when these cretins openly dishonor our armed forces past and present? This really could only happen in Glasgow ! I'm actually ashamed of today, and angry that the truth simply wont be told by the 'press'. Funny that everyone I spoke to today from the forces, veterans, cops, and organisers, were disgusted with the 'protest' by Sinn Fein'. Why is then, that its only the BBC/STV that have a completely different take on it - suddenly its a Loyalist / sectarian mob problem!! If anyone from the press is lurking - shame on you !! Pictures from today to follow, when I get a minute.
  2. I'd take the lot of the fuckers out with a Storm Shadow myself. Nah, we don't have as many of those as we'd like so it would be a waste of good munitions.... saying that....perhaps some pink diesel in an old drop tank might work...... haven't dropped Napalm since 'Nam Ah, lets not fart about with toys - use the real thing: Use this
  3. PS, I've been in touch with the Armed Forces Day organisers in GCC. They are aware of a protest by Sinn Fein (IRA), and insist that they were powerless to stop the protest. Seemingly the Police will 'observing' them closely. I'm actually quite ashamed, as some of the 'protestors' are from my home town.
  4. Yes, details have been bumped to the top again for info.
  5. This is just an unashamed bump for a good cause, which I hope some bears may make some time to show-up and support our armed forces. Please feel free to forward to anyone interested.
  6. no its a serious matter you timmy loving f***** need to realise that our clubs heritage is being destroyed Ah here we go - don't agree with me and your a Tim eh? Shouldn't you be on Follow Follow? I'm sure there more of your sort over there ! EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion, if it differs from your opinion, it doesn't make them any less of a supporter than you.... These Uber proddies really twist my melon at times !! Take a deep breath and try to be objective without resorting to calling everyone Earls.
  7. What songs are you referring too and what part of our 'history and heritage' do you mean? Serious question. I think the original poster should perhaps amplify what he means by 'i dont no how some people can call them selves rangers fans' and 'to sing and embrace its history and heritage' There are songs, that have become popular in the 70's - 90's, but dont necessarily reflect the clubs history or origins. Similarly, if you choose not to sing certain songs (or words, FTP eg), then it doesnt make you less of a Rangers fan.. Granted there are 'dark forces' in politics & the media this will always seek to vilify Rangers, but adopting the principle of 'I'm going to sing what I want and who cares about the implications to the club', is in fact playing into their hands. The smart move is, as another poster suggests, is box clever ! Dont give them ammo, and given enough rope they will indeed be outed as 'mopes ! Nothing stopping us singing 'Uber Proddy' songs, but perhaps (tin hat on now), some of us should reflect about what the word Protestant means. I love this club, and always will, I sing songs, but in reality, I'm not a religious person, dont attaned church, albeit I'd never critisise anyone who does. Perhaps, just perhaps, some of us, take this defender of the faith thing to serious - especially if you are no more religious than the next guy on the street. In these times of ultra PC, we need to be smart, and dont give Timmy and the press more ammo than they have - thats the intelligent way brothers n sisters.
  8. I think turning up in numbers to show support to the armed forces will be enough for these rheptiles to go and crawl under a stone ! I for one, with a few friends will be there to enjoy the day !!!
  9. Typical from Swally, he want to be everyones mate.. Up until Lennon and O'Neil arrived, Grant was up there as number one to hate ! A more bitter and twisted kunt !
  10. God you really couldnt make this up - please remind me what country is this? Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan, Eire? How in gods name can these despicable morons be allowed to do this in OUR COUNTRY ? I nearly almost said 'Why dont you go home' and protest in the Rhebel state - ooops, but sorry we arent allowed to say that are we? They may get (more?) offended !! Wonder how many Juan Guy's and hoops tops will be there, showing their usual support for anything anti British !
  11. Fellow Rangers supporters; Our affinity with the UK Armed forces is something we should be very proud of, albeit in some quarters, we are sometimes demonised for it. Also, our reception for the soldiers & marines at Ibrox was phenominal, and the ongoing support to the unfortunate servicemen @ Erskine has been well documented for years. On Saturday 27 June 2009, Glasgow will be hosting some 500 UK servicemen and women from all three services. If you happen to be free on Saturday, could I ask you to try and support this event. (Oh and a few wee Rangers flags wouldnt go amiss either !!). You can also show your support by posting messages on the various blog sites listed below - all of these are read by active service personnel. Details are as follows: Armed Forces Day - Saturday 27 June 2009 Service and MOD personnel are encouraged to take part. Armed Forces Day is about the nation honouring its Armed Forces – past, present and future – and raising public awareness. At 1030 hrs on Monday 22 June 2009 hundreds of communities, councils and government offices across the UK will simultaneously raise the Armed Forces Flag to show their support. The first ever Armed Forces Day national event will take place at the Chatham Historic Dockyard in Kent on Saturday 27 June 2009, alongside hundreds of smaller Armed Forces Day events across the country over the rest of this month. Visit the Armed Forces Day Website at www.armedforcesday.org.uk to find out about events in your area and other ways in which you can get involved. This is summarised below. Your local event: For a full and current listing of events visit Armed Services Day. A table of local events in June can also be found below. Wear Your Uniform to Work Day – Friday 26 June 2009 Be part of the day’s activities by wearing your uniform. As part of the Armed Forces Day activities, Reservists are encouraged to wear their Service uniform to their place of work on Friday 26 June 2009 (where this is compatible with their civilian duties and local security considerations – see JSP 440, Part 7, Section 1, Chapter 7). Similarly, Service personnel working in Head Office London will be wearing their uniform to work as detailed in single-Service instructions. Get involved online - Facebook: become a fan of Armed Forces Day on Facebook and keep up-to-date with news and events, and show your support for the Armed Forces past, present and future. http://www.armedforcesday.org.uk/Facebook.aspx - Twitter: send a personalised message of your support, raise a flag online, and customise your Twitter background with the Armed Forces background on Twitter. http://www.armedforcesday.org.uk/Raising-the-Flag.aspx - Messages will be displayed on the Armed Forces Day website on Monday 22 June from 10.30. - Downloads: Free downloads to help you support the event: You can download a badge to use in your favourite online communities, networks and forums, see http://www.armedforcesday.org.uk/Downloads.aspx for more information. You can download and print off a special poster flag to fly in your window. Why not display yours in the week leading up to Armed Forces Day on the 27 June. Plus, sign up to receive your free Armed Forces Day window sticker. - Charity support: find out how you can show your appreciation to the Armed Forces by providing support, both practical and financial, to personnel and their families. http://www.armedforcesday.org.uk/Charity-support.aspx - Children’s Art Competition – Picture Your Hero: if you know anyone aged 9 to 14 who would like to support the event, why not encourage them to enter the Armed Forces Day art competition? By drawing a picture of their hero, they could be in with a chance of winning a VIP day out with the Royal Navy for them and a friend. Find out how to enter at http://www.armedforcesday.org.uk/Childrens-Competition.aspx the deadline for entries is 26 June 2009. - You can submit your own photos of your local Armed Forces Day event or AFD involvement using the Armed Forces Day website and Flickr – it’s a really simple way of recording and sharing your experience of the day. For more information go toArmed Services Day. Glasgow Event details: Glasgow Armed Forces Day Location George Sq80 George Sq Glasgow G2 1DU Date 27 June 2009 , 11:00 - 16:00 Details: Glasgow's event takes place on Saturday 27 June and will be hosted by the Rt Hon The Lord Provost of Glasgow. Some 500 service personnel and veterans, will march past the City Chambers and on to George Square, where a short service will be staged at the Cenotaph, between 11:50am and 12.30pm. The service will include a presentation of veterans badges, and will include in a fly-past. The veterans and active service personnel will then make their way to a hospitality marquee on the west side of George Square for lunch - please note that access to this marquee is strictly by invitation only. The general public are most welcome to attend the service in the Square, and can enjoy displays of military hardware and fun activities from 11:00am until 4:00pm. (Note to Admin, apologies if this is in wrong place or repeated, or perhaps it should be a sticky? Edit: Could someone from Admin pm me please, I may have something that could interest you)
  12. Perfect example of why Rangers fans shouldn't buy, read or view the Record website ! Its really very simple: Dont buy the Daily Record !!! - they hate us !!
  13. Oh dear - is that bad? you must be very quiet !
  14. PS - Main Stand benefits: You can see most of the displays You can people watch in the directors box - the poontang is quite good on occasions You can draw looks at Britney and all the other journo fuds You can get frustrated when you see Wattie sitting doin heehaw and we need a sub on You can drool at the wags, as they look down their noses at you You can get entertained when a certain wee jakey shouts regularly to Wattie....' Ho Smith ya fud, u happy wi that pish cos I'm no...' I'm sure there are other benefits !
  15. I've 2 tickets right on the halfway line. Been there for 17 years now. Ace seats, but not the noisest stand in Ibrox...shhhh no shouting SDM will hear you !!
  16. Please don't sign daft names on this petition - it makes it look amateurish .... If you don't wish to leave your name, then click on the anon button - easy Now get signing !!!
  17. Seemingly, at a youth tourney last Saturday in Murray Park, CF tickets were being dished out to any parents who wanted one - irrespective what team they supported. Guy I know (Killie fan) got given 2, he reckons most parents left with at least 2 each. Guy has now sold the tickets. Posted this for 2 reasons: 1. There may be more sculling about @ Murray park. if anyone wanted to try n get one. 2. I'm utterly disgusted that there are so many 'corporate' tickets are openly available & being dished out to non-Rangers supporters. Surely, they could have given them to Rangers fans? Watch out for Ebay this week !!!!
  18. Saved me posting this - I think our fitnes levels are apalling - makes you wondr what they do all week. Edu, Miller, and Mendes especially seemed to be lowing out there arses in the 2nd half.
  19. 2 Tickets here, right on centre line - ace seats.
  20. Just wondering why there isnt a link to this - or direct quotes from early editions? Hmm
  21. FollowFollow, another Rangers forum. Just out of couriosity...Why would people refuse to go there? Out of loyalty to this forum or....? How about be banned for erm... 5th time a few days ago - a record? Dingwall himself PM'd me about my TBB stuff and was like "who are you? heres my number, ring me for a chat, we can meet outside the ground if you like?..." Told him where to stick it (politely of course). Dingwall is a complete waste of space....
  22. FollowFollow, another Rangers forum. Just out of couriosity...Why would people refuse to go there? Out of loyalty to this forum or....? Because its run by paranoid meglomaniacs, and power freaks....
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