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Everything posted by Saudibear

  1. With 4 weeks to go of last season I would have definitely said the 3 points anytime no matter what. At the end of the season I was left thinking we watched that crap most of the season and lost the league and the UEFA cup and felt as bad as I've ever felt losing the league. I now feel that the 3 points are ultimately the goal but we should try and entertain at the same time. Too many times we went out not caring about entertainment.
  2. D'art, Whittaker played there half the season even when we had Fergie, Davis and Faye. Daily also got a few starts in midfield rather than Hemdani. I don't see Walter worrying about playing people out of position.
  3. Bring back the real players This letter is an (alleged )actual letter received from a fan, by the Middlesbrough Football Club Magazine. It reads.... I'm feeling all angry about these modern day footballers, I know why They have gone all soft - It's because of poncy names. That's what it is. Remember in the old days, when footy players kicked a fucking ball made out of ten pound of clay stitched inside a steel-reinforced leather shell with laces made out of piano wire? Well, in them days players could only survive the rigours of the game because they were called things like Albert, Arthur, Bert, Harry, Bill, Eddie, Bob, Jack and Tommy, Fucking tough names for tough men, them was. And what do we have now ? Jason, Wayne, Dean, Ryan, Jamie and Robbie. Fucking tarts' names, they are, Great big fucking poofs... No wonder the ball's like a fucking balloon and shin pads is like slices of bread. In the old days you never saw a Len Shackleton or a Billy Wright with a poofy little Sondico piece of paper down his little thin socks. Fucking shin-pads in them days was made out of library books, and socks was like sack-cloth. Same with the jerseys Fucking shirts with holes in now so they can breathe. Yes, so that little Jody's hairless chest can breathe and he doesn't get a chill- Fucking poofs the lot of them........Stanley Matthews used to dribble round Europe's finest wearing a fucking tent and shorts cobbled together from the jacket of his de-mob suit. Aye, he fucking did. No wonder players fall over all the time whenever An opponent comes anywhere near them. And they never used to show their Arses at one another either. Can you imagine what might have happened if Don Revie had flashed his ring at Nat Lofthouse during a City-Bolton Wanderers game ? He'd have got one of them size-10 hobnail fuckers up his bastard chuff. Fucking therapy for stress my arse! Stan Collymore slaps his missus about and he takes three seasons off with stress counselling. What the fuck is that all about? In the old days it was expected for footballers to belt the old sow about a bit, specially after a bad defeat. And the women used to expect it, and so they should have. They was lucky to be married to footballers. Ha! Trevor Morley got a kitchen knife in his back off his wife and was out of action for three month. Soft twat. Archie McShitt of Port Vale got run over with horse and cart one Friday night and he still turned out against Bradford the following day. And he scored two goals. That's cos his name wasn't "Trevor". Good old Archie. Broke his hip,both his legs, murdered his wife and buried her under the patio and still made the England team for the Home Internationals. Did he have any "stress counselling"? Did he BOLLOCKS ! And drugs ? There was none of that in the old days. Oh, no. In them days it was a quick shot of morphine before kick-off and you was lucky if you got that. By half-time it had all but wore off so they pumped you full of laudanum. None of this cocaine sniffing and shooting up class A narcotics. I know. Me dad told me. Goal celebrations ? Don't talk to me about goal celebrations. Crawling on the floor and thrusting their hips at the crowd. Huh! I'd like to have seen Cliff Bastin do that after a run down the left flank and crossing for Alex James to fire home a winner. Handshakes ... and that was all you got. That and a wank in the showers afterwards. But it was a proper wank......all man stuff. None of these poofy wanks between blokes that you get nowadays with players like Greame Le Saux and Stephen Gerrard. Allegedly. In them days, there was nowt wrong with it cos it didn't mean nowt. They used to say there was a "gay atmosphere" in the dressing room after the match. But it didn't mean owt mucky. Just a bit of harmless spanking he plank among healthy young sportsmen. Aye. I know. Me dad told me. Sixty grand a fucking week! Ha! I wouldn't pay 'em tuppence. Two bob Tommy Lawton used to get ... a month! And Tom Finney still worked as a plumber four days a week when he was playing for England. It's true, you know. Fucking is. Players had to work them days just to make up their money. Not like today. Stan Pearson had to clean sewers and doubled up as Old Trafford Shithouse cleaner. He had to go off during one game because some cunt had built a log cabin and blocked the U-bend. And that Eddie Hapgood was a male model ... though he never liked to talk about it. So I say we start calling kids real male names again. If you're having a kid, don't even consider poofy names and shite names like what people Call their kids these days. Otherwise what we gonna get in twenty years' time?. The England team full of players called Keanu, Ronan, Ashley and fucking Chesney. Fuck that! Call your kids Alf, Herbert, Len, Frank, Fred and Wilf. And let's get the poofs out of the game once and for all.
  4. Biggest problem is he thinks he is better than he really is. He is a championship player at best. (A championship player with a bad attitude).
  5. If Boyd plays 25 games or more I think he will be our top scorer. With so many strikers it really depends on who gets the games.
  6. If everyone was happy there would be no point on coming on here. :harhar: So stick Kenny Mhillar up yer arse.
  7. I would offer 2 mill + Cousin. Fulham were interested in him before.
  8. When we had Reyna the USA captain we did not use him to raise our profile in the states what makes you think that our PR team :barf: would make make a better job using DMB to promote us.
  9. I think that's true, but there have always been a few posters who are fanatically anti RST for whatever reason (mental illness in one case judging from his PMs). Anti RST feeling is currently being enmeshed with the anti Mark Dingwall/ FF feeling which has also been around for a while among a few posters. And what's emerging is a picture where the big bad bigots have chucked the nice guys out of the Trust. Can I make my own feelings clear 1. I am now an ex Trust Member 2. I think we should drop references to FF/RST, it is a huge site and we cannot lump every poster on FF, every Rangers supporter, into this militant camp reference. Let me say I like FF, I read it most days, I love the content and I am fearful that a lot of people see it as an FF/Media split, this would be wrong as what someone else has said, we are all Rangers supporters. 3. Where I do have worries is that the very dictatorial line followed by the FF Administrators where anyone not toeing the party line has his post terminated and then his account suspended, while their well known posters are allowed to say what they like, condemn people in the most abusive terms, are allowed to carry on regardless. 4. This site is run by Mark Dingwall, do not know the man personally, but have had dealings with him on a number of issues through the years, and I am perturbed that a man that runs his website in this way will have a prominent position in the Rangers Trust, that is why I am leaving the Trust, as I feel that the infiltration of the Trust by his followers will be unstoppable, and has probably started, judging by reports. 5. A Trust run in this manner will result in it being marginalised and its influence reduced. Firstly , I regret that you are an ex-Trust member. One of the problems we have had is retention of membership. People join up for various reasons and then don't renew. We need to address this. Some might sign up initially as a result of hearing David Edgar on the radio (many have done so). However, if you are anything like me when renewal notices come in it's put to the side, I'll do that later. I think we need to look at an incentive scheme to get members to take out standing orders. Hopefully this will be addressed. The RST was born out of FF, nobody can deny that. There will always be a relationship there. In addition MD is on our Board. How that website operates is nothing to do with the RST. We are currently examing options where we can improve our website and allow it to be a forum for our members rather than FF (if anyone with expertise in this area can help please PM me). Please do not think for a minute that the RST will be run in any way except by it's constitution and it's democratic principles. We are accountable to our members. We can't ban them and we can't silence them if they say something we don't agree with. I'd urge anyone reading this to consider their position. Don't give up on the Trust because of a link to FF. Look at the bigger issues. Is it healthy for the club we love to have one man owning 91% of the shares? Most punters would rather debate the Kenny Miller signing and that's fair enough. However, if SDM was to sell to 'an individual' we could be in a Romanov (sp?) situation. Signing up to Gersave as a means of saving but also reducing SDM % shareholding to under 90%. This is critical to the RST and we need to get more people involed. Another ask for the new Board. Whilst one individual controls over 90% of the club we are extremely vulnerable in any takeover situation. The RST will be run according to the wishes of it's members. Firstly, you don't have to worry about my membership as I took out a life membership (although I now have reservations about that). The only person on the board that I know personally is JG. My biggest gripe about the RST is the lack of information given out to RST members especially for people like myself who live overseas. This very debate on here shows just how poor the RST website is. I find out much more about the RST on here and on FF than anywhere else. I think it is fair to say that this debate is more about the likes and dislikes of MD than the RST as a whole. On here the majority are opposed/frightened of the perceived power that he has. On FF he has the backing of his inner circle and is more or less untouchable. It can't be a good thing that 1 man, not even an office bearer, can have such a bearing with people outside of the RST, yet about the RST. Certainly not good for recruitment of new members. The statement from the seven rightly or wrongly at least came from the seven of them. The only reply I have seen did not come from the new board but from MD. This is surely a mistake also and leads people to believe he is speaking for the board. I am only sorry that I have to bring up my misgivings on here and not on an RST board.
  10. As ever the devil is in the detail - and I don't think what FF wants for Rangers is necessarily what's best. One thing is certain - I'm free to discuss that on RangersMedia. It would not be so on FF. You are indeed correct however there are probably just as many people who may say that what you or the people of this board think is not necessarily what's best also. That's what makes a democracy. I do believe that much of the flac being directed at the RST on here is down to the fact that many people on here just don't like or trust Mr Dingwall because of his FF connection and nothing to do with his work for the RST before the split. I hope any RST members will at least give the new board a few months to show how they intend to lead the organization before resigning their membership.
  11. Really? That's a shame, because it's not at all complicated. Not the literal meaning, obviously, but why it is constantly wheeled out as a good reason to join. As I explained in the rest of that post. People don't tend to join organisations that they don't like/trust/respect. The Trust is no different. If it wants more than 1000 members, it needs to come out with a better line than, 'hey, maybe we are pish, but why don't you pay us money to come on board and change that.' I don't know where you are getting your 1,000 members from. My memership number is 3413 and I'm sure there were many more joined in the year plus between me joining and the resignations.
  12. I am a member and will be in no hurry to leave. I don't know Mr Dingwall but don't particularly like the way he runs his forum. I do know some of the guys that are still there and I have every faith in the likes of John Gilligan. The split is very unwelcome and I am extremely disappointed that the 7 did not make an appearance at the SGM to state their position and debate in an open forum. I will wait and see how things pan out before I make any rash judgement like now the RST should go under. I will not take sides because someone else decides it's not the way they want things run.
  13. Ah but now we've got Andy Cameron at the start of the games. Come to think of it I think we had Andy Cameron when I started going in 62.
  14. The problem is that although the transfer window is open until late August we already have a must win CL tie in 3 weeks time and a very tough start to the league season. If we want a reasonably settled side for what will be a difficult start to the season then we should be signing the players we need now and not panic buying the scraps that are left on 31st August.
  15. I and many others in my company have been talked down too on several occasions by Sandy fecking Jardine. It is as if he is lecturing small children when being asked legitamate questions concerning the running of our club. The man is about as diplomatic as a lamp post. The last time we asked him why the club was so reluctant to defend itself against the lies of the press, his answer was if the fans behaved better they would not have to defend the club. Jim Hannah is just milking a cushy job. I have never found him obnoxious like Jardine but he is in that position just to keep us away from the real power. As fans liaison however he should at least answer all legitimate enquiries.
  16. 2-2 game against the scum at Ibrox 87-88 Graham Roberts conducting the Copeland after Butcher and Woods got sent off.
  17. A couple of years ago I joined the trust liking what I had seen from websites such as this. The more I looked into the work they were doing the more impressed I became so decided to take out a lifetime membership. Lesson learned. Although I would not have resigned my membership immediately, after this my confidence in the RST has been shaken. Living overseas, I will not be able to attend the SGM to make a first hand impression of the way things are going. I will be dependent on these boards and phone calls to friends to see how things pan out. Please keep updating us long distance fans.
  18. For all the people who think he will help Boyd. Who says he will be playing alongside Boyd. Walter's 1 up front pissed a lot of us off last season but he didn't change it. And there is the small matter of another couple of strikers that have also been bought 1 of them for substantially more money than the tainted twat. I just hope they prove to be better than Kenny (the cant) Misser. With any luck he won't get a game.
  19. 45% of the season at my desk in Saudi, 45% at the Fox and Hounds (Orlando RSC) 10% at Ibrox normally with my mates in the Copeland rear.
  20. Somewhat in the middle. Not impressed with the signings so far and not too happy at the lack of deadwood leaving. Still the best part of a month to go so my mood could change.
  21. Furman has played just over 45 minutes and Fleck has played around 30 minutes. They are hardly first team regulars and shouldnt be regarded as regulars until the play a succession of games. Remember the under 21 rule!!!
  22. I was criticised many times last season for moaning about Walters negative ways being told the results were all that matter. In the end the results meant we lost the big trophies. While it is Walters job that is on the line he does not have to listen to us, that's true. But he is not beyond criticism.
  23. I really am in 2 minds. I dislike him intensly, both for his lack of tallent and for wearing the pish stained hoops and would therefore love to see him fail and fall flat on his face. His failure would also hurt Rangers and that is something that would hurt more than him succeeding.
  24. Without the money that the CL brings in we would not even be able to afford the mediocrity that we are currently signing, therefore we can't just forget about Europe. Good idea to give the young guns some experience in the league cup though might bring 1 or 2 through quicker.
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