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Everything posted by baxterboy

  1. nobody loves The Cry more than me resounding around the stadium. you're missing the point.
  2. the traditional songs are ma songs anaw. but ffs theyr'e havin' a good time supportin' our team enthusiastically with songs they like. what the fuck is wrong with that! so you don't like the songs, fine. you don't have to sing them, day yi? and any punter or fascist who doesn't want others to sing the songs they like is acting like a wanker. what fuckin harm are they doing? right, nane! so sing your songs, let them sing theirs, and we'll create a great atmosphere against a common enemy the morra. we're all brothers ffs!
  3. what i read is that you're slaggin' your own supporters coz their no singin' the same songs you like to support our team with. get a fucking life. leavethumalain! we're in it the gither ffs!
  4. anybody that calls the songs of fellow bears supporting our team 'shite' or 'annoying shite' is a fucking wanker. i'm from a Sash, Follow Follow, Derry's Walls, and TTB and a "Leave Those Kids Alone' generation so why the fuck don't yi?
  5. 'heed bangin shite'!!?? since fucking when was a group fellow Gers punters expressing their support for our team 'shite'? GTF!!
  6. most of the players on our team don't have the 'boot stuck in' talent as part of their repertoire. and we have and will suffer for it unless addressed. Warbs builds his teams with skill with an enforcer (Eustace type) to mind them. while we don't have a natural 'minder' Halliday has the potential and Kiernan and Ball have shown they are capable back up. be assured hivs, from the off, will have borderline yellow/red card tackles on our softer skilled players - Zelalem and Nathan. if they aren't protected - we are fucked. better to start only one of them, and whatever hiv player gives it to our skilled player, he must be tackled hard right away with the clear message - fuck around with these guys and you'll be in Stobhill. some will argue - they will have to learn to look after themselves. well, it just doesn't work that way unfortunately, history shows that the Hendersons are only allowed to play their game because of the Greigs, Forsyths, Hurlocks, Souness etc and those who think the ref will protect Zelalem and Nathan are in Neverland. hivs are coming at us physically because, other than their 10 men behind the ball and looking to score on the break tactic, they have nothing else. so Warbs, are we ready? Aye, Ready!
  7. our style of play completely dominates teams. it's been that way all season long. they put 10 men behind the ball and look to score on the break. the only difference between early season success and recent games is that we put away many of the chances we created early in the season. and in recent games we haven't - many of them sitters. it's ridiculous to change tactics because we're not capitalizing on the chances we create. the time to change tactics is when we're not creating the chances. the anti-football tactics of 10 men behind the ball of opposing teams which, btw, we got slaughtered for in the past and which these teams are currently applauded for, is only successful because we haven't been clinical enough up front. re the 20 quid, charity begins at home, eh
  8. absolute PISH!! if we play our usual game and put away half the chances we create we'll put 5 past them. rip us. GTF
  9. glad to hear you've got enough movement in the right hand to hold your scarf for the game on monday, booler. you'll have plenty practice raising your arm - from the 3 goals we'll be putting past by the hivs on monday. merry christmas, and may the new year see you recovered and back posting again!
  10. i woke up this mornin' having a great time playing wi' aw ma new toys. then i was absolutely gobsmacked when i came on the forum to play wi' ma favourite toy and he wis gone. nay merr gallant pioneer tay play wi' merry christmas to all - even the grinchy mods that take away our toys.
  11. so many great players but three were truly world class geniuses. what a privilege to witness their brilliance in order 1. slim, of course 2. the great Dane 3. gazza
  12. ok, you're playing inside left and you're just coming over the half way line with the ba' and big John's playin' right half and is heading towards you. wait a minute ... to get a better idea, imagine yourself standin' on the road on Sauchiehall st., facing traffic. now you see that double decker coming at you? that's big John.
  13. jist a wee reminder to all those touting the opposition. the mighty hivs have won the scottish league an astonishing 4 times since 1875! - and the last time was 1952 and they've won the scottish cup an amazing 2 times! - and the last time was 1902 aye, 1902 fuckin' losers!!
  14. very sorry to hear about your mum. lost the ol' man a few years back i put his Gers scarf on for the big games. always remember yerr mum's spirit is always right there with you every time you think of her.
  15. if stubbs stayed up all night workin' on tactics instead of trying to come up with a new mind game, his team would've won the Champions League by now. then, after all his mind game effort, Warbs responds by sayin' he's more worried about gettin' his wife's christmas present than stubbs. been pishin' masel all fuckin day. btw Warbs, christmas presents? no problem - two pair of pink knickers, one for the wife and the other for stubbs
  16. aye that does include st johstone. why is it the panic merchant brigade like yersel keep bringing up st. johstone? it was a fucking one off cup game and anyone who has followed football for 5 minutes knows fine well anything can happen in a cup game. we had 62% possession we had 12 shots to their 6 we had double their corners. the football transformation we've witnessed this season has been unbelievable in a 5 month period. and instead of being grateful for being top of the league, we've goat greetin' face wains complaining about a team that's playing great football under an excellent manager. the fact you, and wawrinka and the gallant wanker don't appreciate the rapidity of the progress and fail to see where Warburton's is taking our team speaks volumes for your impatience and inability to see such glaring potential.
  17. this is how you spell that paedos name S-H-I-T-E the same spelling which is appropriate for this thread title. criticism is one thing... but calling our squad 'shite' after the performances they have given us this year makes a shite supporter
  18. the same league as they? three quarters of the teams in it are no better than what we face each week.
  19. griffiths and the paedos are complete shite - and thats from their own punters! and you would have to be deaf, like yerself, not to hear the criticism of both blaring from the piggery. griffiths is, was, and always will be never more than english championship and never good enough for europe. he is totally overrated. even more than hooper and look how shit he turned out to be. if you rate griffiths, a player hardly rated by his own punters, you, as your thread clearly shows, know piss all about football.
  20. wes kiernan ball tav law halliday wallace holt mckay wags kenny with Warb's tactics Wes has to play sweeper-like to support the centre backs - the same way Neuer does for bayern. because tav and wallace are played so far up front. if law is hiding (and i dont think he will be) bring on sheils (who seems to be more incisive and effective off the bench) if gedion is out of his depth early bring on shiels if sheils is already on bring on wilson and put ball at right wing back and push tav into midfield if mckay is not doing the business on the right bring on nathan kenny has been way more effective on the left and he has to start for his experience in this game
  21. the paedos have just embarrassed themselves in europe for the umpteenth time. their manager is a total failure who is slaughtered daily by their punters and is five minutes away from the sack they just signed a barely spfl quality striker to a 5 year deal lol according to their own scum they are playing absolutely shite football as demonstrated in their loss at home to motherwell and are barely top of league with teams who are the width of a ba' hair better than what we face each week that's the realism we face next season and it's particularly easy one to contemplate. reading your post and the fucking shite by wawrinka and the gallant wanker and their posse on here is a fuckin' joke we have an excellent coach, we're playing entertaining football, we are top of of the league and we are only 5 months into a total rebuild. get a grip ffs!!!
  22. mcgregor does not come close to anyone in our defense when it comes to skill however, he had a heart and drive which has been lacking in many of our players this year.
  23. i can't fucking stand the ex paedo Stubbs, it's not just the obviousness of his head games, there's just something slimy about him - the Uriah Heep of managers. we are more than capable of putting 4 past hivs if we can capitalize on half the opportunities we create. stick Ball man on man on cummings and play him physical and hard from the off and all game. and same with Halliday on Henderson - right fucking into the paedo from the off, and he'll shite it all game.
  24. it just boggles the mind how Nicky can score 41 goals on 46 appearances for QOS against similar opposition. and regardless of his significant effort, he just can't come close to anything near this output for us. some players play a certain way and need specific tactics for them to produce. he had it at QOS but not here. it happens with a lot of players - they are excellent in one football environment and can't produce in another.
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