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Posts posted by bassettger

  1. Leon King is average at best. Thats what we have learned from having to play him. I remember Derek Johnstone being played at 16 and Kenny Dalglish making his mark at 16 against Rangers at Ibrox. They were both clearly going to be great players. Leon will probably do well at a bottom half EPL club or an English championship side but he won't be playing for any of the big clubs like Man City, Liverpool, Real Madrid etc. He is not good enough. Leon would do well to knuckle down and concentrate on improving his game at Rangers.

  2. Gio is a busted flush. Accepted the poor recruitment and even endorsed it saying he was happy with the squad. Supported resigning McGregor, Davis and Arfield. Introduced defensive tactics even against weak SPL teams. Has delivered an unfit squad this season which suggests he has zero respect within his support staff who should be shown the door for producing that level of fitness. Does not have the squad giving 100% in any game. They clearly don't fear him. Wrong answer. Gio is probably a very pleasant person (never met him) but he is not going to make it as Rangers manager. We need a change. We need a manager who is going to put the fear of God into the staff and players around him and bomb out the slackers.

  3. Gio is a busted flush. Accepted the poor recruitment and even endorsed it saying he was happy with the squad. Supported resigning McGregor, Davis and Arfield. Introduced defensive tactics even against weak SPL teams. Has delivered an unfit squad this season which suggests he has zero respect within his support staff who should be shown the door for producing that level of fitness. Does not have the squad giving 100% in any game. They clearly don't fear him. Wrong answer. Gio is probably a very pleasant person (never met him) but he is not going to make it as Rangers manager. We need a change. We need a manager who is going to put the fear of God into the staff and players around him and bomb out the slackers.

  4. 3 minutes ago, BlueKnight87 said:

    If we want change more demonstrations are going to need to happen. 

    I agree that Wilson and Robertson need to go along with Gio who is equally clueless. Demonstrations won't do it fans will need to stop going sorry to say. Might happen as we have a poor manager, crap director of football, weak board and unbalanced squad of demotivated players.  Dont think we will trouble the trophy engravers this season.

  5. The major problem with this team is midfield. Until we sort that area out defence and forwards will struggle against decent teams. Agree Kent has not shown enough effort though and is overrated but he might look better with better players supporting him but he clearly is not good enough to be the difference between success and failure. Looking at midfield Lundstrum good player but no pace so needs the right partners, Jack not fit enough and has lost pace, Kamara good when he has passing options, Airfield + Davis cannot last 90 mins, Tillman not settled and has a lot to learn almost like a player stepping up from u21s just like McCann and Lowry.  Going into this season with that midfield should get Wilson and Gio their P45s. 


  6. There is a chance we might get lucky and he will move on. He can't simply lay all of our issues at Gios door(who he appointed) and I would be surprised if he isn't looking around to see what is available. Directors who are poor at their job tend to move around a lot a bit like he has -  Watford 1 year, Huddersfield 3 years and Southampton 4 years with the 7 years he spent at Falkirk his longest stay. Why would you leave Southampton in the EPL with all the money available to a DOF ? Suspect he felt his time was up. He is absolutely useless at key elements of the job.



  7. That England team are boring with a lack of fight and drive. Too many highly payed average players. I could name check half of that team as total wasters. World Cup no chance. First decent team they meet they will be out. Add to that that politically correct muppet of a manager and it will be all change in 2023 after they deliver the square root of 0.






  8. 6 hours ago, gj923 said:

    Player trading is simply not the amount that has been reported on transfer fees. In extending contracts of Davis, Arfield, McGregor and Goldson we have probably spent a few million on signing bonuses and agents fees. Lawrence whilst on a free has probably got a 7 figure signing bonus. Also whilst we have finally sold some players for decent money I am struggling to think where the next significant transfer fees are going to come from.

    Thats what happens when you buy poorly as Ross Wilson has done and allow Kent and Morelos to run down their contracts. We might get decent fees for Barisic and I think Lowry will make it. Also if Colak continues to score and he can contribute for Croatia he will attract attention. I don't buy John Bennetts youtube talk. If we have spent as much on infrastructure £23 M as players (although I don't think we have spent anything like that on players) that board should be taken to task along with Stewart Robertson. Wrong way round should be much more on players. The numbers just don't add up. I await the published accounts.

  9. 6 minutes ago, D'Artagnan said:

    Something of a concern, and perhaps symptomatic of a wider problem, that a director wishes to address fans concerns over a lack of communication & the over comercialisation of the club, does so via the platform of a subscription only service.

    Sums this board up. Failed to invest properly, screwing every last penny from the fan base. We need fresh blood at board level. This current lot, while they did rescue the club, are a busted flush I am sorry to say. They do not have the resources required to take Rangers to the next level.

  10. Key question is have the directors been taking money out of the club to, for example, repay loans rather than converting them to shares. Totally unacceptable and not in accord with the buisness model. If this is the case the chairman needs to go. Regarding player trading we have spent £11M and accrued £38M potentially rising to £50M on player sales.  Thats a big gap. Lets not confuse the issue with when we receive the cash, how much we spend on non-football activities, the cash delivered from the Euro run and qualifying for the CL. Balancing the books is why we employ Stewart Robertson at a not insignificant salary plus bonus. The board have not implemented the buisness model which suggests we should have spent at least another £27M and have delivered a set of B team players for the manager. Not sure I would trust Ross Wilson to deliver A team signings but that is a different issue. Serious questions need asked about their failure to implement the buisness model.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Laudrupsleftfoot said:

    Wild claim that.

    Sands lacks pace and aggresion and based on a run of games gets caught out of position too often. Thats a low bar to jump. King needs a run of games and let's see how he manages. Think he will be an improvement.

  12. 9 minutes ago, sassaaaa said:

    Feel if he wants to stay in the job hes got to go to the board and tell them to get rid of Wilson , and say he doesnt need a DOF. Surely he has ideas regarding players of his own.

    Problem is his use of the players available to him and his tactics. Zonal marking,  Mclaughlin as goalie, Sands as centre back when we have King (young but better), new contracts for Davis, Arfield and McGregor and a midfield that lacks drive since he usually plays 2 holding players away from home. Fairly long list although Wilson should be the first to be shown the door for the number of poor signings over 3 transfer windows.

  13. 38 minutes ago, Brackley Bluenose said:

    We don’t get scudded 3-0 tonight without the sending off in fact we don’t even get beat tonight for me before that happened. Completely altered the course of the game 

    Yes but the manager picked Sands AGAIN ! Why not King a far better player? Gio is part of the problem along with Ross Wilson who has  signed  many poor players. Hate to think what their salary is ? Gio 800K and Wilson 1.5 M to deliver this crap. Id fire both they would be no loss

  14. 1 minute ago, The Godfather said:

    Play with him in a back 4 and you are going to concede goals, he's not got the brain for it. He ALWAYS makes daft passes in and around our box that miss the man and puts us under pressure. His tacling is always all or nothing to the point he's a guaranteed yellow every game. Should have been send off in the league game a few weeks back too at home, got off with it.

    I'll be distraught if we spend money on bringing him in after this loan.

     A football director who recruits him and a manager who plays him consistently should be gone no question. He is useless and not good enough to play anywhere in a fist eleven. King is about 2 levels above him (not difficult) and should have played before that clown. Gio is a chocolate soldier on 800K along with a huge backroom staff who are doing what since apparently we have no cash ? Time to get rid of Ross Wilson, Gio and that huge set of baggage. Our club is not being run properly and are trying very hard to stock pile cash.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Big Al 55 said:

    Disagree, what did he get wrong?

    Sands first booking…correct.


    Sands sending off…correct

    Retake…now explained

    Second penalty…correct

    Only real decisions I had an issue with was free kick for Lundstrum tackle and Morelos booking.

    Agree thought the ref was ok. I think he was also the ref when we played Rapid Vienna and got through with a last minute Morelos goal. He was pretty fair that game as well. Not the reason we lost. Could be more to do with the lack of ability including a very average Sands.

  16. 1 minute ago, hawkfalcons said:

    Red card turned game 

    But to be honest it was a second yellow. Sands is a good Motherwell or St Johnstone player but Rangers your having a laugh. Any manager who puts a squad player in a key position 3 losing games in a row should be fired along with the fuckwit who signed Sands. Gio needs to go back to China and take Ross Wilson with him. This season is a busted flush. 

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