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Everything posted by cam69r

  1. I'd take Gary Caldwell...ugly lad...good defender.
  2. I'm confused? What is it the petition suggests we boycott? Paying for a TV license? Don't you need to pay the BBC TV license to watch anything on TV though?
  3. Just ran across the bottom of the sky sports news ticker...it'll be up on all the websites soon.
  4. Tony Adams will take Celtic managers job if Wim Jansen becomes technical director... All my celtic pals are raging...we could win the league before a ball is kicked, he is gawd awful. Another Barnes and Daglish era for them i hope.
  5. Who's commentating on the video saying Ibrox is the loudest stadium around? Gary McCallister?
  6. I was in the louden for the Old Firm game and everytime we sang TBB that lady was out with her mic telling everyone to shut up but no-one listened. Caught a glimps of her moaning again at the end o that vid
  7. He played centre back with Cuellar in the group stages last year before we got knocked down into the Uefa Cup. But I'm sure he'd love another crack at it.
  8. I don't think we realise how lucky we are to have Walter. He has been a God for us and last year we nearly won the Quadruple and got to a Major European final and this year we won the league (and cup double i hope). He's a Rangers man and im delighted to have him. Some of his team selections and tactics have been questionable but he has got us to the promised land so credit where credit is due. We'd have to pay a fortune to get anyone better than him.
  9. Forgotten the name of it already but a few threads down titled "Any Dundee bears on the forum?"..someone put in a good suggestion of a pub that will be packed of gers.
  10. I hope so, im in the George Fox stand or something like that...hopefully there are plenty more around me.
  11. I'm not that lucky, sitting in the United end Thanks, do you think that might be open earlier than half 12? I think my train gets in about 11.
  12. Got tickets to game on Sunday, getting to Dundee by train. Being a 1pm ko it means that no time to go to pubs as they don't open until haf 12 on a sunday...but if you know the area are there any that open early or what is a good 1 to go to after the game?
  13. be interesting to see how many new members have joined RM since the Hibs ra sellik game? Someone must have started a rumour that potatoes are on this forum
  14. From what the tarriers have been doing over the last couple of weeks (studding Edu and nearly breaking Wilkies leg) i see no reason to have standards this late in the season. Win at all costs even if it means cheating to get the opposition down to 10 men. to give us a better chance. We can clean up our act as of next season.
  15. The only fail on Sunday will be the failed 4 in a row attempt.
  16. Brilliant. I really hope the home end will be full of Bears. I just know im gona go mental when we score and probably get thrown out but if a couple of hundred of us are sittin in the same area going nuts then we might get away with it.
  17. What a cheek from barryrangers92 wrong thread ya idiot...talkceltic is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  18. Yeah i thought the same buddie, was surprised not to see the players come for a lap of the pitch...not that i'd of noticed i was out my box It's coming home
  19. Due to united not selling tickets to anyone except people on their database who have bought in the last 5 years i asked my friend (united fan) if he could buy them for me and he was happy enough to get me two (his dad works at tannadic aswel) so £44 for two tickets...i was warned not to do anythin foolish but im sure when we have won the league and the dundee fans have left i can go ballistic during the title party.
  20. As the title says? I got two tickets for United end on Sunday as the Gers end is full...just wondering if anyone else is sitting in the Arabs end?
  21. I have got 2 tickets for the home end but away end sold out quickly. My mates dad works for Tannadice so he got me them. Best chance you got is if you know someone that's a United fan to get them for you i think.
  22. I watched the game in a pub last night so it was noisy and didn't hear Richard Gough talking after the game. What did he say? Was he saying it was a goal and sticking up for Rangers or what? Seems like he showed a bit of fire by sounds of things?
  23. Not 100% sure but goals scored i think. And seeing as we have the best defensive record if we were to end up even it means they have scored more So we need to make sure we don't end up level on GD
  24. Just reading Rangers website about it now, Rob Jones and Ian Murray both said the ball was over the line!
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