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Everything posted by scottyc06

  1. Worst ever performance in the CL group stages ever.. and they genuinely can’t complain about holding that title. An absolute embarrassment. They should genuinely be fucking ashamed of themselves.
  2. Right after not giving it, after the ball went out, he immediately started walking towards the VAR screen (whilst holding his earpiece waiting to be told to go over). He knew full well it was a penalty.
  3. Nah you’re spot on mate, Lowry has that kind of passive attitude as well which should be taken out of him by a decent first team coach. No brainer but when it comes to progressing him vs Tillman though. When you take into consideration that Tillman doesn’t offer much more than Lowry.
  4. Looked quality mate. Was consistently dropping deep to pick the ball up and drive forward looking for passes. That cunt Gio defo took him out cos it didn’t fit the horseshoe way of life!!
  5. Tillman has quality, you seen it when he picked the ball up on the edge of the box and beat two before holding on to it too long to get his shot away.. which will happen. Problem is, he’s not in poaition to do that often enough. Genuinely think Colak tracks back with more intensity than him. Lawrence is miles ahead of him. Agree on Lowry, has a lot to learn but for me doesn’t offer any less than Tillman. One we can generate profit from, the other goes back to his parent club.
  6. There only being one team out with the tarriers beating us in 2 & a half years is absolutely irrelevant when we’ve slipped up 3 times in 11 games and are sitting 4 points behind.
  7. Think you’re talking shite here.. Aribo got singled out after the tarrier game due to having a shocker but overall he never took too much criticism that season! He created and scored enough. Genuinely don’t know how you can look at Tillmans performances, as a whole and not just based on one game, and come to any other conclusion than that he is a lazy footballer.
  8. Someone who demanded effort and adopted fitness as part of their training regime?
  9. I was joking mate! Mainly cos he is a lazy bastard, and has been since he got here 👀
  10. The “Who would you bring in” or “it’s the players that have chucked it” camp want to tell me that Walter couldn’t get a tune out of this group of players?!
  11. Fuck up.. absolute cult hero! Not on Sasa’s level but no far off it! Certainly since he left 🤣
  12. You mean cos he’s always a lazy bastard so tonight wasn’t out of the ordinary?
  13. Nut, you’re a fucking parody now!
  14. Nah you’re at it.. he doesn’t need to play better, his control and passing show he is a player, it’s 100% his application that lets him down! He’s a lazy bastard that puts fuck all in unless the ball is at his feet. He’s Windass without the pace.. and that’s saying something as Windass wasn’t fast.
  15. Don’t leave me hanging like this… what is the last word from you?
  16. No it won’t 🤣 The board doesn’t move until it’s double figures at least.
  17. Looking forward to the replies quoting McCrorie, Yilmaz, McCann, Lowry, Matondo & Sakala in the starting line ups.
  18. Tillman makes Windass look like an athlete
  19. Without sounding like I’m using this as another stick to beat Gio with, it’s part of our set up. Both fullbacks go forward a lot less under Gio than they did previously. Under Gerrard I would expect both of them to be up there every game but now there’s much more emphasis on the wide men to do that job going forward than the full backs.
  20. He’s full of shite these days tbh.. but he’s probably right about you!
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