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Rangers & Arsenal

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Everything posted by Rangers & Arsenal

  1. Rangers&Arsenal-rfcwatp93 thats my psn name
  2. I heard when you get your ps3 you get a code or something that allows you 4 free games from the store?does anyone know if this is true? cheers
  3. great post i agree 110%,walter always talks about how good other teams are and rarely talks about us ,it pisses me off,he doesen't need to show them that much respect
  4. mendes versus the tims,amazing goal and against them makes it so much better
  5. PMSL sorry mate thats one of the funniest things iv heard in a LONG time,its so bad canny stop laughing to be honest,how could you have been serious lol the last line is superb
  6. yes and yes for me,he deserves a chance,if he doesent play its a scandal and if i were him id go
  7. Its a sure thing then what you talking about??,i didnt say he wants to come so he will come so don't act as if im stupid
  8. if i had the choice,bouhgerra or them 2 id defently take tonel and stranzl
  9. I cba tbh. Got my prelims comin up.

    Cant be bothered doing anything. Can leave anyway!


  10. Hope not Also doubt it, after Adam was told he wasn't good enough quite possible though,walter likes playing adam in old firm games
  11. wouldn't be surprised tbh,would be a typical cellik player
  12. Haha,

    hows the hols?


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