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Everything posted by cooperonthewing

  1. I may be wrong but I think that Scotland may have been playing the following weekend.
  2. In one post you are saying the minutes will be "far removed" from the proposal. In another post you are saying the minutes will "refer to the proposal" and note its approval. Make your mind up - which is it to be ? After all, you "know a bit about Council Committee meetings". What I meant by 'far removed' was that the vast majority of what was in the proposal would not appear in the minutes, just a summary of the recommendations and noting they were agreed. You presented the document as the minutes of a meeting that was still to take place, I merely corrected you and pointed out it was a proposal. I'm a bit surprised you can't just accept you used the wrong wording.
  3. The minutes are almost identical to my opening post. Perhaps the Council Committee meetings that you know a bit about are somewhat removed from the level involved here. Where are the minutes as I've just checked the site and they haven't been posted yet? The minutes are only likely to refer to the proposal, quote the recommendations and note they were approved.
  4. I apologise if you think I was having a dig, that was not my intention. But I do know a bit about Council Committee meetings. :yes:
  5. The then Glasgow District Council(now - Glasgow City Council) sold three streets, Janefield Street, Kinloch Street, and Dalriada Street to their beloved Sellik for one penny. It cost the council an estimated £1.5 million to pay out re-accomodation grants to over 400 households, demolition of the houses, and land clearance. The decision was taken by the 13 members of GDC's Planning Committee, 11 Labour Party councillors, one SNP and one Tory councillor. It was revealed by both the Tory and Nationalist councilors that the 11 Labour party councilors all either had season tickets at ra Stydome, or were share holders in the club, several were both. This forced Pat Lalley to call a full council meeting to ratify the outrageous sale of three streets to ra Sellik for one penny. At the full meeting, it was first agreed that all those in attendance did NOT have to declare any interest in Sellik ie of the 102 councilors present, 91 of them Labour party councilors, none of them had to own up to being share holders in Sellik. After a flawed debate, the approval went through on the nod. I was only 99p out.
  6. I wonder if they will sell this land to Rangers for £1, as they did to Celtic for the area surrounding Celtic Park. Also to the OP, I think you'll find that the minutes of a meeting cannot be written until that meeting has taken place. It appears (or appeared as I can't get the page to load now) that this is a committee paper which makes proposals and recommendations for the committee to discuss and come to a decision. Far removed from what will be the official minutes IMHO.
  7. No, surely it's because he is a Roman Catholic from Ire.....eh...Spain. Well, it works for Lennon.
  8. We keep hearing about the 'genious' that was Henrik Larsson but how many of those goals was he capable of scoring? Get well Gazza.
  9. How is he in charge? He isn't even an office bearer.
  10. Everyone want's a go on the bouncy castle - unless, of course, we are teachng our children to act in a sectarian manner.
  11. RST Family Day – 20th September in Wee Rangers Club Following the success of last year’s event the Rangers Supporters Trust is hosting another Family Day. This will take place in the Wee Rangers Club on Saturday 20th September. The WRC will be open from 1.00 p.m. until 6.00 p.m. and members and non-members will be made welcome. There will be plenty to entertain all the young Bears and Bearettes attending and RST Board Members will be available to chat to adults about all aspects of the Trust. Further details will follow in due course.
  12. You can't be serious. We managed okay for 116 years before he bought us, including 3 European finals.
  13. I agree with you there, but hes went out and did it, because he knows hes had too. Critisism wheres its due, and credit where its due Credit would have been spending money in midfield when they knew Barry was out long-term instead of buying strikers. As to the question of opinions on Murray, how are we supposed to have any respect for someone who tell a group of 15 fans that he has had no offers for the Club and within a week the media is full of him telling whoever will listen that he was within hours of signing a deal to sell it. To be a good liar you need a good memory.
  14. So, you believe that if David Edgar hadn't said what he said this week (and had the backing of most fans) that we would have signed the players we have? FFS, we were told that no midfielders were available, suddenly we have four (work permits and personal terms permitting). We have waited for months for SDM to come out and defend 99.99% of our fans post-Manchester and he says nothing. Criticise him and see what happens. If you read the threads on here and the various articles contained therein about Mendez, Aarron and Edu you'll see that the Club have been working behind the scenes on those deals for weeks, if not months. If you choose to believe these deals were signed sealed and delivered within a matter of days as a result of threats of protest by the fair-weather, knee-jerk, panic-merchants then you carry on. So do you believe the deal for Carlos was done in one day, as we were led to believe?
  15. What exactly would be "normal and sensible business practice" in your world ? What would you know about negotiating the sale of a PLC ? When was the last such sale "in your world" where you employed "normal and sensible business practice" ? Or did you just make that up ? :harhar: I know enough that I wouldn't have one of my senior executives waste 'months' negotiating with someone who I hadn't checked met my main criterion. But hey, maybe you know best. As you didn't answer any of my questions, perhaps you did just make up the post referring to "normal and sensible business practice" in your world. How much time did Donald Wilson actually spend on the deal ? How much information were the prospective buyers willing to divulge prior to the completion meeting ? Was SDM hoping to smoke out others by going along with the deal ? etc. You can't answer any of these questions yet you feel qualified to state that SDM didn't follow "normal and sensible business practice". As Tom English puts it: "all the big picture view of Mr Magoo". Sorry, I didn't think they were serious questions because you already know the answers, don't you? :smiley:
  16. What exactly would be "normal and sensible business practice" in your world ? What would you know about negotiating the sale of a PLC ? When was the last such sale "in your world" where you employed "normal and sensible business practice" ? Or did you just make that up ? :harhar: I know enough that I wouldn't have one of my senior executives waste 'months' negotiating with someone who I hadn't checked met my main criterion. But hey, maybe you know best.
  17. So, you believe that if David Edgar hadn't said what he said this week (and had the backing of most fans) that we would have signed the players we have? FFS, we were told that no midfielders were available, suddenly we have four (work permits and personal terms permitting). We have waited for months for SDM to come out and defend 99.99% of our fans post-Manchester and he says nothing. Criticise him and see what happens.
  18. I agree to an extent but let's not go overboard. It was a refreshing change to see the team being much more positive. I liked what I saw of Mendes and agree that Thomson looked a far better player playing alongside him. We restricted Hearts to a few chances and I thought the double save from McGregor was outstanding. However, towards the end we were still only one goal up and hanging on when we should have killed them off earlier. I'm looking forward to more new signings and think we could have a team capable of winning the SPL if we go out to win games without the over-cautious approach.
  19. Donald Wilson would be negotiating on a purely financial basis, therefore would have no reason to enquire about the prospective buyers future plans. And there is nothing unusual in the fact that Murray kept his enquiries until he was face-to-face with said prospective buyers. Normal and sensible business practice. Not in my world. Normal and sensible business practice would be to sit down at the outset with a potential buyer and find out their overall plans to take the club forward. Then, if you like what you hear, you then start financial negotiations. Why waste two months of Donald Wilson's time? There is no way the Chairman and owner of an organisation such as Murrays would be involved in initial negotiations. It's called delegation? So you wouldn't even ask for a proposed business plan?
  20. Donald Wilson would be negotiating on a purely financial basis, therefore would have no reason to enquire about the prospective buyers future plans. And there is nothing unusual in the fact that Murray kept his enquiries until he was face-to-face with said prospective buyers. Normal and sensible business practice. Not in my world. Normal and sensible business practice would be to sit down at the outset with a potential buyer and find out their overall plans to take the club forward. Then, if you like what you hear, you then start financial negotiations. Why waste two months of Donald Wilson's time? How many businesses do you run??? What's that got to do with this discussion? Are you saying that if we have not been a football manager, we should not have an opinion on players, tactics, formations etc?
  21. Donald Wilson would be negotiating on a purely financial basis, therefore would have no reason to enquire about the prospective buyers future plans. And there is nothing unusual in the fact that Murray kept his enquiries until he was face-to-face with said prospective buyers. Normal and sensible business practice. Not in my world. Normal and sensible business practice would be to sit down at the outset with a potential buyer and find out their overall plans to take the club forward. Then, if you like what you hear, you then start financial negotiations. Why waste two months of Donald Wilson's time?
  22. So let's get this straight. Murray stated about 18 months ago that he wanted to sell the club but would only sell to someone who could take the club forward. He lets a highly paid employee, Donald Wilson, negotiate with this 'potential buyer' for two months and with two hours to go he asks what he intends to do with the club. Oh dear!
  23. We didn't win the title with you but we will win it without you (our best and most consistent player) Aye right.
  24. ive highlighted points i want to raise 1. well why didnt you do something about it? 2. im sorry..."they?" Walter, YOU are at fault here, its YOUR team, players that YOU and only YOU think are good enough for Rangers 3. thats cause you play 1 up front, and did so all through pre-season....weve scored 8 goals in 8 games, conceding 9 in the same time 4. why is that Walter? why? Absolutely spot on.
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