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Everything posted by Wienblue

  1. A good skillful and tenacious player and most welcome in an Ulster - Scots team. Excellent to see the Ulster-Scots agency up and running, with EU funding of course and an excellent model in the defeat of sectarianism - with respect for diversity and ethnic civil rights of a population and fan base who will no dout have many Gers supporters against them. V/impressed by their charter and people who know where they are going. Well done to the US Agency and Healy - and let's hope for a strong alliance between both entitie with our club.
  2. Fully agree. What about that Teale ? - useless and the wee ned Hartley - unfit and completely out of his depth !!
  3. Miller, McManus and Hartley were awful. Spot the link Ive jist ran amok in the hoose FISH - u r spot on ! And their team are top of the league with these 1/2 wits ? What an embarrassment
  4. He was great again tonight MuffGer. He made the Swedish defence look less than ordinary. Never seen it but he got a raving review on sky sports. Smith and his team must be keeping an eye on him surely. How much would he cost to prise away from Leeds?? Hard to say, he is quickly becoming a valuable asset for Leeds Utd. Dennis Wise was at Windsor Park tonight watching his boy, and rumours abound that Walter Smith was in the crowd tonight as well. BBC NI mention that he was there, but did not show any pictures of him in the stands... Walter was in the exec box with Ian Paisley junior and Martin McGuinness.
  5. Really, Barry is the only class plater in that team. Watched the on the Italian channel and they said (The Italians) that Barry is an excellent player !! Nice accolade.
  6. McManus - amateur defending, beaten twoce in the air by Luca Toni and dreadful positioning. Did we play to lose graciously ?
  7. You're probably correct, but the message here is - join the forum group (RST etc) and you have a say in the "shape" of things to come and are part of the process, not outside as at the moment !!! You achieve more by engaging with these groups - trust me !! Just sent a pm to Frankie - advising him re the message and useful contact points.
  8. BEARS (incl - IB) : Please read the following media release from the Scottish Police Service (Association of Chief Police Officers on Scotland). And the three points deduction rule has also ben issued ? I would suggest that the "intolerance part" could be directed towards the Aberdeen fans and some others for their non-religious but offensive and intolerant songs. Religious hatred ? - well, pls. be on guard, BUT, it can also refer to those who sign - religious songs against us, or remarks with an "orange content therein" etc; etc. You need to know these things - AND use the law to your advantage !!!!! Scottish Police Service develops action plan to tackle religious hatred and intolerance STIRLING - The Scottish Police Service will unveil a key tool in its efforts to reduce religious hatred and intolerance at an inter faith council conference tomorrow. Deputy Chief Constable Colin Mather, Chair of the Religion and Faith Reference Group for the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS), will speak about the strategic goals of the Association's Religion and Faith Reference Group Action Plan at the Scottish Inter Faith Council's seminar for women in Stirling on Wednesday 28 March. The action plan addresses seven goals that the Scottish Police Services hopes to achieve in making Scotland a country free from hatred, prejudice and discrimination founded on religion, faith or belief. ACPOS is working closely with community, religious and faith groups, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) and other relevant stakeholders to realise its vision. DCC Mather said: "The Scottish Police Service is committed to addressing issues of religious hatred and intolerance and this priority forms a key element of the Association's Diversity Strategy. The ACPOS Religion and Faith Reference Group was established as part of the strategy to provide dedicated leadership and focused organisational commitment to take this forward," Pramila Kaur, Executive Director of the Scottish Inter Faith Council, stated: "ACPOS and faith communities have a significant role to play in responding to situations of crisis and to promote good community relations. At times of tension, there can be a break down of communication and a loss of trust. A document such as the ACPOS 'Religion and Faith Action Plan' is a positive step towards building bridges and promoting community cohesion. In our shared society, we are deeply interconnected and an attack on one is an attack on all." A Crown Office Spokesperson said: "COPFS has been pleased to work in partnership with the Scottish Police Service on their Religion and Faith Reference Group and we commend ACPOS for their achievements in developing this action plan which sets out a number of important goals to help eliminate crime aggravated by religious prejudice from Scotland. COPFS looks forward to continuing its work with all of Scotland's Police Forces as we develop further links with local communities and religious and faith groups to help tackle crimes of religious prejudice." The action plan has strategic goals that will address leadership, awareness, engagement, partnership working, effective policing strategies, consistent reporting and monitoring and consistent responses to victims as well as messaging to offenders. "We are pleased to be able to present our action plan at the SIFC seminar on Wednesday," Mr. Mather continued. The Scottish Police Service aims to identify and prevent by working with other agencies crime founded on religion, faith or belief. In addition, the SPS aims to build upon and promote good relations between religious and faith communities and to celebrate and reinforce the strength that lies in the diversity of Scotland. "This seminar, entitled 'Looking After One Another: the safety and security of our faith communities' , is an ideal venue to launch our action plan," DCC Mather stressed. "The Scottish Police Service is in a strong position to face and meet the challenges by working together with our communities as well as with religious and faith organisations and partner agencies." PUBLISHED ON BEHALF OF ACPOS 0203 28.03.07
  9. Folks : Just to let you know for those exiles in Europe- RAI UNO will be showing - Italia v Scozia at 2045 hrs CET. Special thanks to ViennaBear for the tip. Welcome back Bobby !! Deo Gratis
  10. I knew the Linesman! Is he a Celtic Fan ?
  11. Look guys, if the Rev. Ian and Gerry Adams can make peace and sit in government - we could maybe stop singing songs. What about this UEFA, FIFA and SFA - why don't we come to a peace agreement with the Tic fans and at the next OF game, sign an agreement witnessed by George Mitchel, Grant Mitchell, Ideal Broomloan and Phil Mitchel..... and they can sing our songs .... and we sing their songs etc. Nobody is allowed to make a complaint and that way nobody will be offended ... and nobody gets deducted any points ! But, at the same time we respect their culture and they ours and we get to hear all the classic tunes. Nobody loses out ???
  12. That is the way I feel...Barry use to have a great touch from outside the box....1 out of 20 times Both are good players, and I think Barry is more skilfull. However, that Ellen Rives is better looking than Barry's missus. I don't think we can really compare Barry against Frankie - until Barry has had the chance to deal with a Spurs fan running onto the pitch and trying to attack him. Frankie did really well at avoiding him, but I think Barry would have stuck the head in him and we'd probably get some points deducted.
  13. On the contrary, I seriously think - you should get additional points for being good ! Why always be negative and deduct points - why not be more inclusive and award points for good behaviour etc. We could ask home and away fans, say at half time - to judge things like - a. who's made the best cake ? b. what female fans *no offence" have got the best breasts. c. we could also do something for the men ? d. what about - and I don't think we should have a telephone vote - coz it's corrupt - something like a 1/2 time sing song (no sectarian songs and u can't sing simply the best - okay) - between rival fans - and we all have to clap after the song - and the one's with the loudest claps (we could have a clapometer ? - I once thought I had the clap ) you give an additional point for the fans who represent that team. e. then we could have a double or nothing with the footy i.e. if you get additional points with the games I've mentioned (and you don't sing any sectarian songs or simply the best or tina turner numbers) then, you could say get ten points or something instead of three if you win both competitions. f. so that nobody is falling out with each other - we could have Ideal Broomloan representing the away team (whoever that is ) and DA representing Rangers. - and they could have alternates - just in case ? Seriously, this is a good idea - and it's about community football after all. I think UEFA would jump at the chance to get involved with this ?
  14. Good idea mate. I think we could enlist fellow bears like Fish and D/A onto this job and you boys could work together on this - what you think ? Excellent idea and we can get the mesaage out further.
  15. Did u know post ... I'm actually a wee bit embarassed by having to say this, but I think the Tartan Army as an entity needs to be banned and rebranded. The Tartan Army was a known terrorist outfit in the early 80's. Remember they blew up the pylon at rockcliffe in cumbria. An attack on our national infrastructure - that disrupted electricity supplies and created social tension ! Yet, some of our fellow brothers - have chosen to foolishly use the name of a known terrorist group for a collective of football fans. This is worse than the billy boys ? V/ thought provoking - again ?? UEFA needs to act, so does civil society !
  16. I just hope they get the 2 euro deposit back on the bottle !
  17. The easiest thing for all of us - is not even to mention and debate him. Please, do not give these "spin ners" the oxygen of publicity which they crave. You're daft if you do. He's only doing this for all the attention and the next pay cheque.
  18. Hi Frankie, It is v/confusing and what doesn't help is that other than your RST, the others don't seem to have a vision, marketing strategy or even engaging with the press. There is a clear cloudyness about what the others do and stand for - a bit dysfunctional and misleading. If the RST says X and the RSA says Y and the RSC says Z - which one speaks for GR FC ? I would have thought that there needs to be a clear coming togther of ideals and some kind of synergy, otherwise you will always be divided and defending within and outwith. We have a large critical mass who are disenfranchised, you guys need to merge and consolidate and speak with a united voice, otherwise you will not be up for a coordinated and structured challenge. Economies of scale ? In the information age - do the others have websites ? are they promoting themselves or in the "laager" ? I don't know and thus that is precisely the problem. I note the RST has a vision and I realise it must be difficult attempting to liaise and coordinate with other entities who have slightly (or no ?) aims and objectives, however, to add value and competitive advantage you need to have a more strategic approach - merge and consolidate. This may be difficult, given that if a few have set these structures up and lived with them from day zero, they not be willing to change, progress and "move on". However, I'm sure there can be a successful accommodation of interests given the love we have for our institution. You have my vote.
  19. Why going to ground in tim hunting season ? ...........................By their silence, they are in full agreement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. IB agree - and what's the point of that stuff ? There are enough problems in our society. However, think the journo could have been a wee bit more circumspect, cos often, these things sometimes only fan flames of intolerance and unfortunately, keep the pot boiling.
  21. D/A Gosh, u take things seriously ? Oh for the meek - or is that just IB and I ??
  22. Care to hazard a guess.... :Animation44: I Believe there could quite easily be a number of possibilities baubling about ? However, I have not been on here long enough to pass comment - As Ricardo P rightly reminded me I'm just a newbie, so I will defer passing comment and I'm a bit wrecked at the mo and needing a kip. So, no comment from me old boy. Night, night
  23. Minstral you said it - at the same time as me ! Great minds etc;
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