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Everything posted by beararse

  1. Wish folk would read the post instead of trying to score points I’ve not said we’ll win the league. I’ve not said it’s not a big risk. All I’m saying is Gerrard has an advantage as he’s worked with Rodgers. Time will tell....like I said first time round!
  2. Apologies if this has been discussed but I can’t recall seeing this particular point mentioned in any of many pages I’ve read this past week. So here’s the point. Surely if anyone is best placed to counter Brenda, it’s Stevie G. He is the perfect man considering he was the spray tanned bawbag’s Captain on the pitch. He will know exactly how Rodgers operates, how he drills his team, how he analyses rival teams, how he reacts tactically in games etc. i know it’s a risk considering it’s his first managerial post but by god it’s got the potential to be a stroke of absolute genius. Time will tell.
  3. i didn't and your right successful businessmen generally don't piss money away...they invest. that said, there are countless highly successful business people who have pissed money away in the chase for, and sometimes, gaining of success. Chelsea springs to mind. Abramovich is only interested in success, not return or at least thats how he used to operate.... its more about kudos than bottomline also, when have we ever got a fair price for a player? even the ones we've flogged for good money we're still well under market value.
  4. Eh, because if any feeder type arrangement was ever going to happen it would be with a team from one of the richest leagues in the world! Probably worth reminding you that my post was a reply to someone asking why Fenway would invest in Rangers solely to support Gerrard. I simply pointed out that IF there was a big investment coming our way it is unlikely to be solely to turn SG into a EPL manager. I am not suggesting for one minute that Fenway are investing. Just looking at why someone would invest. Thats all.
  5. It was a hypothesis. The £100m is clearly a ridiculous figure, plucked (as i said) from absolutely nowhere. Juxtaposed with the huge numbers a top EPL club generates it shows that an investment way beyond our wildest dreams is not entirely unrealistic which conversely means a modest investment is entirely realistic.
  6. if it raises the quality on the pitch, stops 8/9/10 in a row and gets us back in Europe then why the hell not? Nothing ever lasts forever* AND this strategy forces a long term plan otherwise it simply dies on its arse from the get go! (*bonus points for anyone who gets the Merseyside connection)
  7. .....and farm out rough diamonds with some returning polished! We have no idea what is playing out behind the scenes but if Fenway, for example, were to invest (lets pluck what seems like a ridiculous figure out of the sky) £100m, that sum of money is absolutely fuck all to them. They made £137m profit just be selling Coutinho. They could make the same profit again if they were to cash in on Salah (or if he forced a move to Spain). Then you've got all the Sky money sloshing around and this years Champions League money (circa £100m if they were to win). Now, i'm not saying they would be willing to spunk £100m over us but given the sums of money they are dealing with it is not inconceivable that a business group with a long term view may think investing £100m to develop a future manager and a host of kids and reserve players is money well spent. In today's market all they need to do is unearth one gem and the costs are covered. £100m is eye watering to scottish football and a drop in the ocean to EPL clubs. Its not only about investing in people. They'd be gaining additional training facilities, corporate hospitality etc. How any such investment is achieved is another matter.
  8. So, you reckon there would be a riot if David Murray took over, you've called him a 'weasel fuck' then pointed out he made money from us and that 'he sold us down the river' yet you don't know how you'd feel about it if he were to put money in or take over? I think the answer is staring you in the face :)
  9. Making a right arse of this. Reply wasn't meant for your comment!
  10. alternatively, he was trying to keep his former role at Rangers and didn't want to screw up his chances by saying 'you know what, i'm just not very good at this management malarky'....either way, he's out a job as i'll be astonished if he goes/is allowed back to his former role. As for the 2nd point I meant the one guy available (and willing) at Rangers. The board should have went for an experienced man such as McLeish as a stop gap for the season.
  11. That is EXACTLY what I thought when I seen the interview. He was just rejudgitating what has been said to him. He looked like he wanted to say ‘fuck this for a game of soldiers in the Pre match interview.
  12. How was it easy for him to go back to his normal job under the circumstances? If there was no one else available, which you have to assume was the case otherwise he wouldn’t have been given the gig, then he was well and truly hung out to dry. Thr bloke was damned if he stayed, damned if he didn’t.
  13. I reckon I’ll get pelters for this but here goes .... Murty was put in a position by the Board and it was obvious he didn’t want the responsibility at the outset. A few games in and he started to find his feet. Results varied and by the end we’ve been severely spanked by celtic in quick succession and he’d clearly lost the dressing room and at Board level. Now, here’s the contentious part. Practically every post is calling him a cunt, a charlatan and he should be hunted. The poor bastard was put in that position by the board. He never applied for the job as Rangers manager. He can’t say half way through ‘I can’t do this’ and jack it in because it’s his livliehood and his reputation would be in tatters. Nor will he be on a massive salary. I doubt he was ever on a huge salary as a player so why the fuck would he quit his job with fuck all guarantee of another one anytime soon now that his weaknesses as a manager have been exposed? Yes, he’s been found wanting but imagine if you went to your work one day and the boss called you into his office and said ‘right son, we’ve sacked the regional manager and all his admin team, he’s left a right fucking mess, so you are going to take charge for a period until things settle. Rather than get someone who is qualified to fix this we’ll probably extend your trial period even though we know your not experienced enough and we’ll also make a public statement at some point suggesting you are not up to it.’ To top that, your now vilified by your workmates, members of the public are queuing up to call you a useless cunt even though it wasn’t your responsibility in the first place AND things have deteriorated that badly you can’t even go back to your former position in the company so you’ll be on the dole. If that happened to me I’d be fucking raging and I would remain in my position for as long as I could until I was sacked and received hefty compensation. There is absolutely no fucking way I would walk if that were the case so to call Murty a cunt for not walking is well out of order. (tin hat on)
  14. Should have read 'Odds on Pedro successor'
  15. Missed your reply last night... Not aggravated by the article in the slightest, I was just astounded at how lazy and pathetic it was. I gave it a quick scan and thought it worth highlighting the ridiculous odds for the ridiculous people noted as potential Rangers manager: Miller and McKay being the worst/most unlikely suggested. 'fuck right off' was 'fuck right off' as in 'away and piss of ya idiots' rather than 'fuck right off, that's really angered me' With explanation proffered I'm off to find a happy story which will give us all a warm and fuzzy feeling inside :)
  16. Ive had my hair cut since that photo
  17. Pena is an enigma. He has an average of 1 goal every two games....yet we all agree he struggles with the pace of the Scottish game. Hardly the stats of a dud. Granted at times he looks like he's never seen a ball yet has a goals per game ratio that an attacking midfielder on top form would struggle to beat. Imagine if he ever gets to grips with our game.
  18. Thanks for the compliment. Can't recall saying I was worried.
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