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danger ranger

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Everything posted by danger ranger

  1. I was at the game, went with the grapes bus, it was bloody freezing, Veron spent most of the first half stopping his team mates from fighting each other, they had lost the plot, then our two Italians lost the plot, nuff said.
  2. But why play a team that was at the forefront in putting us down, Rangers could have picked any team outwith the SPL, even the reserves.
  3. The Wembley game against England was the following weekend, so they played the replays in one week!. Your right the football was shocking.
  4. Without a rich owner we were always going to struggle, we are living beyond our means in the 4th and now the 3rd tier regardless of who is on the board, Rangers are a massive club with a diddy income.
  5. There is a war going on and it's horses for courses, perhaps Jack Irvine is better equipped to tackle the detractors.
  6. Why are Rangers fans obsessed with the truth, if told the truth it would probably make us even more confused than we already are. The whole ideology behind a PR man(spin doctor) is to tell lies and create an illusion of truth, didn't fergus McCann appoint Brown to deflect the detractors. Anyway the truth is only what you want to believe.
  7. The lack of interest of rich bluenoses investing in Rangers tells a story. Maybe they don't want the hassle, and if you look at the former players and manager who were made millionaires from Rangers,they are not interested either. At the moment there is none.
  8. Your entitled to your opinion, but we have to wait to see the accounts before making comments, and also see the validity of the hostile bid. I think SDM was a spiv, who carelessly tossed Rangers away to Craig Whyte, another spiv, and both are the real guilty parties of putting Rangers in this trouble, not the present board. To be fair to CG and his cronies, they have done a good job in securing Rangers so far, so rather than rubbishing all concerned, we all need calm down and wait for the accounts. If I was super rich, I would have bought Rangers last year, probably like most true Rangers fans, but we don't have them either, and I think the hostile bid people haven't got the money to take us forward, we are in a catch 22 situation at the moment, here's hoping for one.
  9. The papers have put out a lot of propaganda concerning the hostile bid and are causing conflicting stories, we really need to wait until everything is put to rest and also the accounts published before we jump to conclusions.
  10. your a dreamer, the people who own Rangers aren't going anywhere soon, and to quote the consultant to the owners CG, " A Yorkshire man never backs down and never forgets ". If you owned something, would you let anybody just walk in and take it from you, don't think so.
  11. Mather isn't running Rangers CG is.
  12. Speaks out, he never shuts up, and its always everybody at Ibrox is a cunt bar him. Lets see what he does if he ever gets the MD job.
  13. Last year nobody stood up for Rangers, and yet when players are breaking the rules and maybe the law, there is 100% support for them from all quarters, that would lead me to believe there is substance to the claims. You are right about the SFA, but it hasn't stopped them before and I still believe they out to get Rangers. Mach fixing over the years if proved could lead to title stripping, maybe I'am reading to much into this, but after last year nothing would surprise me.
  14. The worst case scenario and nightmare that this is all leading to fuck Rangers yet again, I hope I'am wrong.
  15. Your quite right mate, oh for simpler times, but last years events have taken Rangers earnings of 50/60 million down to about 20/25 million, the present board are struggling with the fact and the take over lot don't/ won't have the money to bolster Rangers, unless we get a rich owner, rangers will have to cut cloth to survive and to get back to the top will probably have to borrow, but who is going to underwrite it.
  16. The new board may not have an option and secondly they won't spend any of their money(fact), which leaves the fans to fund Rangers which barely covers running costs, nothing different to the present board, so why do we need change, it's got nothing to do with money it's all about control and the old guard getting it back. CG reckon rangers needed about 80 to 100 million to run efficiently and given that we ran on 60 million with Europe money and still racked up debt. I was just highliting the fact that this take over bid will not take the club forward and that's what it should be doing.
  17. He will bring ticketus to the table, and put us in more debt with no season ticket money for three years to fund his seat on the board.
  18. It's nothing to do with money, this so called new lot were going to ticketus to fund the take over last year, which would have left Rangers in an even worse state. It's all about CONTROL.
  19. He has done nothing wrong, he is just in the way. the new lot if they take over are putting everyone who isn't with them to the sword, that's the mistake CG made right at the beginning due to circumstances, the new lot aren't constrained by last years problems of needing Real Rangers men at the club to win over the fans.
  20. Rangers really are fucked, people with no money and people with money, and won't put any in have the clubs best interests at heart, these are the same people who were going to give ticketus the next three years st money to fund the take over, giving us enough money to last one year, going by last years events, CG did alright for Rangers, debt free and still got money in the bank. I reckon mini Murray will go straight to ticketus next year and sell the fans arses for the next three years, putting us in a worse mess, don't forget we don't have a SDM to bail us out.
  21. It's all about CONTROL, Scottish football needs a controlled Rangers to keep the money rolling into its pockets, and Rangers fans just can't help themselves giving it to them. all this latest episode was just to get rid of the people from another country, then why not Regan and Doncaster aren't they from another country. It's total bullshit, Rangers are going nowhere for years, totally controlled and manipulated by devious bastards from within and from without.
  22. He used to play at the Trocadero in Hamilton, next to Jimmy Johnstone's pub, way back in the 1960's.
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