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North Antrim Bear

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Everything posted by North Antrim Bear

  1. McInnes? He's achieved nothing and taken Aberdeen backwards since last season.
  2. I find the magic hat patter cringey, but fuck me what a manager we have. Fully expect us to win the league next year convincingly.
  3. You seem like a guy with a great sense of humour.
  4. I'm at the pub, too. They might as well call me 'North Antrim BEER', am I right, guys?!
  5. Very poor. Aberdeen should have won the league. Just lack squad depth and experience/consistency.
  6. Globalisation means the best minds have long departed.
  7. Danny Boyle has managed to divide the support in this thread. Perhaps it was his cunning plan all along...
  8. Once led the way in thinking and is now a land of neds, alcoholics and junkies.
  9. You are mixing up Presbyterianism and Protestantism. There is nothing Presbyterian about the Queen.
  10. Well when you've got people thinking Britain is a Presbyterian nation, no wonder some idiots also think Rangers were founded as a Presbyterian club.
  11. Undeniably, despite what the PC wankers will say.
  12. Eh? Britain a Presbyterian nation? What are you on about?
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