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Everything posted by Nemor

  1. As I've stated many times before. We need need NEED to turn this team into an attacking one. Defending every game has been the one thing everyone talks about and I'm sure everyone else is as sick as I am about it. I want those days back where Rangers are running the tempo of the game, testing their defenders and goalkeepers every 3-4 minutes and not just sat back being paid to keep the ball just outside our penalty area. I'm so glad Ferguson has put this forward, I just hope Walters plans aren't to strengthen our defense and continue his boring tactics. Edit: As for McGregor, he said recently about him missing out on the Zenit game that he was sore about not being able to play but that he had full confidence in Rangers and spurred them on. To me he sounded really enthusiastic and my bet is on both of them staying. Walter might want to get rid of Cuellar but I think he's learned from his mistakes with selling Hutton. I'm ever the optimist
  2. I may just be paranoid, but being sponsored by Wii is a joke. I think that's some reference to us having no attack i.e. "Piss up the front"
  3. I actually rooted for Cardiff, but well played to both teams it was an enjoyable match to watch. And just getting there was special to both teams which was nice. After watching that I can't help thinking why Portsmouth and Cardiff aren't classed as top premier sides, they played some wicked footy!!
  4. 1. Rangers 2. Scotland 3. Barcelona 4. Manchester City I do enjoy watching EPL's top 4: Chelsea (who I usually root for), Liverpool, Manchester United and Arsenal. Usually tend to get really pacey and sometimes fancy displays of football which is why I watch em.
  5. Good luck to em, I'd rather anyone have it than Sellick.
  6. Interesting post. Why would it be a 'publicity stunt'? Not to put a damper on your post, so to speak. Sorry I should have made it clear. Whilst people like us would have the best intentions and merely try to make amends for some of our so-called fans beating him half to death, the club would just see it as a publicity stunt. While that's not a bad thing, I think alot of people outside the club, mainly Tims would rip the gesture to shreds.
  7. Because they would laugh in our faces then give one of our players a Red Card during the match for not washing his boots since the last footy match, because he never had time.
  8. Think Thomson would have what it takes to take over as captain and provide an attacking influence to our side? I'm just spit-balling coz anyones better than that dipshit lately.
  9. Not to put a damper on things but apparently (according to a Sky News report) the guy that pulled him out wasn't a Rangers fan. They made that really clear, almost like they're personally attacking our club. Weird huh? But I think this is a brilliant idea, bring them all down, wine and dine them show them that the Bears aren't all mindless thugs. Good publicity stunt!
  10. I still can't beleive Miller's coming back. If that's the case we might as well get McCoist back on the pitch (hes a legend but hes past it, is my point before I get flamed), put Weir in every match and sell Cuellar. Oh and we'll have Gazza back too, get him tanked up before the game, at least we'll have an interesting game of football!! Coz it looks like this clubs going to hell in a hand basket.
  11. Selling Hutton was a huge mistake, at the same time I would like to see Rangers sign some quality attacking midfields and deploying our strikers more. I think our level of football has become a joke in recent times, always being overly defensive. I know it's a part of football but wheres the passion and the creativity on the pitch? I also think Rioting is something of a sore point and something we, as fans and as a club should be trying our utmost to weed out from the ground up.
  12. We've still got it all to play for. I think the loss against Zenit will help keep things in perspective now, and go on to win the rest. I just hope our lads have enough energy left to do so. They've had a tough few months but if they soldier on for just one more, it'll all be worthwhile.
  13. Don't watch the highlights then! Just be happy that we won. Papac got a hat-trick. Might as well be one happy Bear They do say ignorance is bliss. Unfortunately it's not a trait I possess
  14. Thanks for the heads up, only got to watch the first 45 minutes last night.
  15. Sorry mate but I'm not even attempting to read that until it's paragraphed.
  16. Wrexhams in Wales My bad. It still proves that not just Gers fans rioted then. Better?
  17. Proves that the English got involved anyway. And his username is "Wrexhamawaydays". I think this guys got previous form.
  18. Aye, I was right outside the Debenhams on Picadilly Gardens, eventually leading onto all the benches outside Burger King. From there I saw a few Mancunians pummelling the police as well. Our lads are far from absent of blame, but the Mancunians who attended helped. I got talking to a few of them and nearly knocked one out coz he threw a bottle into the Rangers fans. Hell, I met one Mancunian guy who had robbed one of the programme/t-shirt vendors and was giving out free t's and stuff. And in the beer tent on Picadilly Gardens there were a small group of Mancunians robbing the pint glasses, pouring themselves drinks and ripping open boxes in search of goodies.
  19. Absolutely disgraceful!! I started out at Albert Square for the first half but didn't have the best of views on the screen. A friend of mine had managed to turn up late so I moved to Picadilly to meet him, by this time there wasn't much scrapping, a few police were out in force and the odd idiot throwing items at them. By the time my friend turned up, I had been attacked by the police and striked several times and witnessed a few good fans being attacked WHILST clearly submitting. Managed to capture one such man on camera ( http://homepage.ntlworld.com/will.russell/...er/IMAG0024.JPG ) I apologize for the Blur but Adrenaline was pumping. He was rushed by the officer on the left and pushed off the metrolink ramp. GMP were charging and striking anyone in their way, including my sister who is 15 years old. I did get an apology from a senior officer who witnessed the attack but that's beside the point! http://homepage.ntlworld.com/will.russell/...er/IMAG0031.JPG http://homepage.ntlworld.com/will.russell/...er/IMAG0042.JPG http://homepage.ntlworld.com/will.russell/...er/IMAG0055.JPG I think alot more could have been done to accomodate our fans and contingencies in place. The most disgraceful thing of all is the minority of our fans who continue to tarnish our otherwise improving image. Sorry for the rant, but I was thoroughly enjoying the game until the incidents and feel it was such a wasted day. Regards, Nemor.
  20. "Any hole is a goal. Just no this wan!" - McGregor.
  21. No offense mate, even if your intentions are good, to rely on someone now that you've never met would be foolish.
  22. My wee sis and my mate are City supporters, both are going with me to watch it. I posted in another thread but I'll jack this too, anyone know where everyones meeting up or who I can exchange numbers with to meet? Failing that lemme know and I'll gladly meet up with the City supporters!
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