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Everything posted by Poetry_In_Blue

  1. I'm not sure I would like an extra referee inside the penalty box, he could/would get in the way, one either side of the goal behind the line should be sufficient.
  2. I've had games freeze a couple of times on me, actually when I think about it, it's usually the same game so it will probably be a disc fault and not the console where I'm concerned.
  3. He also failed at Brighton, I think out the possibilities it should be Burley or Souness. Souness dragged us from the brink at one time (ok he had money to spend), and if Burley was given control to manage Hearts and buy/play the players he wanted they probably would have won the SPL.
  4. Ha Ha Ha, win the SPL and CL, I better go and change my underwear I've just pissed myself laughing!
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ian/7191265.stm Good luck to them.
  6. Report, I think in today's Evening Times is indicating that Burley is top of the short list.
  7. What a waste, the driver of the van is facing prosecution. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/highla...nds/7189168.stm
  8. WS also agrees with a winter break, even if it's only for a few weeks.
  9. Shortlist is apparently down to three, McGhee, Burns and Burley if I remember correctly. All this crap that Davies was spouting about pulling out of the race is supposed to be made up, he wasn't even in the final three.
  10. Yes he did, but the ruling is, because Porto didn't drop into the UEFA cup then he is legible to play in this competition also.
  11. Yeah, he is that good Porto are sending him out on loan! <_< If our defence plays to its capabilities then we don't have to fear anyone.
  12. You might be thinking of the lad Cherif? Yeah, this is the kid I was thinking about, totally different circumstances though, don't think he would be in the same predicament. Came over from the Ivory Coast and already paid a visit to Alex Salmond. Still a wonderful story to read though, and not ashamed to admit still brings a wee tear to my eye. http://www.sundaymail.co.uk/news/scottish-...78057-19984445/
  13. Yeah, this was good news that he has been allowed to stay, common sense prevailed for once! Isn't there a young lad on our books, who when he reaches legal age might be in the same predicament?
  14. Have to admit what I like when I was watching it, was the supporters, some of them had the Saltire painted on their faces and the Scottish flags, not a single English style flag.
  15. I got up early enough this morning to watch the match, and to be honest apart from the third set which he won 6-0, Murray deserved to lose. The other bloke looked better than what he is I think, Murray just didn't play as good as he could have.
  16. SFA Chief Gordon Smith has asked that the winter break is brought back into Scottish Football, as teams are thrown into more chaos with fixtures being re-arranged. He does admit though, that even though he feels it should be re-instated the final decision lies with the SPL. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/displa...1963090.0.0.php
  17. So he is actually a loan player then, if that's the case Hearts can't sell him!
  18. Don't know, I do remember that some English club were supposed to be interested in him. Is he actually a Heart's player or one of those multitude that seem to be on a work's experience project.
  19. Not bought it yet, ended up buying Drake's Adventure instead, started to play that and found it repetitive for a while where you're shooting the same type of enemy time and time again then in one area you suddenly get attacked by these other creatures, then back to repitition!
  20. What about making a swoop for Sam Allardyce? :pipehorse:
  21. I had heard that he was suddenly becoming the bookies favourite, but can't remember where I heard it or saw it.
  22. For the techies out there, or just those that know the answer. If I have a digital video camera can I put it straight onto a DVD if I have a recordable DVD player without having to load it onto a computer first. I.E. Just plug the camera straight into the TV or back of the DVD player and record straight onto disc?
  23. Haven't got it, had no intention of getting it as I also have the PS3. :bouncy:
  24. The following five are apparently those that are on the short list: Mark McGhee, Craig Levein, Joe Jordan, Billy Davies and Jim Jefferies.
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