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Everything posted by ExiledWeegie123

  1. they can use it to beat the tims if they like,but once the games finished they leave it behind, dirty thieving bassa's
  2. i agree with what your trying to say bauba,although a little thought going into what you say wouldnt go a miss
  3. result : rangers score : 3-1 fgs : naismith
  4. none of us lol we all argue more when the team wins than losses
  5. GOLA lol brings back childhood memories of telling my mum to"GET TAE FOOK" no way i would put gola on ma feet like
  6. lol this is great can we have a mystical gang fight,will be like WoW online
  7. "No doubt you'll be able to back that up with evidence." the point i was trying to make was that human beings in general sometimes lie,sometimes exagerate,sometimes make up stories,its part of life and the human mind,but if your saying your one of these guys who's never lied,made up a story or exagerated then im sorry m8 but thats bollocks too,psychology 101
  8. wattie to quote a very overused saying on here "hes a rangers man"
  9. if u take each event on its merit then faddys goal was the best,more meaningfull game(to some ) as its an international,but imo the BETTER goal was adams due to huttons run,adams skill to set himself up and his final shot and it was against the german champions
  10. i agree 100% yc ive made my feeling known to admin a few times in the past about this clique on here,but theres no real point in moaning they just all come out of the woodwork and stick up for each other with pre-thought out comments like "hes a rangers man", "hes a better fan than you'll ever be" , "ok then timmy run along" everyone can see it except the ones who ignore it. unofficial admins,or so they like to think they are although i'll not name names,i'll keep that for pm
  11. i wasnt getting at dart personally guys,but its getting boring seeing them two and a few others at it constantly "as he does not tell lies or make things up" bollocks minstral everyone does from time to time
  12. handbags at dawn get a grip guys,not bad enough we have personal squabbles ruining threads (myself included btw) but now threads are being started to get brownie points over one another its getting bad now guys
  13. didnt stand out above anyone else last night but got on with his job and can only be praised for that
  14. when i saw him doon at the corner flag i thought he was just going to waste some valuable minutes and what does he do....................pulls out the cheekiest wee piece of skill that ive seen in a while and sets up fergie for a chance,id have had him on a bit sooner right enough but hes a star
  15. i dont think it was a good performance from him tonight,seems to give the ball away alot and doesnt offer too much cover for hutton,i agree with the get naismith in
  16. woooooooooooooooooooooooooo fookin hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :)
  17. lol the bandage is back off who needs a bandage eh,barry would walk on glass to play for us
  18. im sure we will when dado p...................... sorry barry the bandage gets back on
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