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Everything posted by FiftyFour

  1. http://www.chelseafc.com/page/LatestNews/0,,10268~2411482,00.html
  2. I've never even heard us linked with 1 of these players this window.
  3. Use the contact form on this bud. http://www.theblueorder.co.uk/joomla
  4. Cheers for having a look anyway mate, unfortunately I don't have an EA pass.
  5. Would anyone be kind enough to give me one? Didn't realise my gold was going to run out now I wanna play fifa clubs badly. You get one with Halo, Black Ops etc. Would be much appreciated and I'll give whoever does it 3 reps.
  6. Wow, brilliant! http://www.rangers.co.uk/articles/20110804/exclusive-bartley-back_2254024_2410601
  7. FiftyFour

    T-shirt Designs.

    They are brilliant lorney.
  8. I knew 2 teams from the same country couldn't meet in the group stages, wasn't sure about qualifiers, cheers for clearing that up.
  9. FiftyFour

    Sig Request

    Thanks alot mate. +rep Edit, can't put it on because of the restriction thing because the board is busy.
  10. Not sure how it works but who can we possibly get in the playoff?
  11. FiftyFour

    Sig Request

    How'd you get on with it mate?
  12. Why do you have a future Blackburn player as you're sig?
  13. Donkey Kong Country for the SNES.
  14. Email TBO, the ticket office don't deal with BF1.
  15. I'll be quoting this after the game son, now you - back to building my fucking wardrobe!
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