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Everything posted by ekbear93

  1. They're was also something said about the muslim on it was there not? We're beginning to act like them FFS.
  2. I'm not in my season ticket seat either, main stand front row G.
  3. First old firm game coming up so i'd have to say old firm this year.
  4. I agree. A centre back is surely our top priority. Weir is getting on and could soon become a real liability. And again as you said I would love if we actually signed someone during the window rather than at the death!
  5. Another older game here...Test Drive unlimited. I found it a brilliant game.
  6. Do you believe that we will sign anyone who could seriously improve and strenthen our squad or that we will sign more mediocre players. Or nobody at all.
  7. Only £15 new on amazon.
  8. Absolutly loved the first one on the PS1!
  9. If they don't beat stoke at home next week i think he'll be gone.
  10. Crackdown. It's an old game i know, but it should be cheap. Just started playing it again the other day and its brilliant!
  11. Was absolutly dire. He was at fault for the 2nd goal.
  12. That's a blow. Hopefully he manages to be back fo the start of next season though.
  13. Yeah I would think so. You'll be asked if you want to renew it again next season at the end of this season.
  14. last time Celtic got a point in the champions league?
  15. Also my first old firm game. Can't wait. Sitting in the club deck.
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