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Everything posted by Bazza

  1. That is the Dog's danglies m8
  2. Will Get RFC in hopefully when I unlock more.
  3. As if we don't have enough problems with injuries, we are now fast approaching players for suspension. Bougherra is one yellow away from a one game ban. McCulloch is two yellow's away from a three game ban. Normally we could suck these up but how crucial may they be considering Edu's injury and Webster's no showagain this season?
  4. Bazza


    Please post these in the pinned topic at the top of the forum.
  5. Ah, that explains a lot. Didn't realise you could do that.
  6. It's strange the way it sets out. I played a lot of S&D and the amount of times i would play the same map 2-3 times in a row was weird. Especially Nuketown, when you got on it you couldn't get off it again.
  7. Bazza

    Black Ops Clan

    That explains a lot!!! PS3's weren't around when I was at school so we spent the time studying and working hard. Studyingthe best way to drink a pint and working hard on our pool game.
  8. I've never touched the campaign yet. Went straight for the multiplayer. Will leave it until the connections having a crap night.
  9. Bazza

    Black Ops Clan

    Fuck sake, I take it you have no job!! I'm on 30 and it feels like I've spent all my spare time on it.
  10. I'm not a huge fan of Jungle, maybe because I havn't played that well on it yet
  11. I've spent the first few levels really trying to learn the maps and have played all of them at least a couple of times now. Nuketown is amazing for the fact it is SO fast paced. Have to go with Villa though. It's a decent size has good open areas but some great closed in fighting too. An all round great map.
  12. Having a bit of a clean up of the forums. There were a lot of out dated Gamer tags, redundant users etc in the old lists. Please post yous below and I'll add them to the top post in this thread for ease of use. Cheers Baz. bubba3d SuperSc0tty - HashPizza II BoG3Zz II - ScottBogle III theKing - scotty657 whitemanGOD - whiteman81 TekkerZ HD - peat1873 GaryVann - Bluenosegaz Golspie loyal - troop6 PrinceOfTorbex - dkel09 Jelavic 1872 - dc1872 StuPollock WATP - Stu1993 Der Goalie - Klos general j grant - Canadaready Raligt - Raligt wee_skelf - skelf RFC The Angry Ned - jd1873 Baxterr No1 - JimBaxter6 mjb1690 - SirWalterSmithsLegend Fahdyy - psb07158 Chum Chum Scott - ScottEastEnclosure Allzo - Allzo MarkyG360 - MarkyG360 steggybeetroot - Steg-il Ostenstad oii Bernie iio - Bernie MaMan C Gullin82 - RickyTheRanger JordanG RFC 1 - Jordo ERAZER 305 - TheBluebells west JDM - wwest11
  13. Having a bit of a clean up of the forums. There were a lot of out dated Gamer tags, redundant users etcin the old lists. Please post yous below and I'll add them to the top post in this thread for ease of use. Cheers Baz. bazzarm - Bazza Cairns1986 - we_are_the_people bigmdj - MasterD swarden90 - warden90 Acemcl - Ace mackie88 - Maxo1873 john-j--rambo - brianfantana jamestoni - Blue_corn_flakes Murphy-Gers-1 - DM-WWTC BryanRfc-- - bryannn1690 alex1393 - croationbicycles Ned Stevens - Doc_Gorman DezTheSpic - BasileBoliSoup MagicManGreg - Papa Sasac Asenior_boban85 - King_gazza ryanrangers - ryankyleakin klbsrfc - klbs-RFC stuartpogfb - stuartrangers David_1872 - dc1872 RFC-scobbie-1690 - 18-copelandbear-72 RFCAldo - BigBearAl Marcalgabe - Gerwelly rockapenumba1 - Gerwelly's brother StegRFC1873 - Copelandbear11 wee_walshy - lylad Gordon-_- - Fiftyfour Stoogie1690 - Glasgocelticpeadophiles Grindhouse86 - Grindhouse kneebyuk - birkenheadloyal T-Bagalag - TBagalag BronzyCoder - Bronzyrangerscoder jamie_rfc_9 - jamie_rfc_9 Gary_clarke1 - Garycwatp pb1690 - pb1690 Captain__Jizzum - Blue_snib
  14. Rangers vs. Aberdeen Written by Bazza Saturday, 13th November 2010 Rangers vs. Aberdeen Football took a back seat at Ibrox, for a brief period anyway. A period to reflect on those that have given their lives to allow us the very privilege of watching the club that we love, to those that have lost loved ones and to those who have been injured and struggle with rehabilitation. A beautiful and inspiring display of the poppy was panoramically cast around the ground and held aloft by people proud of their hero’s before a minutes silence, of true remembrance, was observed. This brings inspiration to all and certainly did to the Rangers players who on Wednesday night were looking like they needed it. They came today though ready for the battle of putting a mini crisis behind them and although weakened through injury came out of the blocks firing. Papac and Edu never recovered from their midweek knocks and Lafferty pulled up in training which added three more to Walters growing list which includes Jelavic, Webster and Beattie. McCulloch however did recover from his knock and really looked up for the fight as he blasted towards goal several times and had a header brilliantly saved by Langfield. The pressure and determination paid off after twenty minutes as Weiss received the ball out wide and drilled in a near post cross that Miller met to perfection as he guided the ball into the opposite top corner, a well taken goal and a relieving one as well. The second wasn’t far behind either and once again Miller and Weiss were both involved. Miller ran onto a pass that took him too wide so instead he looked for runners He fed the ball back to McCulloch whose shot was blocked but landed well for Weiss who fired the low shot into the back of the net. A more comfortable score for Rangers and it could easily have been three when Whittaker drove into the box and was taken out by Diamond. Miller stepped up to the penalty but was denied by a brilliant save and Rangers were to go in at half time just the two up. The second half was to start in the same vein as Rangers have started most first halves, a wee bit lethargic but with little in the way of worry in front of their own goal. Miller nearly brought the game back to life though as he twisted the Aberdeen defence inside out and shot for goal to see Langfield, again, push the ball wide. Rangers couldn’t quite find that third goal but were passing the ball around nicely and when Davis found Whittaker down the right, he battled for the ball and drilled a cross which Naismith got on the end of but dragged just wide. Rangers started to look towards the bench, to their young guns, and it was Grieg Wylde who was summoned to come on for the dangerous Weiss, a good chance for the young man to show what he had to offer. He wasn’t shy either as he drove the ball just over the bar not long after coming on. The last of the game passed by without much in the way of incident and Rangers saw out a very comfortable victory and gained a much needed boost in confidence after a jittery patch. ________________________________________ RM’s verdict: McGregor –6 Hardly had a touch of the ball other than pass backs. Whittaker – 7 A better game for the right back as he seemed to have more licence to drive forward. Won the penalty and laid one on a plate for Naismith Bougherra – 6 Like Whittaker, drove forward on a regular basis. Never troubled at the back. Weir –6 One of the easiest games of the season for Weir and will be grateful of it. Broadfoot –6 Given a few tests by McGuire but coped well and managed to push forward and support Weiss. Weiss – 8 A huge confidence boost for the wee man as he created one and clinically finished the other. Davis – 7 Always on hand to offer his services. Worked hard, made forward runs and created well. McCulloch –7 A good game as he held the anchor role on his own this week and pretty much strolled it. Didn’t quite have the radar fixed as several rifling shots went just wide. Fleck –6 Great to see the wee man back on the starting sheet. Looks a little short of full match practise but also showed glimpses of his pre season form. Naismith –.6 More work and effort today rather than skill and finishing but he worked hard and could have grabbed a goal but pulled the shot wide. Miller – 8 A constant danger as he looked up for the game today. Took his first very well and set up Weiss, indirectly, for the second. Unlucky when his penalty was well saved, as was his shot in the second half. Subs – Wylde–6 Good effort from the young winger. Showed an excellent turn of pace just lacked that final touch. Rangers: 01 McGregor, 03 Weir, 04 Broadfoot, 16 Whittaker, 24 Bougherra, 06 McCulloch, 08 Davis, 20 Weiss (Wylde 74), 09 Miller, 10 Fleck, 14 Naismith. Subs: 25 Alexander, 36 Perry, 39 Wylde, 29 Little, 34 Loy, 41 Hutton. Goals: Miller 21, Weiss 32 Booked: Bougherra, McCulloch, Naismith Aberdeen: 01 Langfield, 02 McArdle, 05 Diamond, 16 Ifil, 42 Robertson, 04 Folly (Magennis 80), 08 Hartley, 11 Aluko, 22 Jack, 07 Maguire (Young 70), 09 Vernon. Subs: 21 Howard, 06 Considine, 14 Young, 35 Hansson, 43 Fraser, 19 Paton, 20 Magennis. Booked: Diamond, Maguire Att: 44,919 Ref: Murray
  15. What a whining wee cunt he is... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/celtic/9178267.stm
  16. Not really, but it's better than talking to a few mates. It's also approx 300 votes, not a bad section.
  17. Not sure I agree with dropping Whittaker. He's such a confidence player and is just starting to get back on track that dropping him could easily hinder us in the long run. Same goes for Weiss, I agree about getting him on the right and giving him a chance in his best position. What ever the team, I'm fairly confident we can take the mini Tims.
  18. There is a poll on talk ceptic that show just how far off "a small minority" is... Thats pretty much 43.5% For and 56.5% Against. Arseholes
  19. St Mirren 1 vs. 3 Rangers Written by Bazza Sunday, 7th November 2010 St Mirren 1 vs. 3 Rangers With Referee’s now so scared of broken windows and traumatised families that they HAVE to give decision’s for a certain club and AGAINST others, Rangers must be in no doubt that they must work twice as hard and fight twice as strongly to win this SPL. Unfortunately, in the first half today, that extra determination was missing. What happened is anyone’s guess as Rangers put out a strong line up at ST Mirren with Weiss being the only change from the midweek side that played in Valencia, with Broadfoot making way. That showed the intent of Walter Smith who knew that three points was just as important as anything achieved in Europe. The game started at a lethargic, jetsetters, jetlagged pace and never really improved for forty five minutes. Rangers huffed and puffed but simply gave the ball away on too many occasions. The central midfield was battle strong but lacked immensely in creativity as Davis was too out of the game on the right hand side and the two front men couldn’t create when they hardly saw the ball. In saying that the back four were rarely troubled as the time ticked slowly away. That was until the dieing minutes of the half when Rangers won a corner which was flighted nicely into the box. The Saints keeper came for it and made an absolute hash of a punch that ended up settling in the back of his own net. He went livid with frustration at his own mistake as the Rangers players wheeled away in jubilation but one man on the field wasn’t quite sure on what had happened and was wary of the what if. What if the keeper had been impeded or what if a Rangers player had made a push? Best option? Give a foul and that way he knew he would be safe in his home that night. The goal was chalked off and Rangers went in at half time on level terms. Walter wasn’t as fatigued as his players may have been and spared no time in changing the system and the personnel. Weiss was subbed and Lafferty introduced to the field of play to fire some urgency into the play and it worked, big time. The change in Rangers play was night and day in comparison as Davis came inside to the midfield to conduct the play and Lafferty caused mayhem in the Saints back line with his off the ball running and directness. It was this combination that found the ball played out to the right where Whittaker fired a cross into the box, Lafferty got the flick and St Mirren defender, McAusland, couldn’t get his angles sorted and deflected the ball into his own net. This was more like it from Rangers and it was only a further ten minutes before Lafferty broke free again, this time down the left where he looked up to see Naismith in space in the box. The pass was perfect and the tap in simple to put the Gers on easy street. The third was exactly ten minutes later again and this time it was a mistake in the back line as Miller chased down a back pass, latched onto it and slid the ball past the helpless Saints keeper. The game was up and Rangers must have been looking to the bench to freshen things up and rest some players but again the Ref wanted the final say. St Mirren had the ball on their left and just on the edge of the Rangers penalty area. The ball was driven into the box and as Davis tried to block it the ball struck his arm. There was no way he could have got out the way and his arm certainly wasn’t in an UNATURAL position but the penalty was given. Had the doubt that’s been placed in the minds up and down the country once more seen a decision given, just in case? Rangers players were livid with the penalty award with Papac getting booked for his troubles. St Mirren scored the penalty and saw Rangers having to keep their key men on the park as the ascendancy changed slightly and Walter didn’t want to take any risks. He needn’t have feared though as the game petered out and Rangers reclaimed their rightful slot back at the top of the division. Seeds have been sown and I hope today wasn’t a sign of things to come. ________________________________________ RM’s verdict: McGregor – 6 Had pretty much nothing to do until Bougherra rattled the post and he had to make a fabulous instinctive save with the follow up. No chance as the penalty was driven down the middle. Whittaker – 6 A much better game today from Whittaker which is good to see because he’s the most confidence driven player I know. Fine cross to help create the first goal. Bougherra 6 Strangely subdued in his forward bursts. Had a wry smile on his face when the woodwork saved his blushes. Weir –7 kept the Saints at bay pretty easily and even showed a sign of pace, just a slight one mind, as they looked to get in behind. Papac – 7 A player on form just now and was solid at the back but also offered himself regularly in attack. Davis – 7 Couldn’t get into the game in the first half at all as he looked isolated out wide. Came into the central role in the second and dictated play. McCulloch – 5 Stopped their play and won the ball as his position dictates but really doesn’t have the guile to create when he has it. Needs a play maker alongside him to offload to. Edu –5 Read McCulloch Weiss –4 I feel for the wee man. He is maybe just trying a bit too hard just now. Won a couple of free kicks but never got down the line to fire in crosses. Was hooked at half time. Naismith –7 Never saw enough of the ball to make an impact in the first half but looked sharper in the second. Took his goal well and adds a bit of niggle to the team. Miller – 6 A bit like Naismith in that he had little supply. Tried wee tricks and flicks that just didn’t come off and found himself coming further and further back to get the ball. Took his opportunist goal well though. Subs – Lafferty –8 Changed the game. Walter has to take part of that credit but the big man showed drive, determination and skill to set up two of the goals in the second half. Rangers: 01 McGregor, 03 Weir, 05 Papac, 16 Whittaker, 24 Bougherra, 06 McCulloch, 07 Edu, 08 Davis, 20 Weiss (Lafferty 46), 09 Miller, 14 Naismith. Subs: 25 Alexander, 04 Broadfoot, 12 Foster, 39 Wylde, 10 Fleck, 11 Lafferty, 41 Hutton. Goals: McAusland (og) 48, Naismith 58, Miller 68. Booked: Weiss, Papac. St Mirren: 12 Samson, 02 van Zanten, 06 Potter, 14 McGregor, 16 Travner, 17 McAusland, 07 Murray, 27 Cregg, 33 Mooy (Higdon 53), 18 Wardlaw (McCluskey 73), 19 McGowan. Subs: 30 Mathers, 39 Kennedy, 04 Brady, 22 McCluskey, 45 Mclean, 10 Higdon, 15 McQuade. Goal: Higdon (pen) 76 Booked: Van Zanten, Murray. Att: 5,674 Ref: Thomson
  20. Great letter Frankie. This has gone too far now and has to stop. Can you imagine this being done by any other SPL club without there being serious repercussions? Every organisation has rules in place for a reason and they must be followed by all parts or the whole thing crumbles. What happens, say, if Celtc are not punished and this is let pass and next week Killie have a bad desicion against them and start flying the cheat fag about. The week after its Aberdeen, the week after it's St Mirren.... How long before Ref's just say, fuck this, we're not taking it anymore?
  21. Must be the best on the planet. Gubbed 3-0 by the better side on the night but still singing their hearts out long after the final whistle. Just brilliant.
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