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Everything posted by Cadman

  1. To be honest it's more to do with raids and challenges although some aspects of the overall game has changed but not enough to actually matter, I'm not bothering with completing the age of triumph book. I have about 2600 hours logged but haven't played it for about 3 weeks and the team I played with have gone on to other games.
  2. PS4 for me as well although a lot of folk are moving away from it, fantastic game though and got Destiny 2 pre-ordered.
  3. I've got over 2000 hours in Destiny but most of the guys I teamed up with have gone to Black Ops (I'm worse than a man short at that game).
  4. Destiny (I've put so many hours into that game it's unreal) ,,, but equally enjoyed The Witcher 3.
  5. Cadman

    Fallout 4

    Legendary weapons? Aye, I've got a few. Just stoating about the wasteland you come across a few bosses who have legendary gear like weapons or armour.
  6. Cadman

    Fallout 4

    On your map look left of diamond city, you'll notice a bend in a river it's near there. Head in that general direction the wee vault cog symbol should appear on your radar thing. Unless you have a high enough charisma it'll cost you three fusion cores to get your foot in the door.
  7. Cadman

    Black Ops 3

    Same here, I'm utter guff and I don't think I've got more than 7 kills in a match but managed to get killed about 30 times ,,, it's a sad day when my 10 year old daughter can get more kills than me. Anyway, I'm old enough to use my age and dwindling eyesight as a viable excuse for failure lol.
  8. Cadman

    Fallout 4

    I did the same now most of my perks are at 6, just discovered vault 81 and hardly even scratched the main story.
  9. I got it but found it to be very short which was a bit disappointing ,,, it is good though and the graphics are excellent.
  10. Cadman

    Destiny Raids

    You need to get your armour levelled up so do ROC strikes for Vanguard marks and purchase Legendary gear from the Vanguard rep (or do Crucible and earn Crucible marks or buy from the Crucible vendor). You also need to run the Weekly or Nightfall for coins or engrams ,,, the more characters you have for these the better <<<<< you probably already know this though. At the moment there are events happening at different locations where people 'farm' for engrams and keys but you may need the new House of Wolves dlc for that. My PSN is Namdac67.
  11. Cadman

    E3 2015

    Fallout 4 hopefully and a new Deadspace.
  12. Cadman

    Destiny Raids

    I play it constantly. The group I run with are in Crotas End and VoG ( both on Hard mode) 3 times a week at least, although this week as been taken up with Prison of Elders and a couple of us are at level 34 already.
  13. Cadman

    Project Cars

    It's called Azure or something like that. When my group are finishing up for the night we head there for a few laps using the 250cc Superkarts ,,, what a laugh.
  14. Cadman

    Project Cars

    Agreed ,,, its definitely the best racing game I've played so far. The views that are available work well and at the moment I'm TRYING to get used to the 'in helmet' camera for a bit of added realism. Driveclub was never marketed as a sim but more of a graphics showcase for the PS4, as an arcade racer it's excellent now that most of the release problems have been resolved.
  15. Cadman

    Project Cars

    I've got Project CARS, excellent game so far and into my third season. Graphics are superb but it perhaps needs a few more cars to make it a little more interesting.
  16. Cadman


    Is anybody still playing this? it's murder trying to find folk to do the Raid, Nightfall etc hopefully the DLC will make it more enjoyable lol.
  17. It's actually not a bad game for what it is ,,, an arcade racer. If your looking for the sim feeling of Forza on the Xbox then your going to be disappointed but i'd still say it's better than Horizon 2. When they get the server issue fixed then i think it will be good enough to at least tide ME over until Project CARS, which has been delayed until March 2015.
  18. Game will buy it for £60 but if you trade it in (360 slim 250gb) you'll get £70 BUT you must have all the original equipment that came in the box ,,, i took my sons to Game with a play and charge included and they wouldn't take it because the controller didn't have the battery holder, i had that at home and had to go back to the store the next day. I also traded in about 40 games and got £95 but those included BF4 and the latest FIFA ,,, so i would say the trade in value will depend on how new your games are (they won't even take FIFA 12 lol). I got shot of them because i got him a PS4 and used the trade in to get BF4, PS+ and a set of Triton headphones and saved me the cash outlay which i'm happy about. One other thing ,,, don't go to CEX as they offer a bit less than Game but if you go to both websites (Game and CEX) you can find out prices in the trade in section and compare them both.
  19. Doing the campaign first gets you some extra weapons and medals to get you started in multiplayer ,,, it should only take you a few hours to get through then you can jump online for the better side of the game. If you want you can add me as well ,,,, PSN Tag : namdac67
  20. Cadman

    New TV

    From Sony's PlayStation 4 FAQ: Will PS4 support 4K content for video or gaming? Support for high-resolution 4K output for still images and movie content is in consideration, but there are no further details to share at this time. PS4 does not currently support 4K output for games. In summary: TV makers are going to try to sell you expensive new 4K TVs in 2014. If you're a gamer, it isn't worth it. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/ps4-and-xbox-one-4k-tv-2014-1#ixzz35PxRngHw Kind of puts the blockers on it for me a wee bit even when they do become more affordable.
  21. I used it a bit too much and ran out of batteries ,,, i left my character in a locker, in a room, in the dark ,,,, with the sound of heavy footsteps getting nearer and nearer and nearer in the hallway outside lol. In total i've played it about 20 minutes and, aye, the lights were on ,,,, i've decided it a game only to be played in the daytime. As for Dead Space i played all 3 on the Xbox 360 ,,, quality game and i'm hoping they do a version for the PS4 as next gen graphics in that game would be something special.
  22. the only thing that irritates the life out of me on BF4 is ,,, if i'm close to an opposing player (say 20 or 30 feet) i'll begin shooting and expecting the kill only for my wee soldier chap to then, after firing 3 rounds, pull out his friggin' knife and begin slashing fresh air - at which point the opposing player then leaves me looking like a blood soaked teabag lol.
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