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Everything posted by WillWard

  1. Neither Doncaster nor Regan has the power to overule them
  2. I would think valuing Player Contracts and Registrations at £2.7Million and Property at £1.5Million was a means to minimise stamp duty more than any realistic valuation of the worth of those assets
  3. Is nobody else worried about this? We barely have enough players to put a team on the pitch and the SFA are insisting any transfer of membership must come with the penalties levied against the old company that will include the transfer ban if Green gets his way, and we are letting players go that we cannot replace? This makes no sense.
  4. BBC Story A good old fashioned pay-off? If we had a larger squad I'd be quite pleased about this.
  5. £80Million? Even the £16Million is pretty unrealistic. I think anyone expecting the SPL to collapse like a house of cards is in for further disappointment.
  6. We will know our fate on Friday. Who cares whether Dundee or Dunfermline replace us in the SPL? I couldn't give a flying fuck.
  7. D&P had the Heritable Property valued at over £4.5 Million in the liquidation column of their CVA proposal so what is their justification for letting Green have them for £1.5Million? I would also suggest that their and Green's ignorance of the TUPE legislation as it applied to our players is a huge cause for alarm.
  8. So Green paid £2,749,990 for Player Contracts & Registrations that were entirely dependent on the players themselves choosing to transfer over but only paid £1,500,000 for Heritable Properties (I assume this is Ibrox, Milngavie, and Car Park) and £1,250,000 for Plant & Machinery? This is criminal negligence on the part of D&P.
  9. The proposal itself is worded so that clubs are voting on whether to accept us into the SFL but also whether to allow the SFL board the power to determine which league we end up in. If it is defeated the SFL Board has no power to let us in at all and another proposal will have to be tabled in which the clubs will again vote but this time on whether to accept us into the 3rd or the 1st.
  10. Of course it makes a difference. If the proposal is defeated the SFL board has no power to put us anywhere.
  11. If FIFA rule against us, what are the potential repercussions? I don't want us fighting a hopeless battle if a loss could result in further sanctions.
  12. His contract transfers unchanged, including whatever release clause was negotiated when the players agreed to temporary wage reductions.
  13. I heard the same. If he has a release clause allowing him to go for nothing then his transfer over to the newco was a no-brainer. His transfer guarantees wages and training facilities for the month or so it will take him to negotiate a new deal elsewhere. My internal optimist insists he might still stay though.
  14. How much does it cost for Ibrox alone each season? £3Million? £4Million?
  15. Sorry mate, but this is rubbish. The initial vote will be to admit us to Division 1 and if it does not go in our favour there will be a vote to admit us to Division 3. We will not be the only club applying for membership of the SFL and we do not meet the financial criteria since we are a new company. The SFA has no power to force any kind of decision on the SFL.
  16. We still need a vote to be admitted to Division 3 and we don't meet the entry requirements so rules will still have to be waived
  17. There's definitely an 'e' in one though
  18. Cheers for that. I genuinely believe that there will be a fair proportion of fans that will support the club in this way. I've enjoyed following the club without ever really making a larger investment than buying a few strips every year. Now that the club needs me rather than the other way around, I'll be quite happy to buy a season ticket that I only use two or three times.
  19. I agree with you, mate. I reckon there will be bears that will pay for a season ticket as a means to support the club but who just can't make it to games, whether that be through apathy or circumstance. I've never had a season ticket because it would usually be impossible for me to make more than two or three games a season but I'll definitely be buying one this year even if I still only make two or three home games. I doubt I'll be alone.
  20. With that kind of logic I'm surprised you aren't part of Bomber's consortium
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