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Everything posted by rfc1990

  1. If you keep tweeting the guy about it I reckon he'll eventually cave in and post who it is.
  2. My laptop is the slowest thing in the world and takes forever to get through games of FM. What does everyone use for FM, laptop or desktop?
  3. What are you guys using for FM, laptop or desktop? Looking to buy something new so seeing whats best for playing FM.
  4. rfc1990

    PC Towers

    Thinking about buying a PC tower but no idea how I connect that to my tv. What cables would I need to buy?
  5. Take it this guys as good as Messi? You'd think that with the way folk are going on about him.
  6. Why do people keep going on about Salihi? He must be as good as Messi the way people go on about him on here!
  7. Sheridan has just extended his loan deal with them. Think we'll see Sandaza here soon.
  8. I'm sure yesterday was a Sunday.. Didn't think anyone delivered on Sunday's.
  9. Rangers McGregor, Bartley, goian, Boca, papac, aluko, edu, fleck, wallace, Healy, jelavic
  10. No bother. There will be replacement buses on though.
  11. No trains between Aberdeen and Dundee tomorrow..
  12. Anyone know roughly what time the supporters buses will be there?
  13. I'll be there...in the home end though. What's the chances of getting one for our end outside?
  14. Saw on the gossip column this morning that he's admitted there is a release clause.
  15. If Sandaza played for some Spanish team with the goal record this season everyone would be saying how good a player he was and it was a great signing. I'll give him a chance.
  16. rfc1990

    Jordan Rhodes

    Think he'll be bought by a club then loaned back to Huddersfield for the rest of the season.
  17. Apparently has a release clause of £7m. Bad move from Newcastle adding that in!
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