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Everything posted by bluesteel

  1. Then I ama fool,therewill be no Rangers team,weak or otherwise,or is there something you dont understand about liquidation?
  2. Not so Bro,the party profits went to Gabon £496
  3. My fear is that he has already been promised a seat on the board,if so include me out No Surrender
  4. Yes they shold be paid,but let me assure all the members of this forum,they will forever regret siding with the scm and ripping our fans off,because a day is coming soon I hoe,when they will feel the power of the Rangers fans wallet. WATP
  5. To distinguish them from the real Dundee,and like Hibs they hate the Rangers,well thats my reason there will be others WATP
  6. Dundee Hibs get £35000, from SFA out the TV pot,towards the cash they are owed,both clubs informed by SFA. Now dont give those Rangers hating Bastards another penny No Surrender
  7. I think one David Murray should be in the same boat WATP
  8. Perhaps you did miss it Bro,but HMRCwere told by the London treasury to deal when CW was out the picture. No Surrender
  9. Aye but it would make sense for TBKs to team up with Kennedy,fan ownership can wait until the club is stable. No Liquidation No Surrender
  10. There was no recording Bro,but yes a full minute will be made available,and BTW there was no Outburst,I posted last night I was a rep on this group,though not one of the five at the meeting,there will be repercussions on this, mark my words and Mark Well.
  11. News coming from Aston Villa Stillian petrov has Luekemia
  12. Oh aye yu will get minutes and all the reps from the fans group were present,if you are not sure how this works, I am the rep from New Cumnock Loyal (FTP ) we have a large committee whos chairman is the Kinning park Loyal chairman,and we all meet in the Ibrox suite when there is something to report,think I'll be in the ibrox again soon. Onwards and Upwards to the stars
  13. There are some powerful folk on the Fans reps ,they will get it published ok,hope we had an independant observer present WATP and will not be obstruted.
  14. Nobody put Kennedy up to it Bro,he always said he was the safety net and would stand aside for a higher or better bid.
  15. you know that the trustees are ally and Walter
  16. The cash is not in a rangers A/C,the assembly bank is being used to collect and distrbute money,but you are correct to a point, there will be a bill presented to the fund,it will be scruinised and a decision taken to pay or not.
  17. Nothing decided yet mate I was at the original meeting,at the end of it all there is a large committee in place to decide,one suggestion from the chair that we should tart up the stadium,but there will be lots of opportunities to have a say,hope some goes to more disabled facilities.
  18. Yesterdays man,all he will get from Brian kennedy is a slap.
  19. They will manage fine without me,wish I was a fly on MDs wall WATRP the R is for real
  20. Ticketus!!!!! He is fast becoming my favoured bidder,his low key (I'll only buy if I have to)campaign is appealing to me.Good luck and God SPEED.
  21. My understanding is that it is not an existing bidder,but one who has shown interest but,wont bid if ticketus is involved.
  22. They are all going to get a swift kick where it really hurts, when this is found in our favour. WATP
  23. Why the feck would we want to do that,load of horicks I'd say WATP
  24. Exactly,I've enjoyed some tremendous times as a Rangers supporter over the last 65 Years,I'll take whats coming and show more decorum than they did that shameful day. We are indeed the people
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