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Everything posted by Sobatai

  1. Regarding developments in and around Ibrox, didn't Rangers, at the height of Murray's egomania, have grandiose plans to redevelop and transform the area around Ibrox?
  2. It be. And it's far too late for objections to the asset sale. BDO, appointed at the behest of HMRC, will be charged with investigating the demise of the OldCo. The litigation against Collyer Bristow and Rangers FC Group will carry on and other bodies may find themselves the subject of legal action.
  3. Duff and Phelps' bill will be paid out of the monies Sevco paid to acquire the assets from the OldCo.
  4. This grandstanding isn't going to help. Probability is that it takes Rangers closer to the edge. Green's after the fans' money, they cry, but so are they.
  5. Because the blessed Walter Smith said his backers were all "Rangers men".
  6. I don't know what people expected Duff and Phelps to do. The club could not survive to the end of the season on the pre-existing wage structure. They could, of course, simply have come in and immediately taken costs out of the club by making players redundant. But that would be the same as now ... players leaving for nothing. And at the time they had likely bidders such as Mini-Murray bleating on about the need to retain players.
  7. It's a rite of passage hereabouts.
  8. It is all very Götterdämmerung. Everyone seems intent on building a funeral pyre for the Gers ... ride into it and watch as the flames devour the Gods of Scottish football in their Valhalla at Hampden (assuming they've returned from holiday, naturally). Then the Clyde can overflow its banks cleansing the land (would the lot at the Eastern Necropolis still be "unwashed"?).
  9. It muddied the waters and fired up the "anti-Green" brigade, I guess. It was ill-timed and ill-judged and achieved sweet fuck all, other than raising hopes among a fanbase that was and is enduring desperate times ... what Smith thought he was playing at is anyone's guess.
  10. The sad fact of the matter is, as events seem to be illustrating, that Scottish football can't support a club like Rangers.
  11. I didn't realise that the Gers had Machiavelli, Metternich and Talleyrand as players. And there was I thinking the players were being guided by agents towards a killing in the promised land of free agency.
  12. It may have been part of the asset transfer? However, it does seem as if Green wants his cake and to eat it. Wants to get transfer fees for outgoing players, probably in excess of the £5.5 million he paid for the club. Wants to get transfer monies owed to the OldCo.
  13. I always think it best not to mess with people from the former Soviet Union. They tend to have no concept of fear and no understanding of pain.
  14. But surely the players are assets also? Most clubs list players as assets and usually amortise any transfer fee over the duration of a contract.
  15. I don't think Portsmouth, Wrexham or Leeds were ever formally liquidated. Very few clubs have been liquidated.
  16. How many clubs have actually been through the same process? There haven't been that many liquidations. Even Livingston wasn't liquidated ... it entered liquidation, but the process was halted after new investors came forward and the club reached an agreement with the football authorities. And how many of the clubs liquidated went through the process when TUPE was potentially applicable?
  17. It all comes down to Wim Jansen and that elusive tenth in a row ... it was the first setback in the Murray era and he didn't take it at all well. Ego bruised, he appointed Dick Advocaat and started spending stupid money on mediocre players.
  18. Surely the quote above is about the Eastern Necropolis mob?
  19. I notice a James Dingwall in the list ... any relation to the notorious Mark?
  20. I don't have the prerequisite experience to respond, but my opinion is that there isn't that much of an alternative. As others have stated, Rangers has been on the market for long enough and there has been little real interest. The fact of the matter is that Rangers, stranded in the ever diminishing Scottish game, isn't a good investment.
  21. The use of the term friends to describe Abramovich and Berezovsky suggests it isn't ... they used to be friends, but are now sworn enemies. In fact, I think Berezovsky is in the process of suing Abramovich for billions.
  22. I think he has a point ... up to a point. But it's not that a little remorse from Rangers would be welcome, it's that a little remorse from certain individuals wouldn't go amiss. Unfortunately, the principal two individuals who should be showing remorse don't have the remorse gene. They are, of course, Sir David Murray and his successor Craig Whyte. In particular, I really don't think the contempt that Craig Whyte has shown towards various bodies over the course of administration has done Rangers any favours at all.
  23. Brown probably played his own small part in the demise of Rangers FC plc as he is said to have personally asked Lloyds TSB to takeover the stricken HBoS. This is, of course, the reason that Lloyds ended up being banker for Rangers FC plc.
  24. He said lots of things. Have Clark and Whitehouse checked their hands for blood recently?
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