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Everything posted by MurrayWilson

  1. Well there were people in Argentina that gave him a hard time, people will always debate who is the best ever. Suppose it is pointless really because its the here and now that counts and in the here and now he is the best there is. Without doubt.
  2. Well fair play to him, that was some performance, That's the way to shut people up and no mistake. No point to this thread now really. Still not as good as Maradona though.
  3. Don't know how you could argue that Bobby Charlton wasn't their greatest and most important player.
  4. But didn't you know football was invented same time as sky started covering it?
  5. This is without doubt the reason the English national team is so poor as well, the only argument with your theory is that maybe teams abroad don't think our players are good enough to want them.Its definitely true though that all the successful national teams, large nations and small nations, have players scattered throughout Europe.
  6. Hazrard, shaquiri, roben, ribery etc etc etc . Jesus hes embarrassing himself coming out with that for sure
  7. Oh aye, Baresi and Maldini were pish. Maradona played against some of the best defenders of all time in Serei A at that time. Who today is as good as Baresi? No one comes close.
  8. Well this is true, I remember my dad used to say that Baxter and Henderson were better than Gazza and Laudrup and I just wouldn't have it. What I would say is that the great players today have protection frmo the refs that players then never had. Would Messi have been able to play the way he does with him having to take the kickings those players did?
  9. Well I was born then and though it is true to say that there was decent players in that team outwith Maradona there is no way on gods earth that they would have got anywhere near the final, let alone win it, without him. I believe that the Argentinal teams that Messi has played with have contained better players on the whole than the one Maradona helped win the world cup. Maybe ive let my dislike of barcelona colour my opinion of Messi as a player, I don't think so though, ive admitted hes one of the greats. Just not as good as Maradona.
  10. Well I can remember Maradona and let me assure you he fuckin well was, and to my mind so was Johan cruyff, cant really say about pele cos he was before my time. But then all old cunts think the players of their youth were better than those of the present.
  11. Apparently it looks like there is a real chance that Argentina might not qualify, I reckon the competition will be poorer without him but I cant say I'm that upset about it. To me he puts on this false humility whereas in reality he is every bit as big an egotistical prick as Ronaldo who at least doesn't try to hide the fact. All the talk of him being the best ever must surely stop if he doesn't make it, after all Maradonna won the fucking thing on his tod, and that's when defenders could kick lumps out you without getting booked. Maybe I'm just bitter after his anti football dig from a few years back but I honestly feel though hes one of the greats hes not in the all time top three.
  12. They are a fair bit better than us and everyone else but you have to take into account how poor the rest of us really are. It wouldn't take a team of world beaters to dominate this league, the league is without doubt the lowest standard it has ever been. By a mile. Anyone arguing with that would just need to be reminded of the fact that no Scottish team outside celtic has survived in Europe past august in god knows how long. Our teams lose to teams from Luxembourg, Cyprus, Lithuania and all sorts. In short we are all pish. They do play some good football but there is no way they could play this style against half way decent opposition. Both the Rangers and celtic teams of 10 years ago would've seen them off fairy easily in my opinion. It doesn't alter the fact though that the are miles better than us, which of course is what we need to worry about. Much as I hate to admit they do have a good manager who gets the best out what hes got and that's where they have an advantage over us.
  13. What happened was exactly what any cunt with half a brain would've predicted. Mayweather let it go to the latter rounds so that the mugs that paid for it would think they had witnessed an actual contest. You never know, with the way he spends money he might need the mugs again. Mcgregor for his part will be delighted that hes made the money he has without getting seriously hurt, that's about as much as he could ever have expected.Thank fuck its done with to be honest and that's the last we will hear of it. Till the rematch.
  14. I will be glad when this fiasco is over and done with. Sky sports news are doing my head in with their shameless plugging of it, trying as best they can to get every last mug out there to part with their hard earned cash to watch what would be, if its not a fix, a foregone conclusion. As it gets nearer I'm thinking that Mayweather will let it go the distance, or near it, just so the mugs might fall for this sort of shite again.
  15. Plus that Agueroooo shout gets more and more bent every time you hear it. I take it that was him, apologies if not.
  16. Apart from Sutton he is the biggest tosser on tv, he holds grudges and by fuck he isn't afraid to settle them through his role as a pundit. Plus the twat reckons hes a bit of an authority on politics.
  17. Don't bet on it, its clear these cunts would do anything for money, hence the reason this is happening at all.
  18. Don't get me wrong , if people are willing to spend hard earned cash to watch this who am I to piss on their bonfire, I used to pay so the bairns could watch the royal rumble. You cant expect people to take it seriously though, and it does demean the sport of boxing.
  19. If Mcgregor wins its a fix, simple as that. A fix with another staged rematch in mind. Watching that pish took me back to a years ago when my boys were into WWE, you can just imagine chris Jericho and triple h spouting the same nonsense. The difference is everyone over the age of 11 knows that's purely theatre.
  20. Why are we even talking about this? Surely the fight all true fight fans want to see is Tyson Fury versus Big Show, may as well have that one next.
  21. Well in that case theres a bloke I know setting up syndicate for a greyhound of his that he reckons has a real chance in next years grand national at aintree, hes looking for backing from chaps such as yourself.....
  22. Taking the piss, exactly that. Watched the bloke who is the president of UFC or something on SKY sports news last night trying to convince us all that this would be a real sporting contest, it looked as though he was having a real job in stopping himself laughing and no fucking wonder.
  23. A total farce, this brings boxing down to the level of WWE. In saying that lots of people will pay to watch it and take it seriously, the sort of people who used to watch big daddy v giant haystacks and lap it up.
  24. You are spot on , it cannot be over emphasised how little regard Scottish football is held in outside this country. Abroad they will be completely unaware of Celtics "achievements" in going this season unbeaten and if they are aware they shrug their shoulders, going unbeaten in this league last season is what any half way decent team would have done against the pish they were up against. Down in England they actually laugh about them bigging themselves up over such a mediocre claim. I still find it strange how even some of their more sensible supporters can delude themselves as to how they are regarded globally.
  25. That's that right enough. Worst Man utd team to win a trophy ever, worst to watch anyway.
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