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Westwood Bear

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Everything posted by Westwood Bear

  1. It's wrong to make Hep C out to be a huge issue now, regardless who has it. Advancements in Heo C treatment have been phenomenal, with treatment (one or 2 daily tablets) completed in 12 weeks. This would not stop someone training or playing.
  2. Not created a lot of chances but there seems to be a bit of determination thats not been seen for a while. Keep it up second half and exploit the gaps when they push forward.
  3. If we are very lucky 15000 ST will renew, if we are in this league again. The money ring fenced for players, staff and infrastructure will be used to keep the club afloat. Another year in this league would be disaster. Get real.
  4. Surely the increase in attendance would more than pay for a new manager or to look at it another way can we afford not too?
  5. I dread to think what the crowds will be next season if we don't get up. How does the club absorb the associated losses whilst finding money to rebuild. I'm not sure if I will renew again.
  6. Go every home game, season ticket holder for many years. Definition of support, cheer, clap and do not vocally criticise regardless what pish we're watching?
  7. They'll probably be 20,000 or so of us there. That's 20,000 they don't deserve.
  8. I'm assuming DK has a fairly good business head. As such he must realise there are 7 games to go plus play offs. Get a new manager who can display some passion and fight and we will get close to a full house each game. That's a shit load of income we are not getting now. Consider what will happen to crowds if we don't get up, regardless if we appoint a new manager in the summer or not. Not to appoint a new manager now would be madness.
  9. Our first job as supporters of 'the new board' should be to make it clear we will not accept the pish on the park any longer. I seriously despise this team, robbing bastards.
  10. What a fuckin prick McD happy with a point!Your a fuckin dud, piss off now
  11. Your right - so what's that 3 games and we're already making him regress?
  12. Why would you give Boyd the captaincy. He's hardly shown leadership or commitment. Sad.
  13. I attended many games with my grandad before he passed away. He was a true blue in every sense of the word. He was born and raised in Hutcheson Town (he never once called it the Gorbals). He told me stories of hundred of young men, just like him, meeting at Bridgeton Cross every other Saturday to walk to Ibrox on mass. This was his Billy Boys. A prouder law abiding man you would not meet. All this talk of slashing gangs is a slander to our forefathers who were proud to call themselves Billy Boys. Seriously guys get a fucking grip. Who needs enemy's?
  14. Ok, thinking outside the box here but why not ditch the music and allow us to sing the real anthems? Am I the only on that feels a bit silly singing Penny Arcade, teams must shit theirself when we clap along to it?
  15. Smash and grab my arse. Every team knows how to play against us. We are easy to beat so teams only need to pick us off. Is it coincidence our last 3 straight defeats all involved 2 goals against? Don't let this shower make you lower your standards as a bear.
  16. How can we loose 2 goals at the back against a shit Hibs team if we are only shit up front. It's this what we have become?
  17. I saw fans clap our team off the park tonight. That's the ultimate embarrassment after a defeat at home to a shit Hibs team. Is this what we have become, happy clapping pish.
  18. FFS the Boo police are out again. I will happily boo this shower of shit on to the park never mind off it. They have treated us like mugs over the past 3 years. THEY ARE NOT OUR PLAYERS.
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