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A Horse With No Name

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Everything posted by A Horse With No Name

  1. Exactly!!! Defo a conflict of interest!!!!! Ferguson acted like a spoilt brat through the first half of last season and his Agent happily put in the mix FOR HIM IT WAS WIN WIN WIN! If Fergie got kicked out they'd've be his share to look forward too If (as what happened) the shit hits the fan (or should that be fans..) Rangers would sack PLG and Celtic would (and did) build up a heavy SPL lead THE WORSE ASPECT OF THAT - AND WHAT I CAN'T FORGIVE THAT WEE ARROGANT CUNT FOR - IS THAT THAT 'HEAVY LEAD' GAVE THEM CARTE BLANCHE TO CONCENTRATE ON THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE... Thankfully wee Rino's mob put paid to them ffft!!!!
  2. You appear, and I am only speculating here, to be a wee bit upset with our Barry Don't ask me how I come to these conclusions. Maybe I am just good at reading in between the lines You're no often wrong but you're right again!!
  3. Great Player - Terrible Captain! Personally i'll never forget what he done to Paul Le Guen - If he supported PLG 100% and made sure any unrest in the dressing room got squashed THAT'S WHAT I'D'VE EXPECTED FROM A RANGERS CAPTAIN!! HE DIDN'T - SO HE ISN'T!!!!! :pipegreen: A RANGERS CAPTAIN TOES THE LINE AND FOLLOWS THE ORDERS OF THE PEOPLE ABOVE HIM!!!! Like his namesake Awex he'll likely make a great manager - trouble is he doesn't realise his career as a manager hasn't started! HE'S AN ARROGANT (which to a degree is good) WEE CUNT WHO DOESN'T KNOW HIS PLACE IN THE PECKING ORDER!!! He allowed his Tarrier Agent to put in the mix too! :rant: Hell will freeze over before i forget what he done!!!
  4. Have to disagree steely_gers! Think it's much too early to tell if Celtic have improved - they were very average in the Scotland last yr and the previous one too but i'm sure even a Wee arrogant sod like Strachan will have learnt something in those two yr!!! In my opinion IF RANGERS CONTINUE TO LET CELTIC STEAL THE LIMELIGHT AND CONTINUE TO PUT OURSELVES UP AS 'UNDERDOGS' and HIT THE GROUND RUNNING AND TAKE A 7 POINT LEAGUE LEAD BY NOVEMBER WE'LL WIN IT... Otherwise 2nd will have to suffice! The good thing is Walter knows how to play mindgames :pipegreen: and that combined with us taking a humble attitude might swing it THEN WE WILL SEE STRACHAN GO INTO FULL TARRIER MODE - they're where signs when they got beat 5-0 in Europe - in his 1st season..
  5. But i'm a care worker - so i've got to keep him talking until the nurses come to try a new medication... :classier_than_pipeguy: Well i'm a nurse mate, so maybe I can just come along and do that Remember 'steely' we're meant to care for these poor dilusional sods... Of course mate. I couldn't do anything but care for them. I pity them. Care is part of my creed I'll keep him talking you get the syringe.. :classier_than_pipeguy: I'll make it an IM syringe. Much bigger than SC. Although you can get great IV ones, the element of surprise would be lost Just use the BIG one - I'll hold him down you put him out... Gotta go now 'steely' - chat later...
  6. But i'm a care worker - so i've got to keep him talking until the nurses come to try a new medication... :classier_than_pipeguy: Well i'm a nurse mate, so maybe I can just come along and do that Remember 'steely' we're meant to care for these poor dilusional sods... Of course mate. I couldn't do anything but care for them. I pity them. Care is part of my creed I'll keep him talking you get the syringe.. :classier_than_pipeguy:
  7. What years did we do it the first time?? 1938-39 through to 1946-47! See my Spreadsheet for the full story steely_gers! Scottish League championships (51): 1891, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1918, 1920, 1921, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997*, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2005 That is a copy af all the championships that Rangers have won See the link (it's on this site - check sticky at top) for the Spreadsheet download: http://www.rangersmedia.com/stats.html
  8. But i'm a care worker - so i've got to keep him talking until the nurses come to try a new medication... :classier_than_pipeguy: Well i'm a nurse mate, so maybe I can just come along and do that Remember 'steely' we're meant to care for these poor dilusional sods...
  9. What years did we do it the first time?? 1938-39 through to 1946-47! See my Spreadsheet for the full story steely_gers!
  10. But i'm a care worker - so i've got to keep him talking until the nurses come to try a new medication... :classier_than_pipeguy:
  11. Remember WE'VE DONE 9IAR TWICE!! The next one will be our THIRD!! :pipegreen:
  12. None! I'll be buying a Navy Blue Training Top i saw - VERY STYLISH!!! :pipegreen:
  13. I'm neither a Bigot nor a Racist! I'M A SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST! FISH though - the waters he swims in must be as pollutted as fook - i've not seen anything Racist/Bigotted yet, but he doesn talk a load of PISH so i wouldn't be surprised!!!!
  14. I think we all wish Murray would spend his own money to bolster the squad and many guys on here would maybe like to see a change at the top. But the constant "Murray GTF" thing is becoming childish and boring now. Is it a case of Fish not having anything constructive to say? No doubt I will move further up his "list". Having checked out a few of his posts - it's pretty clear IT'S JUST A CASE OF FISH NOT HAVING ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE TO SAY!!! But then i'm in the 'Murray GTF' gang, and have been putting forward real logical reason for Murray to GTF for ages, so maybe he's actually been learning while he's been on the forum... I know, it's a long shot... :classier_than_pipeguy: Thats the peshiest bait thats ever been posted oan here :classier_than_pipeguy: No the Peshiest FISH - in that respect you've no competition... MILES better than your one eh?
  15. I think we all wish Murray would spend his own money to bolster the squad and many guys on here would maybe like to see a change at the top. But the constant "Murray GTF" thing is becoming childish and boring now. Is it a case of Fish not having anything constructive to say? No doubt I will move further up his "list". Having checked out a few of his posts - it's pretty clear IT'S JUST A CASE OF FISH NOT HAVING ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE TO SAY!!! But then i'm in the 'Murray GTF' gang, and have been putting forward real logical reason for Murray to GTF for ages, so maybe he's actually been learning while he's been on the forum... I know, it's a long shot... :classier_than_pipeguy:
  16. I get the feeling he just thinks of something really weird/stupid to say and says it - funny sometime but mostly COMPLETELY FUCKED UP!!!! Is he typing away in the hospital at Carstairs... :classier_than_pipeguy: Maybe pop into his ward - and get the Nurses to change the medication...
  17. :classier_than_pipeguy: I was looking for that bullet/option too!!! tbh - a poster can come on here and say women should be chained to the kitchen/bed and he'd be as popular as FISH - he just makes the rest of us seem so articulate and edumacated! I ALWAYS get really worried when i agree with him - need to open a window and lie down... Were you bullied at school or are you being bullied at school :pipegreen: I done the bullying at School :Edwinb2: - I was a Skinhead then and i'm a Skinhead now :classier_than_pipeguy: !!!!!
  18. :classier_than_pipeguy: I was looking for that bullet/option too!!! tbh - a poster can come on here and say women should be chained to the kitchen/bed and he'd be as popular as FISH - he just makes the rest of us seem so articulate and edumacated! I ALWAYS get really worried when i agree with him - need to open a window and lie down...
  19. The mhanks unsporting? Unethical? So what's new? Fuck them. The day we start worrying about what that shower of shite are doing in the transfer market will never come and it always annoys the hell out of me when our fans bring this up. Makes us sound desperate :angry2: True, but the point i'm making here is that this 'gamesmanship' should have been highlighted more by the media - i remember the media kicking up a fuss when we allowed Blackburn Rovers to train at Auchenhowie.. I'm not surprised they're acting like a shower of shite - i'd just like to see it highlighted... THEN THE NEXT TIME WE WANT TO PLAY THAT GAME - WE CAN CLAIM MORE JUSTIFICATION... We're at war with Celtic - so we need to understand the PR game... :pipegreen:
  20. Correct - but... I see it a bit like an Auction IF someone has no intention of buying they shouldn't be bidding (or in this area the shouldn't be kidding on they're gonna bid) i think it's unsporting - and with relations between the us and the Tims 'simmering' at the best of times i'd say it's unnecessary and possibly dangerous... :pipegreen:
  21. Not too recent but i'll go for the Celtic Supporter who 'claimed' VICTIMISATION and INTIMIDATION and being chased from her home because she looked like.... 'Maxine Carr' Must say the boards were choc a bloc and IT WAS HILARIOUS - SOME OF THE POSTS REQUIRED AN ELASTIC FOR THE PENIS!!!!! Think the best one went something like this "We the people of Scotland apologise UNRESERVEDLY to Maxine Carr, the poor lassie has enough on her plate and i'm sure this story must've drove her to dispare when she saw this Celtic Fan - OUR HUMBLEST APOLOGISES!!!!"
  22. Don't buy newspapers very often, and may have picked this up wrong (from the quick glimpse i got of the phapers a couple of day's back) but the back pages seem to point at Strachan 'hinting' at jumping into a Bidding War over Naismith.. If so i think he's crossing the line! There's no chance Celtic want Naismith (they'd've tabled an offer if they did) but even the hint at an interest from CFC (bearing in mind they 'seem' to be loaded) a) puts more determination into Kilmarnock to hold out and b) means we'll have to up our offer! If this is true surely this is going into the territory of UNETHICAL/UNSPORTING BEHAVIOUR!!! :classier_than_pipeguy: btw - i know the deal is dead and we'll go back for the lad when his contract is out!! :pipegreen:
  23. Have to say Kilmarnock have been using the media at every stage and maybe in future when dealing with them we should STATE OUR PRICE AND STICK TO IT - and also make it clear WE'LL BE BACK FOR HIM WHEN HIS CONTRACT IS UP!! Jeffries' attitude to Rangers has always been bitter - must've got well gubbed as a player when he played against us!!! A Sourer Plum i've yet to see!! Moaning Faced A**ehole!!! :bum1:
  24. Great memories!!! :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: The 'bouncy' was at its height to my mind!!! His teams played a great style of Football - but when it came to geeing the players up for the 'physical' challenge of O'Neil, he was left wanting! Have to be honest though and say i liked him lots and was of a mind to divide the job (McLeish SPL - DA Europe) that would have been chancy and may not have been feasable but i still wonder about that... To my mind the 2 games at Parkhead (in the League Cup Semi-Final, and the 0 -1 SPL game - 4 days apart in 2000-01) changed the balance of power in Scotland, as Celtic players used intimidation towards Rangers players, and match officials - while the footballing authorities did nothing to deter them! To date, Rangers FC haven't responded to Celtic's grasp of 'Nazi - inspired' propaganda! No response equates to acceptance! Had Rangers adopted a more aggressive attitude with Officialdom, O'Neil and thus Celtic Thugs wouldn't have got away with that intimidation and i think Advocaat would've seen off Martin O'Neil!!!! :pipegreen: But i suppose the seeds of acceptance were laid when we sacked Donald Finlay and when we didn't take them on after our Huddle... Overspending... well the blame must lie with Murray!!!
  25. He's a reactionary, talks pap and never gives up i'd put him somewhere between Hitler and Musselini IF THE BOTH OF THEM WERE PISSED THAT IS!!!! Only kidding - make that 1874 - he's growing on me!
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