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Everything posted by Essandoh

  1. Absolutely awful. That is truly horrific. Thoughts are with Claudio and all of the Reyna family. RIP.
  2. Gabriel Amato's skill before that Rod Wallace goal. My oh my.
  3. Its hilarious how sensationally Sky Sports News twisted that into something its not. He said that he'd finally got a flat in Glasgow and now wouldn't have to jump "from safe house to safe house" i.e. he now has a permanent home in Glasgow and doesn't have to keep shifting about aimlessly. The way Sky Sports News portrayed was as if there were Rangers fans hunting for him. Ludicrous.
  4. I'm not disputing that. That won't change what I think of him though. It was only a few months ago that he was bending his arm and pumping up his fist at the Govan Front after scoring against us. He's a rat. Yet, once again I'll accept, Rangers are going to need players of his style to climb back up the leagues. My point is that Rangers don't require a player the 'calibre' of Ian Black for the Third Division although he would undoubtedly be a dark luxury for the seasons ahead.
  5. There's no arguing that he'd be head and shoulders above 99% of the players in the SFL, but there are other players open to Rangers that would do 'his' job well enough. Sure, the reality is that Rangers probably are going to need a 'hard-man' in the middle of the park at this level but I'd like to think we'd give someone else a chance ahead of this thug. Regardless, I can understand wholeheartedly why some fans would welcome him.
  6. Rangers will do just fine in the Third Division without this cunt. There are plenty of other players available out there who would do a job of the standard needed for promotion.
  7. Fight these horrible bastards all the way Rangers. NEVER back down to that scumbag.
  8. They're leaving Salim Kerkar's move for the finale.
  9. COUGH COUGH COUGH Sorry, I've been choking all day on the smoke coming from Scottish football today. Our very own bonfire here in Glasgow. A helluva sight!
  10. Yet I know which of the two I'd prefer to run over with metal studs.
  11. Alistair McCoist MBE, you will never truly realise how proud we, The Rangers Family, are to have you as the manager of our Rangers Football Club during its darkest hour, albeit excluding the two Ibrox Disasters. We will never forget the loyalty and commitment that you have shown to us all, nor will we ever cease to remember the manner in which you have handled yourself no matter the obstacles that have come your way. You have upheld the sacred traditions of Mr. Struth set all those years ago and history will uphold your memory fondly. Not only this, but you have done it with that forever mischievous smile that has kept us all sane throughout this whole saga. Thank you, Alistair. We will always remember.
  12. Quite possibly the greatest ever Ranger.
  13. Most probably the best Rangers video on the net. I'd love to see an updated version - not that I don't already admire the time and effort put into the current one! Some wonderful words, McBoyd. Great post.
  14. Noticed this myself and it angered me at first, but its become laughable now realising the lengths that their obsession with the greatest Club in the world takes them.
  15. Goian yourself big man. I'll make the jokes.
  16. "Rangers have treated me so well, the fans have become like a family to me. No matter how much money was put in front of me, I would never sign for Celtic." - Ignacio Javier Gomez
  17. Clarity from the SFA? I'll make the jokes.
  18. A real Rangers and world footballing legend. One of the greatest ever. I only wish I was old enough to watch him play. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3914170921603623769&hl=en Above is the wonderful documentary, "Cutting Edge - Gazzas Coming Home" on his career post-Lazio, for anyone who'd like to watch it.
  19. Seldom has there been another Rangers player that has gained so much of my respect in such a short period of time at the Club. A model professional.
  20. One thing is for sure: we'll have a team of real Rangers men next season. Any blood spilled from now on will be of the most royal blue.
  21. A quick check of that bio would tell you that that isn't the real Donald Findlay. Deary me.
  22. What an absolutely fantastic piece. As a member above has already stated, this will be getting added to my favourites also. That is remarkable. I truly hope he reads this. Thank you for that.
  23. Thank you, Sone. All the best.
  24. Get a grip. The abuse that young Rhys is receiving here is nothing short of disgraceful. None of us know the ins and outs so wish him all the best and move on. There's going to be harder ones to take than this. The boy has talent, that much is certain. I really do hope all goes well for him wherever he ends up.
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