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Corky True Legend

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Everything posted by Corky True Legend

  1. Yes, I agree but I blame the intransigence of Warburton. Boyd was given the service to score poachers' goals as was McCoist. Novo was more like a better verion of Barrie. Boyd and Miller, McCoist and Hateley, Millar and Brand. Notice any pattern here? Jim Forrest was different but he had two wingers who could get their crosses past the first defender!
  2. Fuck this winter break. This type of thread is what happens when there is no fitba to look forward to.
  3. As I have said before, relace the non-performers first. We do not have the wherewithal to replace all the team. If you add Fod and Barrie (who seems to be returning to form) to Miller and Hill, you have a balance. If you are looking to replace Miller with a more prolific scorer, maybe we could get Dele Alli from Spurs.
  4. You can't build a team round young players unless you have a manager of the quality of Busby. They are, in general, not mature enough to handle the pressure. If you were talking about 11 over 30's you would have a valid point but not with 2, especially as one is at the front and one at the back.
  5. How many players are we likely to be able to get to improve the squad? Surely we must replace those who are not performing rather than those who are
  6. Not the first time this has happened for these reasons. Jim Christie from Ayr United and George McLean from St Mirren spring to mind.
  7. I used that as an example because it is recent; maybe I should have used the press reports after the SCF. CH brought his threatened court case on himself so not comperable. Anyway, as you say, RFFF cash was raised for RFC but I was under the impression that it was to pay legal fees. As regards Club 1872, when did I say cash should not be used for projects?; it is share purchase which I am against as I feel that FO would reduce us to a pub team. Ergo, it is you who is either confused or being deliberately obtuse.
  8. Show me one person on here who does not think JJ's recent blog about Gough was not defamatory. Club 1872 have more money than the RFFF; why not use it to build the stand?
  9. Use it to take action against anyone defaming our support. It doesn;t matter whether or not you know who donated. It is a fighting fund, not a projects fund.
  10. Use Club 1872 money for that. Use the Fighting Fund to FIGHT. That is the reason people donated. I notice it tends to be Club 1872 supporters who want to misuse the money. No wonder some don't trust this organisation.
  11. When there are regular threads about bloggers such as JJ making scurrilous allegations against us, why the fuck are we still talking about using a FIGHTING Fund to pay for a fucking stand? And what will it be called? The Craig Houston Memorial Stand? Get this idea to fuck and get some our haters in court, NOW.
  12. Happy and prosperous 2017 to all Bears and Bearettes throughout the world.
  13. He won't be sold until we can get £20M for him; then DK will pocket it to regain his alleged loss and ride off into the sunset.
  14. Also put to bed the idea that he doesn't have the nerve for big/physical games. Our best player today closely followed by Fod, Miller and Hill. I also thought that Wilson was a lot better than previous.
  15. What about Fod? How many times has he saved our faces this season? As for Tav; if you think he is good enough you must be watchimg a different player from me.
  16. Maybe time to bring back Ally and his arse to Murray Park.
  17. Watched some of the "attempts" again and noticed the problem. Players leaning back instead of forward over the ball. Only one result from that - ballooned over the bar. Like every golfer knows, keep the head down and eye on the ball. The same applies in football.
  18. Think Admin will have to keep an eye on this one. Edit : not Creampuff. The cunt he was replying to.
  19. Just hope that there are none of these taig-like smoke bombs or flares. A disgrace to Rangers.
  20. No-one's forcing them to "pay over the odds". If they don't like it, don;t pay. Simples!
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