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Everything posted by Poetry_In_Blue

  1. Come on Rangers push the boat out and sign him! :pipehorse:
  2. As the most expensive goalkeeper bought/sold within the British Isles, as it looks like Villa are going to pay Liverpool £10 million to sign goalkeeper Scott Carson! Now this definitely shows that prices in England are way overpriced.
  3. Dado, I wish you would stop posting pictures of my lass, it's starting to get annoying! :pipehorse:
  4. At the match tomorrow to show sympathy for the death of the Italian football fan?
  5. The Rangers Influence! Nice wee bit on the Rangers website: http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/Ne...1168579,00.html
  6. I would rather see Boyd in the team ahead of Miller as Boyd would be more of a goal threat that "headless chicken" that is Kenny Miller.... Sorry, I posted who I think will start, I'd rather see Boyd starting but that would be having two dedicated strikers, whereaas I think McFadden might play a sort of Striker/Midfield role.
  7. Yeah, there is that one, and always seem to lose when the BBC are showing it!
  8. Don't go for this sort of thing as I've never been superstitious, will walk under ladders etc (that reminds me I still can't get that paint out of my jacket ). At the end of the day, we will beat Italy, Croatia will beat England, we'll go above England in the world rankings get into the top seeded pots for the World Cup and England in the second. Go to Euro 2008 next year and reach the quarter finals.
  9. -----------------------Gordon------------------------------- Hutton--------McManus----------Weir---------Alexander Fletcher-------Fergie--------Brown--------McCulloch --------------------McFadden--------------------- -------------------------Miller-----------------------
  10. I can't even hazard a guess as to who will start, but it is good to see that all of the squad are actually fit for once! Maybe it was the right decision to cancel the Rangers and Celtic games after all.
  11. I would have preferred a referee from somewhere like Russia, Germany or even Croatia if there are any qualified (I'm sure there are in Germany), than a ref from Spain, they can be too European with their decision making which would go against us. Can see him giving a lot of soft free kicks to the Italians.
  12. when I saw the title of the thread I thought you were worried that he might get sent of.
  13. I am finding it easier thanks. I am not sure how to level up tbh. I am enjoying this mages guild and doing the arena, at level 5 at the mo and got all this cash from the dorian mission hee hee. Dorian Mission? Which one is that again. When you first started, you have your list of major skills and minor skills, I think at the bottom of this screen there is a horizontal bar, and each time one of your major skills improves this red on this bar goes up a notch. When it is full you have to sleep in a bed or a bedroll and then you can choose to increase three of your options like willpower etc. If you've been increasing your major skills and not sleeping for a while, each time you sleep check to see if your gauge is still full, if it is sleep for another hour and level up again.
  14. When I first read the title of the thread I thought they would be having a gig at Loch Lomond until I realised what you meant! :bouncy:
  15. how many points are we behind england? surely we'd get a lot more points for beating italy, than they would for beating croatia? Here is a quote from today's Evening Times. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/displa..._the_way_up.php
  16. Can't remember the manager's name but it is reported that he is going to have a clear out in January of the players that he doesn't want. I've stuck it in general sports as there is no reports of who those players might be yet but I wonder if any of them will be good enough for Rangers. Also I don't have moderation capabilities in this area so I can't bloody move it anyway! :pipehorse:
  17. Wasn't going to start a separate thread about this as there are all of these wee niggling Scotland threads kicking about, but read today that we still have a chance of being in the top seeded pots for the draw for the World Cup. It all boils down to us beating Italy and if Croatia beat England.
  18. You might be right, but I'd take Hartley out and have Miller playing instead, even though it might end up that McFadden is on the bench!
  19. I hope we qualify and someone has a camera handy at the time! :pipehorse: Do you go by another name? (Sculder by any chance) I know what you mean about 3 penalties we weren't given but I don't think there is a conspiracy just shit referreeing! Anyway, we don't need a penalty kick to get a 1-0 win. As for revenue, if we got to the finals UEFA and local businesses would make a lot more money than what the Italians and French could generate, hell local businesses will need temporary use of warehouses to stock up on alcohol! Whatever happens at the weekend, I will be mightily proud of the national team for what they have achieved and I'm now looking forward to the World Cup qualifiers without trepidation.
  20. Agree, if Miller is passed fit to play, (any news on his injury). Six Gers in the squad and four who will probably start, if Miller is unfit we might get a surprise and also have Boyd start.
  21. Its what im here for I thought it was to suffer abuse from all angles Not before i piss everyone off with my comments ^_^ Then the abuse starts There is a difference between truth and abuse.
  22. :harhar: NOT! Just have to agree to disagree :harhar: When was the last time Italy managed to beat Scotland in Scotland? When was the last time Scotland played in a major cup competition.... Next Year! Either by drawing against Italy and France getting beat, or beating Italy!
  23. :harhar: NOT! Just have to agree to disagree :harhar: When was the last time Italy managed to beat Scotland in Scotland?
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