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Everything posted by bearsinbath

  1. Get this signed, if we get the numbers action must be taken. Tell everyone you know.
  2. Stella Actatwat! Mind i'm comin ower in Feb/Mar so get some in the fridge!
  3. What was the official attendance today?
  4. Basically they say it with their usual "tell a lie often enough" philosophy(which works to a certain extent by the way)until they eventually and actually start believing it themselves. I have never,ever, believed that rag to be a Rangers paper, I even remember during the Souness years when we had a spate of domestic sending offs during a European run they were advocating domestic bans to be carried into Europe - couldn't make it up!
  5. Aye, he's got wan eye oan the tea and wan eye oan the toast! Wan eye in new year and wan eye in New York! When he greets the tears run doon his back!
  6. WHIT? Tam Cowan's shaggin Tommy Sheridan! your'e jokin man!
  7. Whit? Grow a set FFS man! Or Git her punted, imagine whit it will be like when yur married!
  8. When he greets the tears run doon his back!
  9. He's got wan eye oan the tea and wan eye oan the toast!
  10. Had to be done mate, would'n't have felt right if I hadn't!
  11. Don't know the amount sold but when looking on the site and the stadium plan(which is the first time I have been able to get on to it) there are still a few dotted around with Club Deck and Broomloan Rear best availability.
  12. Main Stand Front, Copland side about 15 rows from the front and on an isle which will be good for me with the amount of pishin I'll be doin if bevvyin!
  13. Just purchased my first season book since 1997. Funk knows when I'll get up there to use it but had to show support for the club! Wifes fuming! Ha ha never mind eh! WATP
  14. Good work, where did you find this?
  15. I will never understand these guys,Lafferty, Davis, Naismith and Mcgregor,the big 4 so called Rangers Fans, how could any Rangers fan do what they did? All they had to do was tranfer over and then be sold on (for a much reduced fee compared to their worth), if we are being honest, I dont think any of us really expected them to stay and play in the 3rd but the least they could have done was transfer over and get the club,which was on its knees, some badly required revenue.If they had done this I believe we would have welcomed had them back after 3 years, but after what they have done - NO! Lafferty - Supposedly his dream, supported the club since he could remember, how could you? All we got from him was 6 games a season - Fanny - Good Riddance! Davis - Supposedly his dream, supported the club since he could remember, how could you? Apart from the first season(loan) and part of the second season lucky if we got 6 good games a season, at least he kept mostly quiet - Goodbye! Naismith - Supposedly his dream, supported the club since he could remember, how could you? Loved you as a player apart from first season when you were distinctly mediocre, injured for practically 2 full seasons on full pay,could have been a club legend and tim slayer, all that badge thumping and kissing, then that news conference with that prick Whittaker dressed like the Blues brothers - Cnut - hang your head in shame! McGregor - Been at the club since he was a boy, could have been a legend/best keeper ever, how could you? At least kept mostly quiet, think it has affected him the most and honestly believe he didn't want to do it but he did! Why you stupid man? - Goodbye! Now, Whittaker, the other big name Ha Ha, GOOD RIDDANCE to this Clown, held the club over a Barrel last season then almost single handedly got us pumped out of Europe, the guy is a wank, he was always rubbish and will end up in English Div 1, championship at best - GTF! I believe Davis,Naismith and McGregor will have guilty conciences over this and will regret it, Lafferty is to thick to bother and Whittaker, well the least said the better as far as that CNUT is concerned. So, overall, no they will not be welcome back in any shape or form, even as fans when this has all settled down or as opposition players (can you imagine the abuse)! No Way No How Not Ever!
  16. You can bet Murray was happy with it as he probably pocketed it.Doubt the club seem much of it!
  17. I hope you are right Iain! Some positive reporting would be nice. Would be interested as to the thoughts of the main stream BBC with respect to their Scottish subsiduaries reporting in respect to.
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