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the bears ba's

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Everything posted by the bears ba's

  1. There is no question Smith is a good SPL manager who knows how to win domestically, and his record since taking charge has been literally exceptional, with only 2 draws as blips since his return. Even Celtic have been dispatched in their own back yard. The question of European competition is a separate entity, with a pretty poor exit at the hands of Spanish side Osasuna in the Uefa Cup. A small consolation is they have now made it to the last four of that competition. Historically, however, bar Smith’s excellent 92/93 side, his record on the continent is less than impeccable. However, regaining domestic credibility is surely the priority, and with Celtic so far ahead, serious work must be done to close that gap. http://rangersmedia.blogspot.com/ Danny, your point is spot on. Let's get the domestic stuff right 1st and treat a Euro run as a bonus. Smith is the man for the SPL not Europe.
  2. Thoughts go to the family. As regards getting the same kind of send off - totally agree with you.
  3. Got to agree with Goram, although the other two were great keepers too.
  4. Gartcosh Bear - Cheers pal, 2 cracking goals (especially Ferguson's). (header)
  5. Go on somebody, post a link. I'm f**ked if i can find it.
  6. I think i'm like a lot of fellow bears when i say he's been a tremendous player for us, and i only hope he gets a fitting send off. championee
  7. Have you seen the striker that the sheep are going to take over for a trial. He looks like a porn star fae the 60's /70's. Porn stars name:- Joseph Lapira
  8. An inspiring and entertaining read, well done!
  9. The link above is all LEGIT. Ps. Demonoid is pathetic. :pipeguy: What makes you say that, pal? Any software, not to mention Films have been 1st Class via Demonoid. Personal preference, plus the fact that the feds are on Demonoid, and not where i am at. Really? I didn't know that, i have bookmarked your link for future reference. Cheers!!
  10. It's also a personal bee in my bonnet, we have never had an adequate replacement at right-back (since Gary Stevens left). (willy)
  11. Totally agree 100% (especiallly the Hutton quote).
  12. Sad times indeed, mind you i don't reckon Mpenza would be a good signing for us.
  13. The link above is all LEGIT. Ps. Demonoid is pathetic. :pipeguy: What makes you say that, pal? Any software, not to mention Films have been 1st Class via Demonoid.
  14. Demonoid, gives you software that is totally ad-adaware and virus free. :Animation44:
  15. Coz he thinks we are aw bigots thats why NO SURRENDER WE ARE THE PEOPLE Did I say that? Having said that, without naming individuals names, there are atill a section of them in our support (to our shame right now)and one or two on this forum who I would characterise as bigots. Wont go further than that for obvious reasons though Whoz corner are you fighting coz it certainly isnt ours.... I was called a bigot 30 yrs ago getting called it today means feckin hee haw tae me and tens of thousands more.... we dont give a feck honestly Which part do you lot not understand Yeah, but I never called YOU a bigot - what part of that don't you understand Lets get one thing straight here Im always up front......I am always very suspicious of people on here who constantly attack/slander us Rangers fans over the issues raised by the media Again ! Whoz side are you on theirs or ours..there is no ifs or buts its one way or the other ' Hilarious - Ok, I am a Rangers fan, first and foremost - love the club, the players the success. Love the club even through the lean years. Will support them evermore. No matter who we play If you resemble that, then I am on the same side as you However I disagree that the traditions of yesteryear should be maintained today at all costs. I believe that what was morally acceptable 30 years ago is cleary not today, and some of our fans refusal to accept that is clearly threatening our club for the years ahead. Now, if you cannot accept that a fellow Rangers fan will disagree with you on issues pertaining to the club, then that is your problem. I am perfectly secure with my love for the club and I am even secure in my feeling that you have a right to your beliefs., even when the are the opposite to mine. Doesn't mean i wont argue with them though, this being a forum and all I will argue them till the day I die, but you hav evens I think we all support RFC this way and hope the FTP brigade just leave their bigotry at home and come quietly into the fold when at Ibrox. That way all will be well. Its hard for some, but we ALL simply must conform to the standards of behaviour being set or otherwise RFC may be in grave danger. Sad but true. nvgaer, you are spot on. Fish, your name suggests otherwise: but do you live in a cave?? Aye along way Oasama...cozy as feck so it is The big man is now a Billy Boy NO SURRENDER WE ARE THE PEOPLE Hey Fish, i reckon we all care about RFC, each to their own , EH?
  16. Coz he thinks we are aw bigots thats why NO SURRENDER WE ARE THE PEOPLE Did I say that? Having said that, without naming individuals names, there are atill a section of them in our support (to our shame right now)and one or two on this forum who I would characterise as bigots. Wont go further than that for obvious reasons though Whoz corner are you fighting coz it certainly isnt ours.... I was called a bigot 30 yrs ago getting called it today means feckin hee haw tae me and tens of thousands more.... we dont give a feck honestly Which part do you lot not understand Yeah, but I never called YOU a bigot - what part of that don't you understand Lets get one thing straight here Im always up front......I am always very suspicious of people on here who constantly attack/slander us Rangers fans over the issues raised by the media Again ! Whoz side are you on theirs or ours..there is no ifs or buts its one way or the other ' Hilarious - Ok, I am a Rangers fan, first and foremost - love the club, the players the success. Love the club even through the lean years. Will support them evermore. No matter who we play If you resemble that, then I am on the same side as you However I disagree that the traditions of yesteryear should be maintained today at all costs. I believe that what was morally acceptable 30 years ago is cleary not today, and some of our fans refusal to accept that is clearly threatening our club for the years ahead. Now, if you cannot accept that a fellow Rangers fan will disagree with you on issues pertaining to the club, then that is your problem. I am perfectly secure with my love for the club and I am even secure in my feeling that you have a right to your beliefs., even when the are the opposite to mine. Doesn't mean i wont argue with them though, this being a forum and all I will argue them till the day I die, but you hav evens I think we all support RFC this way and hope the FTP brigade just leave their bigotry at home and come quietly into the fold when at Ibrox. That way all will be well. Its hard for some, but we ALL simply must conform to the standards of behaviour being set or otherwise RFC may be in grave danger. Sad but true. nvgaer, you are spot on. Fish, your name suggests otherwise: but do you live in a cave??
  17. That's a cracking top, send the image to SDM, he couldna fail to be impressed!!
  18. Juve in 95, mind you when Marsellie played in a friendly us as part of the deal to take Trevor Steven back to Ibrox, they were bloody good that night. Rudi Voeller's goal was a touch of class.
  19. Not caring aboot the name on the top, but the product is class!! (beer) (beer)
  20. I presume Fish you mean the words that have been included into "Simply the Best", if that's the case then; yes i used to sing it. But that would be naughty to do it now, wouldn't it?? :Animation44:
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