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Everything posted by UKIP BEAR

  1. The difference is mate that if the players had tupe'd over they could then have been sold,earning the club money.Your not comparing like with like with manager and players.
  2. I'd love to join in the chat but i've got to go. I've got my loyalist sectarian dance class at 9.
  3. The very fact that galloway is complainiing about us makes me feel that we must be doing something right.
  4. So im distorting history then?I was there. The fans were calling for change in the boardroom and the removal of Jock Wallace. And it was change we got. And that change was Graeme Souness.
  5. If it wasn't for the "car park brigade" as you call them,there would have been no Souness,no Smith,no nine in a row,no uefa cup final,no Gazza,no Laudrup,and so on and so on.It was Bears standing outside the front doors at Ibrox and protesting week in week out that forced change in the early eighties,forcing the old regime into change and seeing David Holmes bringing in Souness. This then brought about some of the greatest days in our history. Thank God for the car park brigade. I also think your last post is really disrespectful to Mr.Struth's memory.
  6. Wish to fuck people would stop saying"Bill Struth will be turning in his grave" as if they knew the man and what his thoughts would be on the current situation.Nobody knows and nobody ever will.
  7. You know what goat,i agree with you on most things you post mate but if you think that was a small minority chanting "sack the board" yesterday then i'd advice you to make an appointment with the doctor when they open on Tuesday and get your hearing checked.Either that or you were wearing a pair of they big fucking stupid headphones listening to your wham's greatest hits collection.lol.
  8. Only problem wae that is that according to you last night most in Ibrox were "tarriers". ;-)
  9. Well done today Bears. Seemed to me that the vast majority in the stadium want the board gone. "You greedy bastards get out of our club". RTID.
  10. Ive been one of the posters calling for Blacks head on a plate. I still don't think he should be at our club after betting against us. That said,Black put in a terrific performance today so credit to him for that.
  11. Not true.Ally is an employee. His wages are plenty to do with the shareholders.
  12. Serves McCoist right for messing the other boy about. The way Rangers have dealt with this CH situation has been shabby. Not the Rangers way!
  13. Don't have a problem with murray wanting to know who owns our club,i'd like to know too.
  14. Only Rangers could turn Europe's best CH into Europe's worst RB.(BASIL BOLI).
  15. Too friendly with RC churchmen and not a funny "comedian".
  16. Sorry guys double posted-it's far too early.
  17. He meant that they knew what each other were.And as a fellow pro he knew that grant wanted his team to win as much as he did his. But Di Canio-typical italian-all mouth. That disnae mean fergie had any respect for the paedo boy's club.
  18. He meant that they knew what each other were.And as a fellow pro he knew that grant wanted his team to win as much as he did his. But Di Canio-typical italian-all mouth. That disnae mean fergie had any respect for the paedo boy's club.
  19. Fergie once told me that Di Canio was the Celtic player he had least respect for. He said that he had respect for Grant but not the shitebag who failed to appear in the players lounge after threatening to break fergies leg.
  20. Ok,let me rephrase,it's a disgrace DJ didn't make the greatest Rangers 11 ahead of Hateley.As big DJ would say "it's all about opinions".
  21. Can't wait for this AGM. These cunts have made a monumental bloomer here. We all have different views on here, but ffs, you can't ban fans for having an opinion. Sack the board.
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