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Everything posted by Skelf

  1. A man that walked out on us 3 times and cost us a few European trophies
  2. I lost any respect for him the day he carried a coffin....
  3. Dunno what you possibly could've interpreted. I wanted to arrange who was bringing the cans of coke and the pickled onion
  4. PM me your number mate and we'll arrange "stuff".
  5. Well here's the thing. I'm in a debate with GCC about how much I owe in council tax. Now if I were to say I don't wanna settle this till I find out this investigation?? Would that work
  6. No chance. He'll get destroyed at 140. He's finished. Should hang them up pronto
  7. His biggest mistake was declining broners offer for a Vegas showdown. At that time he would have been in with a chance in beating him. Also he would've been 300k richer too. Sure that was the offer at the time. Instead he choose to stay and milk it
  8. I'll bring you one mate. PM me nearer the time
  9. Going down on KPL bus. Anyone else going down on KPL. If so I'll have a VB polo on. Say hello
  10. I said after his last fight he was only at domestic level. I was proved right last night. He can't cut it at world level now. He was finished 3 fights ago
  11. Ok. Geez a text if you find out much it is as den is on a beach party in Brazil somewhere
  12. I've not asked permission yet
  13. What about derby as Bournemouth cancelled
  14. In all seriousness. They are fucking idiots. Many times have they been told to ditch the flares n smokebombs etc. when will they listen
  15. Tbf the writing was on the wall for le guen when we found out his brother was a priest
  16. Mate. This season is first I haven't renewed in over 15 years because of his pish football. I lost all respect for his long time ago. Ally please go Now not later
  17. This The fight was more a clash of styles IMO but Crawford was much much better. Craw fords footwork was outstanding. Burns should retire now. He ain't got it at world level
  18. He knew what age she was when he told that wee tramp he loved her at 3am...
  19. I'm back Maybe Phil should go and see a Spiritualist to ask his dad why he made him a bastard.... Up the lamp posts
  20. At the same time. I'm delighted for maidana. He deserves it. But I think it's the kick up the arse broner needed. He's a very good fighter
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