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Negri's lovechild

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Everything posted by Negri's lovechild

  1. They've been weakened in defence, so we've a really good chance today to put some pressure on them and their manager, so by that token even though we're still finding our groove, 0-0 would be a bad result.
  2. Working today, so will be relying on the radio / stream. We need to be into them from the start, don't give them any time or space to settle and get into their game. Attack them with pace, i think Matondo, Sima and either Dessers or Roofe will be the front 3, so they best have their shooting boots on today. I think it'll be a bit of a battle today, but 2-0 to us!
  3. Betis will be tough, particularly away, but we should be qualifying from this group.
  4. Some character was wee Jose. Don't seem to be many characters in the Scottish game at the moment.
  5. Agreed that they're a good team. But if we can't get out of any of the groups being seeded in pot 1, we shouldn't be in the competition.
  6. Nothing to fear there if we are in pot one.
  7. Aren't the Lazio fans completely mental? 🤣
  8. I think centrally and left back we need a refresh. RB Tav is still contributing goals-wise, but is obviously part of the issue. I'd love to see us go a little bit flatter at the back whether it's as a 3 or a back 4, and let the mkdfield and forwards do their job rather than our forward play be dictated to by the fullbacks. May also offer more protection centrally.
  9. I do think there is a player there in Danilo, but we're utilising him in completely the wrong way. Dessers looks like he's a grafter and will contribute too, but he isnt a lone striker. Definitely think both would play better with a different system.
  10. I don't think that should have been the case though. We appeared rattled after that. We should have regrouped, shut up shop for 5 minutes and gone again.
  11. Absolutely. It's ruthless. As you say, as an ex player Gio had a lot of goodwill. He won us a cup, got us to a major European final, and that still wasnt enough to save him
  12. I don't mean wholesale changes, i mean in the moment decisions like swapping yourself for that player if he's struggling, or telling someone to double up.
  13. I have to disagree with you there. The senior players will and should make small changes while the game is in flow. If they can see a team mate struggling and they can see a better option, then use it rather than just going along with it because the coach who is on the sidelines fucked it.
  14. Biggest question games like last night throw up is that of mentality, and do we have a toughness? We crumbled after their third goal went in, which indicates that there is still a fragility there, particularly defensively. I hope we go for it on Sunday, but i do worry if we concede first.
  15. We have to. There has to be a reaction after last nights game, and players need to show they are up for the fight playing here. Beale needs to just go for it with the set up.
  16. Seemed a really sensible signing at the time, and he was moderately successful too in comparison to other managers.
  17. I have wildly conflicting feelings about Beale, probably because i want every Rangers manager to be a success. He's meant to be an excellent coach, although the players don't appear to have an understanding of systems / a clear style of play. He's talked about playing a more attacking game, i can't see that being translated onto the pitch. We seem very one dimensional and relyinf on moments of individuality, which worries me. Recruitment appears so far to be a bit hit and miss. Butland has settled immediately and looks like the number one we've needed the past two years. Cifu looks like he'll settle into becoming a good player, Raskin and Cantwell are the required standard. I think his over reliance and lack of freshening the back 4 will be our and his undoing. We don't seem to be playing to our strengths, we don't play an overtly offensive or defensive game, there appears to be no identity to us despite the promises. It's early days yet in terms of the new players but i'm absolutely flummoxed as to where we go from here.
  18. Gio had pedigree as a manager, and was less of a gamble, but the rest i agree with. Weirdly wasnt backed in the same way Beale has been.
  19. I think it was @ritchieshearercaldowearlier on that said we looked like a group of journeymen. I think that's an apt description.
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