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Everything posted by Wienblue

  1. Spot on with your comment ! The current pope (Mr Ratzinger) was a member of the fascist "hitler youth" in his youth (this fact is well known) and of course went on to the priesthood. What an amzaing transformation, notwithstanding the evidenced complicity of the Church of Rome in assisting german fascists flee Europe to South America and beyond. Lest we forger Mr Ratzinger's bigoted and deeply controversial comments in respect of the Islamic faith. I will not highlight the fascist republican terror gangs and ethnic cleansers in Northern Ireland and the complicity of some in the "church" for supporting the genocide of members of another denomination. As mentioned, history, recent and past clearly suggests that the issue of fascism and bigotry is a problem in society, but perhaps more profound and virulent in the domain of the original poster - who has clearly sought to cause division within our site ! Before casting aspersions within our own community, I woud suggest that the facts are sadly more evident elsewhere - and for some - conveniently forgotten ! Nonetheless, the true does "hurt" when exposed.
  2. Just : Certainly, no contradiction in my remarks - these are our core values, shaped from Messrs McNeil et al.
  3. DA - You have merely eulogised our core values - the dna of what has shaped Rangers. We cannot hide the facts and ou traditions which make us who we are ! Well done.
  4. To me, Rangers are a bastion of - Scottish, Protestantism, which itself is built on respect, tolerance and standing up for the calvanist values of being fair and against all forms of oppression and bigotry. That's what shapes our strong cultural and social values.
  5. Wisdom, Vision.........and Respect ! His words wre immortal and what a true leader.
  6. They do !!!! Do you think Will also hangs around with Scott Brown ??
  7. Concur. Think we've exhausted the issue. Stay well.
  8. Roy : Likewise, I know where you are coming from, but this is precisley the small mindedness from others (not yourself) which manifests itself in sections of our community, hence the reason why same needs to be challenged. I would implore Norn Iron to play in Glasgow, notwithstanding the potential customer support base, but its fans (from all parts of the province's) connections with our city and the west of scotland. There is also a divdend for the economy and perhaps, we can sometimes be a tad paranoid.
  9. Why could there possibly be any criticism. I think I see your clouded inference........ Norn Iron have players from non homegenous cultural groups. So what ? If Italy wanted to play at Ibrox or Parkhead.... so what ? I think people need to take a more enlightended view and look forward without any form of past outdated cultural institutionalism, which has no place in a modern society. I welcome Norn Iron as much as I would any other football association, whatever the "make - up" of the team or the colour of their shirts.
  10. What a fine gesture by Scotland to facilitate the needs of our fellow countrymen and afford them the hand of friendship, whichever, domestic football team you support. Roll on "Norn Iron" in Scotland.. hands across the sea and "esprit de corps".
  11. Labour is ridden with bigotry towards the majority denomination in Scotland. There is a defined bias within that party, as someone remarked they have a foothold over politics and the lord provost's chair in Glasgow. Remember the fiasco of Monklands, well the racism and bigotry is sadly still to the fore in other parts of the west of scotland. Qute frankly, their institutionalised bigotry is appalling and shame on those who vote for that party of division. Least, the banner sums it up quite nicely, and it's a shame that football has to be the platform to air rational views - when their is often no other outlet for free speech and taking a stand against the politcis of bigotry and hate. Bigotry wherever and by whoever is a stain on society and well done those who stand up for the rights of those victims of bias - even if it happens to be in a football stadium, it's just a shame some of our politicians wouldn't act and be more inclusive, rather than divisive.
  12. WS lacked vision on this one and I fully agree with the opening post. When are some of these kids going to get a chance to display their talents and the money we've invested in them ! There was ample opportunity to give one of the kids a chance - judging by WS's past tenure, some of these kids may never get a chance. One has to think what is the point of having Murray Park, if some of these kids ain't going to get a chance. Where there are opportunities - let these kids flourish !!
  13. Well done wee man, least you've got a sense of humour. Enjoy your day tomorrow !
  14. You're at the wind up here. ECB - I don't think he is ?? Perhaps, we gave him sone clues and let's see if he'll work it out...... he's a good kid !
  15. IB - will you be going to the pineapple tomorrow with your mate ?
  16. Another wee snippet !!!! There will be at least two (armed) sky marshall's on your plane. They'll be v/ conspicuous and will be profiling everyone getting on the plane (even if a charter jet). During the flight, they will be probably standing (not seated) near the middle of the plane. Again, don't give them any cause not to like you, cos they will also be waiting to signal you to their colleagues at passport control at Ben Gurion. Get my drift.
  17. Tel Aviv is a predominantly Jewish city, v/ cosmopolitan and good night life. Security is very good and - not too many people of Arab descent allowed in to the city and it's well out of range from South Lebanon. You'll be okay. Security is fantastic and best I've ever encountered in my life. Paramilitary type cops everywhere on hi spec motorbykes with smg's... something else. Tel Aviv people are the most westernised Jews in Israel. You'll be in a long queue at Ben Gurion airport, when you come off the plane. just be patient and you will get grilled, especially if you have stamps / visas in your passport from Islamic countries. Be respectful, cos the Israeli's don't take kindly to tom foolery. They'd just as easy put you back on the plane.
  18. ...... Vienna, Austria... in the pub with a meal at the same time !
  19. Other boards have it. ...... yeah, but we're bigger than them and it ain't patented.
  20. The names ain't too catchy. I'd prefer the current name. So must abstain meantime. However, why not call it - "The Blue Room".
  21. Mr B : Capt B - have you touched down and are you still on for the rvp today at Charly's - 1430 hrs'ish ? I've been grounded all week and still in town. Let's hope we hook up and have banter and a good result !! tschus Mr. K
  22. Frankie, A constructive and pragamtic meeting, notwithstanding the assurances reached and subsequently minuted. SDM obviously realises that his the Gers need further investment, to enhance the net worth and fortunes of the team - no doubt, ultimately to realise his capital when our fortunes start to rise. His strategy is to consolidate and "move on" and as a successful businessman, he will prevail and we will enhance our position - it's started already. He's now "reinvesting" for the future - and no doubt a sale within the medium term. I particularly like his and yours - commitment to retaining and defending the "flag issue" and the "watp". These issues are part of our cultural identity and to concede ground, by appeasing our "unreasonable critics" needs to be defended at all costs, to protect our civic rights and values, from liberal extremists. Well done Frankie and it's better to work in unison, than apart. We will prevail.
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