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Everything posted by edranger

  1. Can't stand the man,but that's one of the hell of a good Article.
  2. Still think McGregor's got something wrong with his back
  3. Is that the Kille fans singing WHY DON'T YOU GO HOME
  4. When Glasgow Rangers fans sang the lyrics 'from Ireland they came, brought us nothing but trouble and shame' at an Old Firm derby, they never thought it would cause so much trouble. But the song, which goes on 'well the Famine is over, why don't they go home?' angered one fan so much he put in a complaint that led Irish diplomats to raise the concerns with the Scottish government. Now anti-censorship campaigners have stepped into the row, claiming this weekend that any attempt to curb the fans from singing the lyrics would be a 'dangerous' assault on freedom of speech. It is the Rangers fans' right, they say, to insult the Irish over the Great Famine if they choose. Index on Censorship's Irish-born spokesperson, Padraig Reidy, said he was concerned about the state intervening. 'Considering we all know that there have been nasty, offensive songs at Old Firm games for years, making it into a national issue seems absurd and dangerous. It's trying to set a legal limit on speech that isn't incitement to violence. Rangers and Celtic have an agreement between themselves to sing what they want,' he said. Reidy said that, while the song about the Famine is undoubtedly offensive, behaviour should be controlled by the two clubs rather than the state. 'It's different to anti-discrimination laws, which are a very good thing, but seeking to outlaw any kind of insulting or offensive speech/songs does become very problematic, because someone will always take offence,' he added. A complaint was made after Rangers' victory over Celtic last month. Irish diplomats raised concerns with the Scottish government over chanting by a section of the Rangers support at the Old Firm match. Rangers FC said it has asked its fans to refrain from singing the song. The controversial song refers to the Irish famine that killed an estimated one million people in the 1840s. Tens of thousands of Irish people emigrated to Scotland's central belt to find work. Four decades later these emigrants and their descendants helped to create Glasgow Celtic in 1888. Rangers Football Club has approached Strathclyde Police for guidance, a spokesman for the club said, adding fans had been actively discouraged from singing the song at games. A spokesman for the Scottish Executive said the government in Edinburgh was working with both Glasgow clubs to lower sectarian tensions. Meanwhile Northern Ireland's Sports Minister has rejected an invitation to Celtic Park. Democratic Unionist MP Gregory Campbell had been invited to a Celtic home game by the club's chairman and former Northern Ireland Secretary Dr John Reid after Campbell and his wife were subjected to sectarian abuse by Celtic fans on a ferry between Scotland and Northern Ireland. Campbell wrote to Dr Reid last week calling for Celtic to take more robust action against fans who sing pro-IRA songs at away games. Henry McDonald, Ireland editor The Observer, Sunday September 21 2008 [ Sorry for repost]
  5. Oleg is there any chance of summarising the response so far into one thread. Hell of a job you have done. keep up the good work
  6. Rangers have announced as a mark of respect to the Celtic fans, the Irish government and the Irish people... they will not be selling crisps at the next home game!
  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/...--Football.html
  8. http://www.guardian.co.ok/sport/blog/2008/.../celtic.rangers
  9. edranger


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