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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. Missed the start .was busy working . Nowt better than tarriers greetin
  2. SSB is quality tonight .there's a tarrierorists on just now almost in tears greeting about Norwich outbidding
  3. Me too .just need a back up centre half .every other area has plenty options Just re read my post and looked like I wanted an improvement.Im more than happy with our Centre back pair .
  4. I feel it too .it would be good if we could get 1 or 2 more first 11 in the team .Saying that if Oyi turns out decent and we get Kent back and keep Morelos we have a good enough first 11 with good cover all over the pitch except centre back . The collapse at the knew camp is happening before our eyes and it's a joy to watch .
  5. They are just like the teenager who reveals a love interest only to find out somebody has made a more successful play . Didnae want to shag her anyway They are definitely slipping up over at the knew camp
  6. Even withdrawing the bid they made an arse of it . They will have known Norwich were also in for him too and rather than just let them be outbid they come out with the attempt at moral high ground .
  7. Will depend on us winning a couple of titles .If we manage to win this season and the next .retirement will be a nice easy option . Or if Fritzel gets fed up and sells his stake .there's no doubt he's Fritzels man
  8. Got a funny feeling he will be gone before this finally gets put to bed .so he won't need a new bogeyman
  9. That first game was unreal for Kuznetsov .Absolutely strolled the game .Think there was 2 instances the St Mirren attack was 2 against 1 on him and he never broke sweat to take the ball off them and made them look stupid . I also remember the friendly game against Kiev . remember saying to my mate that he did ok during the game but wished we had maybe signed the guy playing on the wing instead as he was awesome . Then a while later we did .Big Miko
  10. Maybe I used wrong words .I kind of meant what you have said too . Lieswell seems to use this licence non story every now and again .Looks like something he created to get the fans behind him but because it's a non starter he needs to be seen to be doing something about it .It's also a nice deflection story to bring up when needed . But it does need killed stone dead though .I actually thought it was after its last airing
  11. I haven't read all the thread so don't know if it's already been mentioned As you say there was no tax liability at the time as there was a dispute over it .Also I'm pretty sure when this issue first came up it was revealed the SFA knew the situation .we all did as the small tax case was public knowledge for some time as this was the reason Whyte claimed took so long over his takeover to go through .If anybody should be punished ,which they shouldn't anyway it should be the SFA not us . For me this is just another case of money in the game being wasted at the request of Lieswell in order to to keep the hordes off his back at his own club .
  12. Daniel Prodan.what a player he was .it wasn't just me that never saw him play for us though
  13. At this present time almost every set of fans in this country hate us .Even fans from clubs that are traditionally unionist and had a soft spot for us like Hearts and Falkirk despise us now . Media and SFA attacks on things like EBTs and Boozegate (where there were a lot more than 2 Rangers players involved ) have ramped up the hate on us . Fuck them all anyway .
  14. Paying 3m for him which is probably a fair price . There are bound to be plenty other teams willing to pay that and will give a salary matching the level of a 3m pound player .10k minimum . From what I heard Hastie knocked back our offer because his agent was convinced he could get better elsewhere but never materialised
  15. Maybe he left something in his flat that needs picked up 😁
  16. Those games suited him .a bit more space plus he was not scared of them . In fact he tightens the life out of them and he thrives on it
  17. Ryan Kent . When signed and after his first few games it was a case of who the fucks this guy . After a few months he just got better n better n better
  18. Given the other players signed around that time and the fees paid he was definitely not an exciting signing at the time
  19. Nobody told me to stop supporting Scotland .It took me a good while to bring the subject up with other bears.Was quite surprised that they felt the same way as I did and for the same reason .Although one of them has started going to Scotland games again .But that could be because he had moved to Inverness about 10 years ago and is out the loop a bit
  20. It was 2008 that scunnered me with the refused extension to the season not only from the associations but the pure hatred that oozed from no mark footballers and fans of other clubs about being adamant that the season shouldn't be extended . I went off Scotland almost overnight.been in boozers a few times watching Scotland games and had a good chuckle at the Scotland fans disappointment getting pumped or losing late goals
  21. I think supporting a team and wanting another team to do well are 2 separate things
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