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Everything posted by UKIP BEAR

  1. He doesn't deserve that famous blue jersey,so you get a grip.
  2. A reptile like Ian Black doesn't deserve to be part of the Rangers "family". He should be sacked.
  3. Kevin twaddle might be a prick or he might not be. But i'll say this,he's right in what he said. The punishment handed out to Black is a joke. Rangers should now take the bull by the horns and sack him. Some people on here seem to think that if you happen to get lucky enough to sign for Rangers then you can do no wrong. The name above the main door at Ibrox reads Rangers FC,not Ian Black fc or any other player you care to mention.
  4. How can any international team represent "the nation"as you say.You don't even need a blood line now to play for an international side. Hope they lose every game,they have a shitey FA,a shitey stadium and shitey bunch of idiotic republicans who follow them. They're all welcome to each other.
  5. You've just moved back from London so you probably have no idea about half the shit we went through.Fuck the SFA and their football team.
  6. It's the team that represents the Scottish Football Association who tried to kill us.
  7. I also wish him well and i hope that he gets alot more caps.I also hope he loses every single fucking game,FUCK THE SFA and the international football team who represent them.
  8. But the club doesn't benefit then,the shares are only changing hands from one investor to another.The club makes zilch.
  9. If i buy 2million pounds worth of shares off Mr.Easedale who gets the 2 million pounds,Easedale or Rangers?
  10. Not disputing that but im willing to bet that if there is any bhoys called Aiden out there he's very unlikely to be right wing.He far more likely to be a left wing socialist/republican.
  11. Im no fan of the guy's mentioned mate but alot was spent on buying the albion/edmiston club paying new players so i feel that i along with many others have contributed to the club in a small way.But i know where your coming from.
  12. I was there too mate,only 10 at the time mind you.But it was definately 5-0. Think i remember JG out at half time doing some ball juggling skills.
  13. He's certainly put money up mate but unfortunately none of it has benefited Rangers.He bought shares from other investors at a knock down price benefitting only him. At least the people who invested in the share offering (whether it was only £500 like me)actually gave money directly to the club.
  14. Keevins is a journalist,so he knew exactly the stir it would create when he referred to the paedo boy's as scotland's most successful club. He knows it isn't true,so do we and so do the paedo's.
  15. Agreed,best way to hurt Raith is not to play them.
  16. Im that unimportant that you keep wanting to comment on me.After you declaring me a right wing racist one week and then a bhoy called Aiden the following week i refuse to take you seriously. You're a pathetic wee joke of a man who likes to think he's so clever,but i know your type,a wee smart arse hiding behind a keyboard but a total shitebag who was bullied at school.
  17. Don't know how many of you bears out there will remember seeing what i consider to be Coop's greatest game in a Rangers jersey. The1981 scottish cup final replay which Rangers won 4-1 against Dundee Utd. I was only a 14 year old schoolboy back then but i will never forget that night at hampden for as long as i live. Davie absoloutely terrorised utd that night with a footballing display i've never seen the likes of since. RIP DAVIE COOPER.
  18. I firmly believe that the way to end all discrimination is for people to mix together.That may be through football or ending the RC school system where children are told they are different at 5 years old. Ethnic minorities are not helping themselves or society by excluding themselves and only living within their own communities. This football tournament is a prime example of this. (Although i hope we've got someone there looking for any talented boys).
  19. Why is there an Asian football tournament? Why can't all races play in the same tournament? Think i'll start a white only football league,oh that's right,that would be racist.
  20. Now im a bhoy and called aiden,funny that,last week you had me as a right wing racist.FFS make your mind up!
  21. this is the last im going to say on this mate,look around the world at the most successful football clubs and tell me one who doesn't have a critical support.The best clubs are successful because their fans do not accept second best. Any group of fans who accept winning one game in 3 are not following the most succesful teams. You only need to listen to walter smith or any succesful manager and they will tell you that fear of failure drives them on. So another way of looking at it is that we are winners because we do not accept shite on the pitch and if they are we soon let them know about it. Id rather do that than do as you say and just don't turn up. And tbh i don't believe that in all the times you've watched Rangers you've never given a player some stick,we all have ffs.
  22. You really are one stupid prick.Are you sure that you're not a taig?
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