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Everything posted by Ger_onimo

  1. To be fair, I imagine they didn't have enough evidence to pin specific offences on individuals, the Russians being the crafty fuckers they are. So they just rounded up a bus load and fucked them out the country.
  2. That made me feel all warm inside
  3. Presumably this just applies to inside the ground. They can still have their fun outside.
  4. Highly-organised athletes versus fat pissed blokes. Stands to reason really.
  5. In what happened in the stadium? Definitely.
  6. Like when Turkey shot down one of their fighter jets and they did fuck all? Or when ISIS bombed one of their passenger jets and they did fuck all? Or when a load of their athletes were given life-bans and they did fuck all? Honestly, this thing some on here have of hero-worshipping Putin and Russia is worstcuntery of the highest order.
  7. Apparently the flare was set off from a flare gun. Bit of a worry.
  8. No doubt there's been some shite behaviour from some English fans, but lumping them in with those fucking animals as if they're all the same really isn't on.
  9. Closest I've seen to someone getting their head headbutted off. Then he fucking jumps on him immediately afterwards
  10. Switched from "we" to "they" as soon as Russia scored
  11. See I find some of this hard to believe. The North African-French and the police fucking despise each other. The slums they occupy in Marseille are literally no-go areas for the police. If they were going to let one side have a go at the other I'd imagine it would be the other way round. Just can't see any possible reason they'd want to allow the locals to attack the English. Everything about the Russians I totally believe. Horrible cunts. Anyone who's ever been to Egypt on holiday will agree.
  12. Problem is, I've known guys who genuinely have zero interest in football, who'll travel abroad with England just for the trouble. There's not much you can do about that.
  13. So just to be clear: the police make a monumental fuck up, fans react badly to said fuck up, police try to blame fans reaction for original fuck up. Makes perfect sense, as long as you allow for time travel.
  14. Presumably to check you're a constituent before they dedicate any time to fobbing you off.
  15. Trying to cling to his job at the SFA. Wanker
  16. You've already fucked it mate. You assumed the worst of Rangers fans without having a clue what went on. Why?
  17. Sorry, what? Are you having a go at Rangers fans here?
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