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Everything posted by nik2402

  1. You’re having a nightmare. Best heading to your bed 👍🏻
  2. Totally agree with the first part. Just don’t understand and never will the stadium being so empty when we are pushing for another goal in a champions league qualifier.
  3. It’s going to be two totally different teams. How can we all say we needed a full rebuild, yet judge him with the shite we had last season? Can’t have it both ways.
  4. Support is earned? Not really sure that’s how it works being a fan. Also they’ve had 180 minutes to earn it your eyes. Hardly a lot of time is it?
  5. Thank fuck Cantwells dip in form is over. Lasted a whole 30 minutes at the weekend. Excellent tonight and the heart beat and is driving force of this team.
  6. Seen a lot of positives in that first half. Tempo was there set by Cantwell right from the start and everyone went with him. Could actually see what all of the front 3 can offer but can tell they have barely played together but think it can come. Could’ve been 4 or 5 very comfortably on another night. Have the upmost confidence we will get the job done over here next week. On a side note, and this won’t be popular, our support get a lot of credit at times and deservedly so. And I know this is nothing new but the stadium started emptying in 80 minutes. Was embarrassing by the end. It’s a champions league qualifier ffs. Guys around me on players backs already 2 games into the season. I understand it was frustrating second half but a little patience is going to be needed with so many new players.
  7. Weirdly really looking forward to this after Saturday. Expect a big performance.
  8. Don’t disagree. But looking at clips of him I think his natural pace and energy will be useful in a team where he has most of the ball.
  9. So you judge pre season as form. Even though players are playing parts of games and getting fitness? I’d rather judge a player in proper games and after playing 30 minutes I think it’s mental suggest he’s had a dip in form.
  10. Dip in form? He’s played 30 minutes this season. No one looked good in pre season, Cantwell included as I’ve previously said, but a dip in form after 30 minutes man.
  11. Stevie from 4 lads hinting Yilmaz could be out for 3-4 weeks on the Rangers review this morning. If that is the case I’d even consider Sterling before Borna. Fans will be on his case straight away tomorrow if he starts.
  12. It’s been one game with this team and not even his first choice 11 has played a game yet. So to produce this thread after 1 game is pretty wild. As I’ve said previously I’m not sure he is the guy but after one game with circumstances being what they are is far too early to judge.
  13. We can’t as a support slate a lot of players last season for downing tools etc, then at the same time properly judge the manager on what he was working with. We all agreed we needed a rebuild for a reason. We started a game against that lot with Sakala and Matondo up front ffs. Im not convinced he’s the right man but you can’t sign these new players and judge him after one game. It took Cantwell and Raskin a few weeks to look what they did towards the end of the season. Now I’m not naive to think if it continues like Saturday he won’t be gone because he will. But there has to be a degree of realism here. Let’s see where we are come the first international break.
  14. Wild thread to produce after game one. As bad as it was and as poor as pre season looked you cannot judge this team after one game.
  15. There will be a massive panic in here and I understand it. Had my concerns about this shape and system all pre season. Doesn’t seem to crest anything at all. Still relies on crosses from full backs. Most modern teams have wingers or players that will beat a man. We have neither. Seem many moaning about Cantwell not starting but he’s been shocking all pre season and was appalling when he came on aswell.
  16. Fraser is terrible. I don’t like barisic but don’t spout nonsense about Fraser starting before him.
  17. Great loan for the boy. Will either make or break him. Hope he does well.
  18. The Bobby Firmino song fits this lads name perfectly. Make it happen 🇧🇷 Think he’s going to be excellent. Buzzing he will play tomorrow aswell and get some minutes before next week.
  19. He’s so bad. Truly awful. How he managed that 3/4 months in the run to Seville I don’t know.
  20. Concerned at the shape and how easy it is for teams to get space in wide areas. Every friendly has been the same. Think it will be fine domestically when pushing teams sit in and we have the ball. But against better sides who can work 3-4 passes the big switch is always on.
  21. Tackle on Hagi really wasn’t that bad. Massively overreacted. Was late and nothing more. Chased him 30 yards and pushed him and then shook his hand 30 seconds later.
  22. Cantwell been poor in every game so far. Lammers the only one looking semi positive tonight.
  23. Good to see wee Rabbi Matondo get 15 minutes tonight.
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