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Everything posted by UKIP BEAR

  1. Mccoist v celtic 3-2 cup final. But not the one he scored,the one he missed. Picture it. 2-2. Rangers penalty. McCoist shoots,Bonnar saves. The taigs leap into the air behind Bonnar's goal,oh dear! McCoist nets the rebound. 3-2 to the Rangers. I was in the old Rangers end that day and to see the taigs jump for joy opposite me ,then slump in utter dejection will live with me forever. I still laugh at it 30 years later. Infact im laughing as i write this.lol Having said all that,im not ashamed to say that i cried when Nacho stuck that penalty away in florence. Magical. Just watched the LC final goals again for the first time in years,what a day that was. That Rangers end was bouncing. Bring back standing areas for the young guys to enjoy watching football the way we did.
  2. Didnae know there was 11 taigs in Drongan.
  3. I would guess that most people now use a mobile to make calls nowadays.0871 numbers wouldn't be covered by your contract so the cost of a call is extortionate. I just happen to think that Rangers profiting from fans in this way is morally wrong.
  4. Does anyone else feel that the club is ripping us off by using a premium rate number for the ticket office. Personally speaking,i would like the club to have a look at this and give us a standard rate number to phone. We've all dug deep over the last while to keep our club alive,i don't think that the club should be profiting if we need to contact them.
  5. Can only judge on the players ive seen,and so ive got to go with DJ with Michael Mols a very close second and but for injury could have been the greatest Rangers striker ive ever seen.
  6. Who cares?We know the truth.
  7. Englishman's betrayal and hands across the water stand out for me. Four lads had a dream in the Rangers section also takes some beating. And for sheer volume and to strike fear into our enemies-sing along now-HELLO,HELLO,WE ARE THE BILLY BOYS!
  8. No they didn't.They upset me because they fucked our club for money not because they left
  9. The rat bastards were different mate because they cost our club millions because of their greed.Was livid then and still livid now. Im not upset the rats left but im upset at the way they left,they fucked us over in our hour of need.
  10. In all honesty mate ,no.Ive felt emotion when Rangers men have left this earth but not moving from the club. Life goes on. Rangers go on.
  11. No-one. Players come and go. Ive never really been one for hero worshiping players,it's all about Rangers for me.
  12. Fucking rats. I will never forgive or forget what these greedy bastards did. Stay away from Ibrox you pieces of filth.
  13. It's pretty obvious you don't know any of these guys or you would never have made such ridiculous comments.
  14. Agree with you 100%.Being from the east end,i used to walk to the piggery and watch the hearts when the Rangers weren't playing. Good old sash bash it used to be in the old Rangers end. Rangers are the only team for me but enjoyed seeing anycunt get intae the taigs. Plenty of Rangers supporting loyalists from Haghill/Dennistoun did the same. But after their treatment of us(which i still find it difficult to comprehend)they can go and fuck themselves. Hope they die,the horrible wee club.
  15. Just gloss over the fact that he and the other board members told David Murray not to sell to Whyte.
  16. I've said from the beginning of all this shit that i believed tbk's were conned and that they were never going to be allowed to get the club. I look forward to being proved right.
  17. Nae luck spivs. Greedy and incompetent.
  18. The pricks would get a warm reception is they showed their faces in Dennistoun now.
  19. Do they still have the paedo on their books? Horrible little club.
  20. Not that good a hurdler.My (late) uncle Arthur (the guy who taught me follow follow as a child) knocked him down at the roundabout at Edmiston drive. Thankfully no serious damage done.
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