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Corky True Legend

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Everything posted by Corky True Legend

  1. Aye, but they're a protected species under the Scottish Nazi Party. You wouldn't want to upset that fine upstanding MP, Brendan O'Hara, would you?
  2. As the SFA own the fixture list, there is no way we can negotiate our own deals.
  3. In your opinion. I have seen nothing of note; mind you I do not watch it regularly. As many loose passes and punts up the park as we had under Ally!
  4. I only watch Scottish matches on Sky. I have caught the BBC's coverage of the English Championship and, to be honest, have not been overly impressed by the standard, yet they are getting transfer fees we can only dream of. Even the EPL, apart from the top half dozen or so clubs leaves a lot to be desired.
  5. Sorry to disagree with you as we are usually on the same plane but it is generally accepted in sport that, the better the opposition, the better you become. If we are playing against dross every week, it becomes harder to raise our game sufficiently in Euro competitions to make any impact. If, however, we are being stretched every week, it would be easier to progress in Europe as the gulf between our opposition would not be as great.
  6. You could say that it is the worst one-sided deal that we have seen, but someone else has already used that line, allegedly.
  7. Because of the STV principle, you vote for each candidate in your order of preference. You do not need to vote for EVERY candidate so, as long as you don't vote SNP or Green, you have a good chance of getting someone else in. For example, in this area the Lib/Dems have the best chance so, although I do not agree with their philosophy, they will get my vote"1", probably Labour for vote "2" and Conservatives for Vote "3". If there is no other unionist party, I will not cast any further votes.
  8. I note that BP9 has not been on with his usual pitchforks pish. Maybe he has seen the light - or maybe he is just out leafleting houses for the SNP. Remember, Bears, come May, vote for any party but the SNP.
  9. The only placeman I would possibly wish to stay is Pedro. I know he has yet to prove himself but, so far, I like the cut of his jib.
  10. In these days it was not uncommon for top grade players to be part-time. Bert McCann of Motherwell (teacher) and Jim Craig of Celtic (dentist) spring readily to mind. I am sure there were others that the "geeks" on RM will be able to mention .
  11. Mine too, although I remember the one before with the 3 button collar. Still think this one is the best.
  12. Here we go again. If you are not up King's arse you must support Ashley. What a load of shite. I sincerely hope that a deal can be struck as the only loser at present is Rangers FC. I think Ashley is a cunt but I also think King is a cunt. I also note that he said that he had no input as to the appointment of the new manager so, if Pedro does manage to turn things around, don't come on here praising King for the appointment. Finally, to my mind this puts to bed any allegations that he has an affinity with Liverpool as, if he had, The Sun is the last rag he would have spoken to. After this, I don't think he will be able to show his face at Anfield.
  13. I thought I would feel smug when this happened as I knew it would. Instead I feel really sorry for those Bears who were taken in by the bullshit and have lost money because of this. I am especially sorry for those who have lost their voice due to having "donated" their shares to RF and have seen them appropriated by Club 1872. Esky, did you not have some scheme about 3 years ago (pre RF) which you wanted to put to the board at that time to give the fans a voice? Would it still be a way to go (if the current board will entertain such a scheme)?
  14. Many thanks for the explanation. Sorry I have been so long getting back to you but I am just home after a long drive.
  15. Serious questions. Is there any way that the membership of Club 1872 can vote to allow the CIC to cease to be a CIC? I honestly don;t know if this can be done or not. Alternatively, if they break CIC rules, what action can the regulator take?
  16. If you look at what Londonderry_Bear posted, it is a chief scout. This is the big problem; everyone has their own ideas as to what the duties of a director of football are. Until the board are transparent (no laughing at the back) as to their interpretation of his role, we cannot decide whether we are for/against such an appointment. My personal opinion s that they just want another whipping boy to protect themselves.
  17. In other words, a Chief Scout. Why not just call him that and get away with a lower wage?
  18. That is a recipe for disaster. So the Director of Football buys in 3 new players who don't fit the coach's style of play so he doesn't pick them. 3 wasted wages.
  19. Second place means 1 less qualifier in the EL. However, agree about the SC - silverware for us and fucks up their treble -again.
  20. Thank fuck. CH, CG and MD have more class than that apology for a human being. I would rather have TLB than that cretin. The only way I would have him would be if he paid for any transfers. After all, he has more money than our board.
  21. It is a valid example. Levein's title is Director of Football. Do you read all the sports pages of Spanish, German, Dutch, Brazilian, Argentinian newspapers? If not, you are unable to say it does not happen just because you havn't seen or heard of it. For all you and I know, it could be a common occurence.
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