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Everything posted by UKIP BEAR

  1. There wisnae one scapegoat,ally got it that day but the team in general were getting it at that time.We were calling them a disgrace to to the shirt anyway. Look were going round in circles so you keep supporting the team and don't shout at any of the players incase you hurt their feelings. And i'll support the club and i'll be critical when i feel it's appropriate.
  2. You shut up.I bet you've never even been to Ibrox.
  3. No you didnae,but im trying to give you a total understanding of the position at the time.Mccoist stated that "the copland stand rose as one" to give him stick. I doubt very much if you were around then that you'd have been sitting in silence. You shouldn't judge others unless you were actually there yourself at that time. We were protesting against the standards and efforts of the players,the manager,the board,and as i say if it wasn't for the Rangers fans then who's to say souness would ever have happened.
  4. We might be in the third tier of scottish football but believe me,i'd rather be where we are now,knowing where we're heading, than be back there.Every single year you have followed Rangers we've either been first or second. So for you to judge people for giving the players from back then some stick is unbelieveable. If the Rangers fans back then would have sat back and accepted the shite on offer without a murmur,without standing outside the front door and protesting then maybe the souness might never have happened and Rangers would have been a mid table club for a generation.
  5. tThe relevance is that,if you are as i assume a pretty young guy,you would have absoloutely no idea what it is like to follow our club through thick and thin finishing mid table year after year,and i resent you judging any fan who followed Rangers through those years.It was much tougher than now,at least now we have a target,we are winning the league we are in,back then we were going nowhere,with no end in sight. Think about it,Rangers were a MID-TABLE club. Im not trying to point score over you mate,but maybe you should be a wee bit more understanding of what was happening back then before judging people.
  6. This is a wind up,right?That prick owes us much more than a favour. How about his whole fucking transfer fee that we lost out on when he walked. The day that one of they cunts walk back into Ibrox will be the day i walk out.
  7. Remember that Aberdeen game well mate,what a fucking long journey home that was.Big DJ did play centre half. He must have weighed about 20 stone,no wonder frank mcdougall ran amok.
  8. No,you know what mate.This was the eary eightes pre-souness. Anycunt who turned up in they days were true fans.(and there wasnt many,believe me). We were fucking useless. We were finishing 4/5 in the league. So don't you try and tell me im no true fan,because i was there when very few other cunts were.
  9. I don't really blame coisty for not signing for Rangers as a 15 year old.He obviously thought moving to a smaller club would help him develop. But his decision to sign for Sunderland rather than Rangers later in his career was for me not the decision a true Rangers fan would make. Although through the years he has earned his place as a true Rangers great. Ps i was one of the Ally Ally gtf brigade back then,i was in the copland road stand in the game Ally often talks about,and believe me mate, he couldnae hit a coo's arse wae a banjo at that time. My granny could have scored some of the chances he was missing. The rest is history.
  10. Great piece of cost cutting(if true)well done. You bunch of fucking clowns.(from both sides).
  11. you're right mate it was under JG i just can't totally recall the circumstances.But im positive he refused to play. Still a Rangers great though.
  12. You just reminded me of a wee story there.My brother was really good mates with Ian Ferguson and i was quite friendly with him too. Fergie paid his own way from Australia to play in Ted McMinn's testimonial in Derby. A certain 9 in a row captain didn't show because the testimonial commitee refused to pay him the cash he wanted. If my memory serves me correctly it was around 5 grand. The Rangers family eh!!!
  13. Difference is that we are made to sit on our arse's for 90 mins.When fans are allowed to stand at a game the atmosphere changes completely. Any bears lucky enough to have stood in the old Rangers end at hampden playing they cunts in a cup final would know what i mean. No german game would have came anywhere near it.
  14. I hope the bastard still wakes up every night in a sweat about it. Horrible bastard.
  15. it's the same thing mate.Im only commenting on the saying used. Once a Ranger always a Ranger is the saying i was taught when i was young,ive just never noticed anyone saying once a bluenose always a bluenose before. Its no big deal though is it?
  16. Don't see the point in sending him out on loan again,he's 24 years of age,already been loaned out twice and he's all the man he'll ever be. So let him challenge for the no.1 jersey at Rangers.
  17. c'mon noo goat,you know fine there's no glasgow with Rangers. :-)
  18. Think if he was found guilty of betting against us then he would be chased by the club who would come under pressure from the fans.But good performances will get alot of fans onside because some fans are fickle. Take sandaza as an example,do you really think he'd have been booted out if he was banging in goals for us?
  19. Funny how his best performances happen just when there's a chance he may be chased out of town. Coincidence? Don't think so!
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