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Everything posted by BlueVanguard

  1. If anyone could find the link it would be great help. Pretty much 5 different Rangers managers and everytime they say we're coming and no different today. He really is a cunt.
  2. Something along the lines of he's been up against 5 different Rangers managers and everytime they are coming. No different today basically.
  3. They are genuinely acting like they have won the league tonight. The memes about Clement and the way Rodgers spoke in his Post match. Zero respect for Clement and I really hope to fuck Rodgers has egg on his face. What a disgraceful interview after the match and quite rightly called out by even ClydeSSB also. Very unprofessional and lacked class. The fans here love Clement. The fans over there hate Rodgers and want him out and he's doing everything to win them on side. Today's post match might have just sealed there horrible relationship again.
  4. Not letting today irritate me to much, Scunnered obviously but still half a season to go and still have them twice. Hope Clement remembers how much this stings and we prepare for the second half season. We have a new signing in the door with a few more on the horizon. Happy new year everyone.
  5. Yeh mate he was ok today, Ridvan looked very spooked at first but settled well afterwards.
  6. I do agree with today's performance being shocking and you can go into other games this season where he has let us down. But what I won't agree on is the other parts. His game has improved over the years and you can also flip it and say the games he has snatched us points from goals and assits. We are all disappointed but one defeat doesn't fill me with dread. Its the first defeat under Clement and a second half of the season and still have them cunts twice. Leagues far from done and was never as big as the media tried to spin it.
  7. Not surprised tbh. The handball was offside so I have calmed down a lot from that incident but they should have had a few players sent off. especially the lunge from Oreilly.
  8. Been solid for us since Clement came in and deserved his Red Card today. Hopefully he doesn't allow himself to get into this position again against probably the fastest player in the league.
  9. If Dessers is getting stick then Mcausland should for not passing it to Sima. Dessers the new stick on for blame game he was shite aye but so many other players MIA today.
  10. Thats one of those results where our goal softens the blow of the scoreline. (sort off still hurts) And also one of those results our manager and team better be scunnered by and wanting to better going into the last half of the season. Scunnered but not how I usually am tbh. This Celtic team have had years of success it won't be long before the tide changes. Let's take this rest and look towards welcoming new signings in and bettering ourselves.
  11. Good goal Tav ya fud. Now fucking get 1 more and I'll edit the fud part away.
  12. Clements asking Clancy if he can bring on wee Jay to replace Dessers. Might do a better job
  13. They might have got us the Cup that day and into last 16 of Europe but we all know they are shitebags when it comes to games against this lot.
  14. If that Penalty was given at 1-0 the game could have played out so differently. It would have changed the way we played and used subs etc.
  15. We all seen it coming (well our fans did anyway) But our Board where sleep walking.
  16. Hi Philip Clement. Just to let you know this is the Rangers team that have let us down for years and the last few managers. They hid it so well under you but hopefully today you see the real pain we have endured for years. With love a raging pissed off Rangers fan
  17. Can't even argue with that. Would be looking for a red card also but he was looking for it
  18. Don't even care how many staunch points I'll lose. Turning that shite off and fully expect that fucking board to challenge our penalty claim. Today was never a big game as people in the media portrayed anyway. Said this to people in work through the week. Still half a season to go and new signings to come in and to play them another twice.
  19. Can't find it not funny. Been cheated out a stone wall penalty. Clear fucking cheating by the refs.
  20. lower leagues in Scotland was a fucking absolute buzz by the way. Give me the English pyramid any day of the week.
  21. Last few pages ridden with anxiety and your optimism has me laughing Can't see it man we have been robbed. I'm preparing for a good week of slaughtering these cheating cunts.
  22. We knew before the game was kicked off the officials today want this game to end in one way. They where 1 goal up and another half to go and don't want us getting a penalty because the way Celtic board and Sky Sports and all over pundits and networks have spun the narrative
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