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Everything posted by IanCurtis

  1. Is there any proof of this as has been asked? If there is any hint of this being true then more info needs to be shared...Seriously. I personally would be very surprised but nothing amazes me anymore
  2. Next time I'll come with you mate! VB badge displayed and frankly big ugly and thuggy looking!! I'll be brother decoy to the rascals! PS. I know Chris Graham is on today, maybe he could throw some light on things? Pretty sure he wouldnt want to be tarred with that brush to be honest.
  3. Tbh mate there could be so much more to this than we know in terms of why it was given etc, assuming it's true. But I agree re the point of giving then withdrawing it. Poor show and hopefully a fck up rather than a great big conspiracy from the New Baord (who seem to have been busy in the 20 odd hours they have been in situ)
  4. Was going to keep my powder dry until, like the more sensible have intimated, we have the facts in front of us. That said, I do have to comment on this rather typically stupid and uneducated pish. "people like the Easdales have their snouts in the trough". You are actually using this potentially outrageous state of affairs to try and score points by making the usual, uneducated, and frankly embarassing statements like this because you have been programmed to parrot them all the time? You are a dullard. To the actual OP and the content, I find this whole thing sitting uncomfortably with me. If true its surely got to be an error? If not true? Well I wont say anything about sources or timing. I pray its true and that some simple and sensible actions can take place to re-instate this with suitable apoligies. If its not true then we have reached yet another low. On the serious point, kpl knows the people involved so I am happy to let him take the lead. If there is anything us non pitchforkers can do to assist kpl...you only have to ask mate.
  5. Did ye, aye. PS Lies in there too. Might want to work on that Mr tap wearer!! haha
  6. Havent seen many of your posts except to say that whilst so same capable of debate, it is awfy AWFY curious that ever position you take seems to be the polar opposite of whatever VB are OR is pro yougswishy side partings groups position, as trumpeted on our pravdaesque site ££. Just saying. You seem more intent on attacking Willhelm than EVER conceding anything. Smells fishy
  7. Jesus christ you are completely at the utter madam. To be honest I was going to try and discuss it but reading through this thread, you are hiding behind and abusing the platform that RM are giving you. You know fine what is going on and are choosing to be the madam. Should be utterly ashamed of yourself Naive doesnt even come close to it. You should try putting a Rangers scarf on, see what it feels like and have a look at yourself. Should be ashamed.
  8. All this talk of the bheasts and the other Rangers hating team really is a wee bit off.
  9. There shouldn't be a right minded person on this planet who doesnt wish their total demise. They are the posion on our society. Personally I'm getting too mild in my old age What about yourself Corky?
  10. Here's an "out there" view. I'd rather we never played them again. I'd rather they were shut down by the police, I'd rather they went bakrupt and Rangers bought their midden, levelled it, re-dedicated the site and opened it as a car park. I never ever ever want to be associated in ANY way whatsoever with that disgusting, bigoted, vile sectarian shower of inbreds ever. They are a pox on our society and all good people should wish their ultimate demise. To each and every one of them, their club, their support and THEIR offspring...I wish a pox
  11. If it makes a difference, I know that he attends Ibrox. I hadnt heard the phone in but, being the father of an aspiring footy player myself, its not beyond the bounds of reality that I wouldnt be less than "quiet" when it came to try and do the best for my son. I'd need to hear exactly what was said. I actually think, and this isnt the usual manager bashing, that under a different manager he will be a constant in the Rangers squad for years. So in terms of him being out the door, we can agree to disagree...the tarrier references are a little off under the circumstances though
  12. Not sure of the hilarious protocol regarding this topic from you clearly hilarious pranksters regarding a Rangers player and breaking his leg or whatever, , but is this a serious point? There is a very good reason for asking
  13. hahahaha. Desparate stuff!! Comedy genius!!
  14. Deliberately attempting to derail the OP aside by others, I'd also like to say that is a very good post indeed.
  15. hahahahaha...it's a while since I've heard the word surreptitious! hahahaha Takes away from the rest of the post! that you furious!? hahaha
  16. Couldnt agree more...and there are zero "green shoots" to make me think it will EVER change. Never in my lifetime unless we have a radical and complete overhaul.
  17. Oleg, I think I'm agreeing with you to an extent, but just wanted to clarify who exactly the "haters" are in this context?
  18. Could I just say that if Chris Graham looks in to here under one of his nanny de plums, you sir, are a fibber. You're dressing it up with your oh so faux indignation, but your pants are so on fire about VB!! Like large John...we knew! Wouldnt it be just fabulous if we could all sit down on neutral territory and discuss things like aduts ? Wouldnt that be the sensible thing to do and avoid any mud slinging hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? You know, acknowledge that you arent as some have suggested, ignoring any approaches so that you can continue with your rather (well it has to be said) selfish agenda? Here's a wee question for you oh lanky love nugget, when was the last time you posted anything about games? Argued about who should play where? about how sh1te (for example) McCulloch was etc etc etc etc etc etc. I am on VB and (despite what MDC has written about all of us on twatter) am not "filth" and we do discuss the footy!! ;-) You wouldnt think so with our darling chrissy boys assertion we are all pitchforks and sashes!! hahahahaha The Rangers seem to be taking an awfully back seat to the annual Bette Noir awards this year which you, mr furious fury are absolutely running away with!! And back to the MDC tweetypie aboput us (VB'rs) being "filth" I've only spoken to the chap once at a ££ do many years ago and, unlike many others in cyberspace, I essentially haven't changed my views. Wonder why he is such a rascal with the naughty on-line words! Anger issues lovey!!? Catch you later
  19. More than 4 names gobblegiver and the fantasist/alleged airport fibber/Great Britain hating Galloway? Worse than the attack on Armed Forces celebrations at Ibrox? Really? Must just be me but the vile bheast have been, are and always will be my number one enemy. Fury and his ilk deserve all they get, but worse than the slevvering, sectarian racist bheast!? Never...sorry
  20. Actually, Whilst I tend to agree that Fury and one or two others have over-stepped line and have put themselves before the club imo, I do wish the club would be as vigorous and fast acting against our true enemies the disgusting vermin bheasts. The perennial Rangers haters who openly attack us with impunity. fury is and acts like a bell-end nowadays Im afraid, but we need to also attack the true enemy...bheasts. Attack the bheast first, attack the bheasts last, attack bheasts always
  21. And now mfdm on ff is trying to get hauners to support the sos? So, sack the board, spivs out, no plan B, no evvdence to support, ff backing/support, presumably (by defaulkt) full rst support which will be the Paul "It wasnt me guv although I saw it all happen" Murray support too. Aye fcking right Clusterfúck
  22. hahahaha I actually spat my morning coco out at that!! Utter comedy genius!!! Utterly brilliant!
  23. Would it be appropriate to ask someone going to this meeting to add a point 4b? Sack the money wasting manager as well as everyone else in our pitchfork sights? I may not know all the facts that others clearly do (ahem) but I do know that the manager is single handedly pishing vast amounts of our money down the drain. Should I call him a spiv for authenticity? Anyway, down with that sort of thing
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