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Everything posted by OceanRain

  1. I felt that the style of play went to shite after the 4-2 game against Hibs in December.
  2. Whatever happened to actually playing for the jersey of our club? He's done fuck all other than dick about on Twitter and playing Billy Big Bollocks yet was determined to give Scott fucking Brown a cuddle after they'd horsed us. All fur coat and no knickers.
  3. This season is rapidly deteriorating. And it's not even October.
  4. Didn't take long. Get him tae fuck. Toxic.
  5. We'd need to be within 3 points of the league leaders on the last day of the season. We'll be lucky to be within 15, in my opinion.
  6. Our defence included Ricksen, Moore and Hutton. Marvin Andrews also had a direct line to The Big Man that year too. We'd need a similar miracle this season.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Graham_(footballer,_born_1978)
  8. Fucked up the quote but I agree with what @Moody Blue Legend has said. It was an entirely average performance from them and yet they put five past us. Dembele scoring a hat-trick against Rangers is as farcical as it is sickening. We were completely undone our own naivety and ineptness. Plan B was non-existent. We slated Motherwell and McGee for his complete lack of ambition when they played them earlier this season. What was the difference between that match and the shift we put in yesterday? None, in my opinion. Choosing to sit back and let Cel*ic play football considering the two CBs we have was nothing short criminal. They look liked scoring with every attack. Not because they are a great team but because we look like a dreadful one. When we played them in the Scottish Cup semi we put them to the sword because we played our own way. We took the game to them and they couldn't cope. Yesterday just highlighted the fact that Barton and Niko have slowed our game down to a snail's pace, we still can't defend set pieces, and that relying on Kenny Miller to continue to roll back the years is finally coming back to bite us on the arse. It was absolutely brutal to watch. An embarrassment. And I can think of zero positives to take from it.
  9. One of those dolls is wearing a sash, ffs. Can you imagine if we'd hung one wearing a dog collar or habit? Religious hatred. Pure and simple.
  10. Bring back internment? EDIT: I've also just read your thoughts on our "pitch invasion" after the cup final. Have a word with yourself, ffs.
  11. I've read what you've written. It's hand-wringing, apologist nonsense. I have no time for wee tubes smashing up the bogs either but when I see shite like that on display inside a sports stadium then my concerns immediately turn to how and why it was allowed to happen. Not some rocket launching a sink in that shithole.
  12. The "we've also been naughty boys" rhetoric won't wash with me. What happened yesterday was a well-orchestrated sectarian display and everyone turned a blind eye to it. Do you reckon they'd have run with the pictures of the hangings or the banners if we'd all just got back onto the buses and slunk off home quietly? No chance and you know it.
  13. *sweep sweep* Yesterday was a Provo love-in of the highest order. Effigies of us being hung with our hands bound behind our backs, a banner emblazoned with the word "H*n" and an enormous IRA themed display. And yet the Mail are running photos of the Tim's lavvies being mangled. Fucking incredible.
  14. Senderos Barton Niko Fucking useless today. To man. All picking up a decent wage. Treating this like a part-time league.
  15. Genuinely heartbreaking. Sort this shite out, Warburton.
  16. Literally just said the same thing. Cannot believe he's scored three.
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