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Everything posted by laudrupforever

  1. You have a big call to make.. Two guys have a scrap. One is a Muslim, the other a Buddhist. You say to the Buddhist you're going to discipline him, he says 'he'll meditate for you'. You say to the Muslim you're going to discipline him, he says, 'I'm suing you, you're probably losing your job and your double glazing.' Anyone still surprised that shower only got the one red card today?
  2. Two pens not given, at least one should have. In other news, for repetitive fouling, Mark Wilson, Glenn Loovens, Thomas Rogne and Emilio Izaguirre cannot be sent off. Signed, Craig Thomson. Kthxbyeeeeeeeeeeee.
  3. Nope. Enjoy the highlights folks.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcEQdTX7Ft0&feature=channel_video_title
  5. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=181376
  6. Here you are. Apologies, it's a hatchet job but enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcEQdTX7Ft0&feature=channel_video_title
  7. More stringent moves towards keeping out timmy and keeping the forums private to members only. Piss aff plod.
  8. Jeffers. I at least seen Ostenstad score.
  9. Didnae fucking take long did it? What a fucking shock that one is.
  10. Cracking draw. No English teams likely to make the final either, exception being maybe Man Utd. Feel sorry for Spurs though, would have liked to see them do well.
  11. That's the point I'm making. I'm not comparing the two in terms of who was better/worse or whatever, but in terms of how our tactical ineptitude at times, will render them more or less useless in games. Agree somewhat with the earlier post saying that they're both homers to an extent.
  12. Would have moved Whitty into centre, dropped Edu and played Weiss out right.
  13. Knowing Smith, I'd argue the latter. We'll end up seeing him in both games, ineffective and shattered.
  14. Diouf in the 2-2 game played more or less off Jela, but as the game wore on, we let them dominate and he faded away. Ended up being yet another performance like you described.
  15. I'll be honest, I was more interested in seeing Barca win it in Madrid than anything else.
  16. Not necessarily defensive, because we've been defensive before and played one off the lone striker. It's more a complete reluctance to play anyone there, aside from the last few games of 04/05 where we had towin every game and get the goals racked up.
  17. So for four minutes or something then? After it went 1-1 those cunts dominated us, it has to be said.
  18. Both are players with an eye for a pass, technical ability in spades and really should be tearing defences in this league to bits. However, we can't or won't find a system that allows us to get the best out of the player. Both seem to play best as the point of a diamond midfield or just off the striker. Is this a case of us wasting another potentially cracking player due to management's tactical inefficiency/incompetence?
  19. As long as he gives 100% on the pitch, that'll do me.
  20. Can you imagine the uproar if it was dodgy/outside the box as well? Would be the funniest ever. Wouldn't fancy walking home after it though.
  21. If only it'd have happened last year as well. Stupid referee/Inter Milan.
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